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Neutron diffraction, magnetization, resistivity, and heat capacity measurements on the 6H-perovskite Ba3BiRu2O9 reveal simultaneous magnetic and structural dimerization driven by strong magnetoelastic coupling. An isostructural but strongly displacive first-order transition on cooling through T*=176 K is associated with a change in the nature of direct Ru-Ru bonds within Ru2O9 face-sharing octahedra. Above T*, Ba3BiRu2O9 is an S=1 magnetic dimer system with intradimer exchange interactions J0/kB=320 K and interdimer exchange interactions J/kB=-160 K. Below T*, a spin-gapped state emerges with Deltaapprox220 K. Ab initio calculations confirm antiferromagnetic exchange within dimers, but the transition is not accompanied by long range-magnetic order.
We present high-resolution measurements of the thermal expansion and the magnetostriction of TlCuCl$_{3}$ which shows field-induced antiferromagnetic order. We find pronounced anomalies in the field and temperature dependence of different directions of the lattice signaling a large magnetoelastic coupling. The phase boundary is extremely sensitive to pressure, e.g. the transition field would change by about +/- 185$%/GPa under uniaxial pressure applied along certain directions. This drastic effect can unambiguously be traced back to changes of the intradimer coupling under uniaxial pressure. The interdimer couplings remain essentially unchanged under pressure, but strongly change when Tl is replaced by K.
Ba3Mn2O8 is a hexagonally coordinated Mn5+ S=1 spin dimer system with small uniaxial single-ion anisotropy. 135,137Ba NMR spectroscopy is used to establish the lower critical field Hc1 of distinct field-induced phases for H parallel to c,H perpendicular to c, and measure the longitudinal (Ml) and transverse (Mt) magnetizations in the vicinity of the quantum critical point (QCP). Ml_parallel (T, Hc1), Ml_perpendicular (T, Hc1) are reproduced by solving a low-energy model for a dilute gas of interacting bosons. Ml_parallel(T goes to 0, H = Hc1) (Ml_perpendicular(T goes to 0, H = Hc1)) follows the expectation for a BEC (Ising-like) QCP.
Inelastic neutron scattering was used to study a quantum S=1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg system-Bis(2-amino-5-fluoropyridinium) Tetrachlorocuprate(II). The magnetic excitation spectrum was shown to be dominated by long-lived excitations with an energy gap as 1.07(3) meV. The measured dispersion relation is consistent with a simple two-dimensional square lattice of weakly-coupled spin dimers. Comparing the data to a random phase approximation treatment of this model gives the intra-dimer and inter-dimer exchange constants J=1.45(2) meV and J=0.31(3) meV, respectively.
Electron spin resonance experiments in the quasi-1D S=1/2 antiferromagnet K$_2$CuSO$_4$Cl$_2$ reveal opening of a gap in absence of magnetic ordering, as well as an anisotropic shift of the resonance magnetic field. These features of magnetic excitation spectrum are explained by a crossover between a gapped spinon-type doublet ESR formed in a 1D antiferromagnet with uniform Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and a Larmor-type resonance of a quasi-1D Heisenberg system
We explore several classes of quadrupolar ordering in a system of antiferromagnetically coupled quantum spin-1 dimers, which are stacked in the triangular lattice geometry forming a bilayer. Low-energy properties of this model is described by an $mathcal{S}=1$ hard-core bosonic degrees of freedom defined on each dimer-bond, where the singlet and triplet states of the dimerized spins are interpreted as the vacuum and the occupancy of boson, respectively. The number of bosons per dimer and the magnetic and density fluctuations of bosons are controlled by the inter-dimer Heisenberg interactions. In a solid phase where each dimer hosts one boson and the inter-dimer interaction is weak, a conventional spin nematic phase is realized by the pair-fluctuation of bosons. Larger inter-dimer interaction favors Bose Einstein condensates (BEC) carrying quadrupolar moments. Among them, we find one exotic phase where the quadrupoles develop a spatially modulated structure on the top of a uniform BEC, interpreted in the original dimerized spin-1 model as coexistent $p$-type nematic and 120$^circ$-magnetic correlations. This may explain an intriguing nonmagnetic phase found in Ba$_{3}$ZnRu$_{2}$O$_{9}$.