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Modeling network technology deployment rates with different network models

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 Added by Yoo Chung
 Publication date 2011
and research's language is English
 Authors Yoo Chung

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To understand the factors that encourage the deployment of a new networking technology, we must be able to model how such technology gets deployed. We investigate how network structure influences deployment with a simple deployment model and different network models through computer simulations. The results indicate that a realistic model of networking technology deployment should take network structure into account.

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Multipath routing is useful for networks to achieve load sharing among multiple routing paths. Multipath BGP (MBGP) is a technique to realize inter-domain multipath routing by enabling a BGP router to install multiple equally-good routes to a destination prefix. Most of previous works did not distinguish between intra-domain and inter-domain multipath routing. In this paper, we present a measurement study on the deployment of M-BGP in a large Internet service provider (ISP) network. Our method combines control-plane BGP measurements using Looking Glasses (LG), and data-plane traceroute measurements using RIPE Atlas. We focus on Hurricane Electric (AS6939) because it is a global ISP that connects with hundreds of major exchange points and exchanges IP traffic with thousands of different networks. And more importantly, we find that this ISP has by far the largest number of M-BGP deployments among autonomous systems with LG servers. Specifically, Hurricane Electric has deployed M-BGP with 512 of its peering ASes at 58 PoPs around the world, including many top ASes and content providers. We also observe that most of its M-BGP deployments involve IXP interconnections. Our work provides insights into the latest deployment of M-BGP in a major ISP network and it highlights the characteristics and effectiveness of M-BGP as a means to realize load sharing.
The coarsest approximation of the structure of a complex network, such as the Internet, is a simple undirected unweighted graph. This approximation, however, loses too much detail. In reality, objects represented by vertices and edges in such a graph possess some non-trivial internal structure that varies across and differentiates among distinct types of links or nodes. In this work, we abstract such additional information as network annotations. We introduce a network topology modeling framework that treats annotations as an extended correlation profile of a network. Assuming we have this profile measured for a given network, we present an algorithm to rescale it in order to construct networks of varying size that still reproduce the original measured annotation profile. Using this methodology, we accurately capture the network properties essential for realistic simulations of network applications and protocols, or any other simulations involving complex network topologies, including modeling and simulation of network evolution. We apply our approach to the Autonomous System (AS) topology of the Internet annotated with business relationships between ASs. This topology captures the large-scale structure of the Internet. In depth understanding of this structure and tools to model it are cornerstones of research on future Internet architectures and designs. We find that our techniques are able to accurately capture the structure of annotation correlations within this topology, thus reproducing a number of its important properties in synthetically-generated random graphs.
We introduce the real-time multi-technology transport layer monitoring to facilitate the coordinated virtualisation of optical and Ethernet networks supported by optical virtualise-able transceivers (V-BVT). A monitoring and network resource configuration scheme is proposed to include the hardware monitoring in both Ethernet and Optical layers. The scheme depicts the data and control interactions among multiple network layers under the software defined network (SDN) background, as well as the application that analyses the monitored data obtained from the database. We also present a re-configuration algorithm to adaptively modify the composition of virtual optical networks based on two criteria. The proposed monitoring scheme is experimentally demonstrated with OpenFlow (OF) extensions for a holistic (re-)configuration across both layers in Ethernet switches and V-BVTs.
We develop a probabilistic framework for global modeling of the traffic over a computer network. This model integrates existing single-link (-flow) traffic models with the routing over the network to capture the global traffic behavior. It arises from a limit approximation of the traffic fluctuations as the time--scale and the number of users sharing the network grow. The resulting probability model is comprised of a Gaussian and/or a stable, infinite variance components. They can be succinctly described and handled by certain space-time random fields. The model is validated against simulated and real data. It is then applied to predict traffic fluctuations over unobserved links from a limited set of observed links. Further, applications to anomaly detection and network management are briefly discussed.
Network neutrality (NN) is a principle of equal treatment of data in network infrastructures with fairness and universality being the primary outcomes of the NN management practice. For networks, the accomplishment of NN management practice is essential to deal with heterogeneous user requirements and the ever-increasing data traffic. Current tools and methods address the NN problem by detecting network neutrality violations and detecting traffic differentiation. This paper proposes the NN-PCM (Network Neutrality Policy Conformance Module) that deploys the BEREC network neutrality policy using a bandwidth allocation model (BAM). The NN-PCM new approach allocates bandwidth to network users and accomplishes the BEREC NN policy concomitantly. Network neutrality is achieved by grouping users with similar traffic requirements in classes and leveraging the bandwidth allocation models characteristics. The conceptual analysis and simulation results indicate that NN-PCM allocates bandwidth to users and accomplishes BEREC network neutrality conformance by design with transparent, non-discriminatory, exceptional, and proportional management practices.
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