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Data-oriented Diagnostics of Pileup Effects on the Suzaku XIS

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 Added by Shin'ya Yamada
 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present the result of a systematic study of pileup phenomena seen in the X-ray Imaging Spectrometer, an X-ray CCD instrument, onboard the Suzaku observatory. Using a data set of observed sources in a wide range of brightness and spectral hardness, we characterized the pileup fraction, spectral hardening, and grade migration as a function of observed count rate in a frame per pixel. Using the pileup fraction as a measure of the degree of pileup, we found that the relative spectral hardening (the hardness ratio normalized to the intrinsic spectral hardness), branching ratio of split events, and that of detached events increase monotonically as the pileup fraction increases, despite the variety of brightness and hardness of the sample sources. We derived the pileup fraction as a function of radius used for event extraction. Upon practical considerations, we found that events outside of the radius with a pileup fraction of 1% or 3% are useful for spectral analysis. We present relevant figures, tables, and software for the convenience of users who wish to apply our method for their data reduction of piled-up sources.

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We report X-ray spectroscopic results for four giant solar flares occurred on 2005 September 7 (X17.0), 2005 September 8 (X5.4), 2005 September 9 (X6.2), and 2006 December 5 (X9.0), obtained from Earth albedo data with the X-ray imaging spectrometer (XIS) onboard Suzaku. The good energy resolution of the XIS (FWHM$sim$100 eV) enables us to separate a number of line-like features and detect the underlying continuum emission. These features include Si He$alpha$, Si Ly$alpha$, S He$alpha$, S Ly$alpha$, Ar He$alpha$, and Ca He$alpha$ originating from solar flares as well as fluorescent Ar K$alpha$ and Ar K$beta$ from the Earth atmosphere. Absolute elemental abundances (X/H) averaged over the four flares are obtained to be $sim$2.0 (Ca), $sim$0.7 (Si), $sim$0.3 (S), and $sim$0.9 (Ar) at around flare peaks. This abundance pattern is similar to those of active stars coronae showing inverse first ionization potential (i-FIP) effects, i.e., elemental abundances decrease with decreasing FIP with a turnover at the low end of FIP. The abundances are almost constant during the flares, with an exception of Si which increases by a factor of $sim$2 in the decay phase. The evolution of the Si abundance is consistent with a picture that the i-FIP plasma originates from the chromosphere evaporation and then mixes with the surrounding low-FIP biased materials. Flare-to-flare abundance varied by a factor of 2, agreeing with past observations of solar flares. Finally, we emphasize that Earth albedo data acquired by X-ray astronomy satellites like Suzaku and XRISM can significantly contribute to studies of solar physics.
A charge injection technique is applied to the X-ray CCD camera, XIS (X-ray Imaging Spectrometer) onboard Suzaku. The charge transfer inefficiency (CTI) in each CCD column (vertical transfer channel) is measured by the injection of charge packets into a transfer channel and subsequent readout. This paper reports the performances of the charge injection capability based on the ground experiments using a radiation damaged device, and in-orbit measurements of the XIS. The ground experiments show that charges are stably injected with the dispersion of 91eV in FWHM in a specific column for the charges equivalent to the X-ray energy of 5.1keV. This dispersion width is significantly smaller than that of the X-ray events of 113eV (FWHM) at approximately the same energy. The amount of charge loss during transfer in a specific column, which is measured with the charge injection capability, is consistent with that measured with the calibration source. These results indicate that the charge injection technique can accurately measure column-dependent charge losses rather than the calibration sources. The column-to-column CTI correction to the calibration source spectra significantly reduces the line widths compared to those with a column-averaged CTI correction (from 193eV to 173eV in FWHM on an average at the time of one year after the launch). In addition, this method significantly reduces the low energy tail in the line profile of the calibration source spectrum.
Improvements of in-orbit calibration of GSO scintillators in the Hard X-ray Detector on board Suzaku are reported. To resolve an apparent change of the energy scale of GSO which appeared across the launch for unknown reasons, consistent and thorough re-analyses of both pre-launch and in-orbit data have been performed. With laboratory experiments using spare hardware, the pulse height offset, corresponding to zero energy input, was found to change by ~0.5 of the full analog voltage scale, depending on the power supply. Furthermore, by carefully calculating all the light outputs of secondaries from activation lines used in the in-orbit gain determination, their energy deposits in GSO were found to be effectively lower, by several percent, than their nominal energies. Taking both these effects into account, the in-orbit data agrees with the on-ground measurements within ~5%, without employing the artificial correction introduced in the previous work (Kokubun et al. 2007). With this knowledge, we updated the data processing, the response, and the auxiliary files of GSO, and reproduced the HXD-PIN and HXD-GSO spectra of the Crab Nebula over 12-300 keV by a broken powerlaw with a break energy of ~110 keV.
Atmospheric conditions, such as the pressure (P), temperature (T) or air density ($rho propto P/T$), affect the development of extended air showers initiated by energetic cosmic rays. We study the impact of the atmospheric variations on the reconstruction of air showers with data from the arrays of surface detectors of the Pierre Auger Observatory, considering separately the one with detector spacings of 1500 m and the one with 750 m spacing. We observe modulations in the event rates that are due to the influence of the air density and pressure variations on the measured signals, from which the energy estimators are obtained. We show how the energy assignment can be corrected to account for such atmospheric effects.
369 - S. Lotti , D. Cea , C. Macculi 2014
Methods.There are no experimental data about the background experienced by microcalorimeters in the L2 orbit, and thus the particle background levels were calculated by means of Monte Carlo simulations: we considered the original design configuration and an improved configuration aimed to reduce the unrejected background, and tested them in the L2 orbit and in the low Earth orbit, comparing the results with experimental data reported by other X-ray instruments.To show the results obtainable with the improved configuration we simulated the observation of a faint, high-redshift, point source (F[0.5-10 keV]~6.4E-16 erg cm-2 s-1, z=3.7), and of a hot galaxy cluster at R200 (Sb[0.5-2 keV]=8.61E-16 erg cm-2 s-1 arcmin-2,T=6.6 keV). Results.First we confirm that implementing an active cryogenic anticoincidence reduces the particle background by an order of magnitude and brings it close to the required level.The implementation and test of several design solutions can reduce the particle background level by a further factor of 6 with respect to the original configuration.The best background level achievable in the L2 orbit with the implementation of ad-hoc passive shielding for secondary particles is similar to that measured in the more favorable LEO environment without the passive shielding, allowing us to exploit the advantages of the L2 orbit.We define a reference model for the diffuse background and collect all the available information on its variation with epoch and pointing direction.With this background level the ATHENA mission with the X-IFU instrument is able to detect ~4100 new obscured AGNs with F>6.4E-16 erg cm-2 s-1 during three years, to characterize cluster of galaxies with Sb(0.5-2 keV)>9.4E-16 erg cm-2 s-1 sr-1 on timescales of 50 ks (500 ks) with errors <40% (<12%) on metallicity,<16% (4.8%) on temperature,2.6% (0.72%) on the gas density, and several single-element abundances.
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