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The Herbertsmithite Hamiltonian: $mu$SR measurements on single crystals

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 Added by Oren Ofer
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present transverse field muon spin rotation/relaxation measurements on single crystals of the spin-1/2 kagome antiferromagnet Herbertsmithite. We find that the spins are more easily polarized when the field is perpendicular to the kagome plane. We demonstrate that the difference in magnetization between the different directions cannot be accounted for by Dzyaloshinksii-Moriya type interactions alone, and that anisotropic axial interaction is present.

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111 - Oren Ofer , Amit Keren 2009
We present magnetization measurements on oriented powder of ZnCu$_{3}$(OH)$_{6}$Cl$_{2}$ along and perpendicular to the orienting field. We find a dramatic difference in the magnetization between the two directions. It is biggest at low measurement fields $H$ or high temperatures. We show that the difference at high temperatures must emerge from Ising-like exchange anisotropy. This allows us to explain muon spin rotation data at $Tto 0$ in terms of an exotic ferromagnetic ground state.
Transverse-field muon-spin rotation ($mu$SR) experiments were performed on a single crystal sample of the non-centrosymmetric system MnSi. The observed angular dependence of the muon precession frequencies matches perfectly the one of the Mn-dipolar fields acting on the muons stopping at a 4a position of the crystallographic structure. The data provide a precise determination of the magnetic dipolar tensor. In addition, we have calculated the shape of the field distribution expected below the magnetic transition temperature $T_C$ at the 4a muon-site when no external magnetic field is applied. We show that this field distribution is consistent with the one reported by zero-field $mu$SR studies. Finally, we present ab initio calculations based on the density-functional theory which confirm the position of the muon stopping site inferred from transverse-field $mu$SR. In view of the presented evidence we conclude that the $mu$SR response of MnSi can be perfectly and fully understood without invoking a hypothetical magnetic polaron state.
Magnetoresistance (MR) of the Bi$_{2-x}$Pb$_x$Sr$_2$Co$_2$O$_y$ ($x$=0, 0.3, 0.4) single crystals is investigated systematically. A nonmonotonic variation of the isothermal in-plane and out-of-plane MR with the field is observed. The out-of-plane MR is positive in high temperatures and increases with decreasing $T$, and exhibits a pronounced hump, and changes the sign from positive to negative at a centain temperature. These results strongly suggest that the observed MR consists of two contributions: one emph{negative} and one emph{positive} component. The isothermal MR in high magnetic fields follows a $H^2$ law. While the negative contribution comes from spin scattering of carriers by localized-magnetic-moments based on the Khosla-Fischer model.
Impurities, which are inherently present in any real material, may play an important role in the magnetism of frustrated spin systems with spin-liquid ground states. We address the impurity issue in quantum kagome antiferromagnets by investigating ZnCu$_3$(OH)$_6$SO$_4$ (Zn-brochantite) by means of muon spin spectroscopy. We show that muons couple to the impurity magnetism, originating from Cu-Zn intersite disorder, and that the impurities are highly correlated with the kagome spins, allowing us to probe the intrinsic kagome physics via a Kondo-like effect. The low-temperature plateau in local susceptibility identifies the spin-liquid ground state as being gapless. The corresponding spin fluctuations exhibit an unconventional spectral density and an intriguing field dependence.
The crystal growth and the structural, transport and magnetic properties of the magnetically frustrated YbMn$_2$Sb$_2$ single crystals are reported. The crystals show a trigonal symmetry (space group $Pbar{3}m1$), where corrugated honeycomb layers of MnSb are separated by Yb atoms. No structural phase transition was observed down to 22~K. The resistivity measurements show a predominantly insulating behavior. The combined resistivity, dc susceptibility and heat capacity measurements confirm successive transitions at 230~K, 116~K and 27~K, being the transition at $T_N$=116~K due to the Mn$^{+2}$ lattice antiferromagnetic ordering. Muon spin rotation experiments ($mu$SR) reveal a more complicated scenario, with temperature dependence of the magnetic volume fraction reflecting short range and long range magnetic order, and a strongly disordered magnetic ground state. The role of spin-lattice coupling and its relationship with exchange interactions between Mn moments are discussed as possible cause of the complex magnetic behavior observed.
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