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Universal Algebra and Mathematical Logic

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 Added by Zhaohua Luo
 Publication date 2011
and research's language is English
 Authors Zhaohua Luo

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In this paper, first-order logic is interpreted in the framework of universal algebra, using the clone theory developed in three previous papers. We first define the free clone T(L, C) of terms of a first order language L over a set C of parameters in a standard way. The free right algebra F(L, C) of formulas over T(L, C) is then generated by atomic formulas. Structures for L over C are represented as perfect valuations of F(L, C), and theories of L are represented as filters of F(L). Finally Godels completeness theorem and first incompleteness theorem are stated as expected.

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The deployment of autonomous systems in uncertain and dynamic environments has raised fundamental questions. Addressing these is pivotal to build fully autonomous systems and requires a systematic integration of planning and control. We first propose reactive risk signal interval temporal logic (ReRiSITL) as an extension of signal temporal logic (STL) to formulate complex spatiotemporal specifications. Unlike STL, ReRiSITL allows to consider uncontrollable propositions that may model humans as well as random environmental events such as sensor failures. Additionally, ReRiSITL allows to incorporate risk measures, such as (but not limited to) the Conditional Value-at-Risk, to measure the risk of violating certain spatial specifications. Second, we propose an algorithm to check if an ReRiSITL specification is satisfiable. For this purpose, we abstract the ReRiSITL specification into a timed signal transducer and devise a game-based approach. Third, we propose a reactive planning and control framework for dynamical control systems under ReRiSITL specifications.
103 - Olivier Finkel 2020
We prove that, for any natural number n $ge$ 1, we can find a finite alphabet $Sigma$ and a finitary language L over $Sigma$ accepted by a one-counter automaton, such that the $omega$-power L $infty$ := {w 0 w 1. .. $in$ $Sigma$ $omega$ | $forall$i $in$ $omega$ w i $in$ L} is $Pi$ 0 n-complete. We prove a similar result for the class $Sigma$ 0 n .
70 - Arnold W. Miller 1996
This is a set of 288 questions written for a Moore-style course in Mathematical Logic. I have used these (or some variation) four times in a beginning graduate course. Topics covered are: propositional logic axioms of ZFC wellorderings and equivalents of AC ordinal and cardinal arithmetic first order logic, and the compactness theorem Lowenheim-Skolem theorems Turing machines, Churchs Thesis completeness theorem and first incompleteness theorem undecidable theories second incompleteness theorem
This paper is concerned with the synthesis of strategies in network systems with active cyber deception. Active deception in a network employs decoy systems and other defenses to conduct defensive planning against the intrusion of malicious attackers who have been confirmed by sensing systems. In this setting, the defenders objective is to ensure the satisfaction of security properties specified in temporal logic formulas. We formulate the problem of deceptive planning with decoy systems and other defenses as a two-player games with asymmetrical information and Boolean payoffs in temporal logic. We use level-2 hypergame with temporal logic objectives to capture the incomplete/incorrect knowledge of the attacker about the network system as a payoff misperception. The true payoff function is private information of the defender. Then, we extend the solution concepts of $omega$-regular games to analyze the attackers rational strategy given her incomplete information. By generalizing the solution of level-2 hypergame in the normal form to extensive form, we extend the solutions of games with safe temporal logic objectives to decide whether the defender can ensure security properties to be satisfied with probability one, given any possible strategy that is perceived to be rational by the attacker. Further, we use the solution of games with co-safe (reachability) temporal logic objectives to determine whether the defender can engage the attacker, by directing the attacker to a high-fidelity honeypot. The effectiveness of the proposed synthesis methods is illustrated with synthetic network systems with honeypots.
390 - Andrei Rusu 2013
In the present paper we show that there are infinitely many classes of term functions in the free-void generated diagonalizable algebra, which are precomplete with respect to parametrical expressibility of functions.
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