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The image jets modeling of gravitationally lensed sources

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 Added by Alexander Lutovinov
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The jets image modelling of gravitationally lensed sources have been performed. Several basic models of the lens mass distribution were considered, in particular, a singular isothermal ellipsoid, an isothermal ellipsoid with the core, different multi-components models with the galactic disk, halo and bulge. The obtained jet images were compared as with each other as with results of observations. A significant dependence of the Hubble constant on the model parameters was revealed for B0218+357, when the circular structure was took into account.

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In principle, the most straightforward method of estimating the Hubble constant relies on time delays between mirage images of strongly-lensed sources. It is a puzzle, then, that the values of H0 obtained with this method span a range from 50 - 100 km/s/Mpc. Quasars monitored to measure these time delays, are multi-component objects. The variability may arise from different components of the quasar or may even originate from a jet. Misidentifying a variable emitting region in a jet with emission from the core region may introduce an error in the Hubble constant derived from a time delay. Here, we investigate the complex structure of sources as the underlying physical explanation of the widespread in values of the Hubble constant based on gravitational lensing. Our Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate that the derived value of the Hubble constant is very sensitive to the offset between the center of the emission and the center of the variable emitting region. Thus, we propose using the value of H0 known from other techniques to spatially resolve the origin of the variable emission once the time delay is measured. We advocate this method particularly for gamma-ray astronomy, where the angular resolution of detectors reaches approximately 0.1 degree; lensed blazars offer the only route for identify the origin of gamma-ray flares. Large future samples of gravitationally lensed sources identified with Euclid, SKA, and LSST will enable a statistical determination of H0.
302 - D.T. Hoai , P.T. Nhung , P.T. Anh 2013
After a brief reminder of the mechanism of gravitational lensing of extended sources, the particular case of the host galaxy of QSO RXJ0911, a high redshift (z~2.8) quadruply imaged quasar, is explored. The non linearity of the problem, together with the proximity of the source to a cusp of the lens inner caustic, have important consequences on the dependence of the image appearance on the size and shape of the source. Their expected main features and their interpretation in terms of source extension and shape are investigated in a spirit of simplicity and in preparation for the analysis of high sensitivity and spatial resolution images that will soon be within reach with the completion of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). In particular, the information on source size carried by relative image brightness is discussed. Extension of the results to other types of quadruply imaged quasars is briefly considered.
Recent work has demonstrated the potential of gravitationally lensed quasars to extend measurements of black hole spin out to high-redshift with the current generation of X-ray observatories. Here we present an analysis of a large sample of 27 lensed quasars in the redshift range 1.0<z<4.5 observed with Chandra, utilizing over 1.6 Ms of total observing time, focusing on the rest-frame iron K emission from these sources. Although the X-ray signal-to-noise (S/N) currently available does not permit the detection of iron emission from the inner accretion disk in individual cases in our sample, we find significant structure in the stacked residuals. In addition to the narrow core, seen almost ubiquitously in local AGN, we find evidence for an additional underlying broad component from the inner accretion disk, with a clear red wing to the emission profile. Based on simulations, we find the detection of this broader component to be significant at greater than the 3-sigma level. This implies that iron emission from the inner disk is relatively common in the population of lensed quasars, and in turn further demonstrates that, with additional observations, this population represents an opportunity to significantly extend the sample of AGN spin measurements out to high-redshift.
255 - H. Krawczynski 2018
The Chandra observations of several gravitationally lensed quasars show evidence for flux and spectral variability of the X-ray emission that is uncorrelated between images and is thought to result from the microlensing by stars in the lensing galaxy. We report here on the most detailed modeling of such systems to date, including simulations of the emission of the Fe K-alpha fluorescent radiation from the accretion disk with a general relativistic ray tracing code, the use of realistic microlensing magnification maps derived from inverse ray shooting calculations, and the simulation of the line detection biases. We use lensing and black hole parameters appropriate for the quadruply lensed quasar RX J1131-1231, and compare the simulated results with the observational results. The simulations cannot fully reproduce the distribution of the detected line energies indicating that some of the assumptions underlying the simulations are not correct, or that the simulations are missing some important physics. We conclude by discussing several possible explanations.
We report near simultaneous imaging using LMIRCam on the LBTI of the quadruply imaged lensed quasar HS 0810+2554 at wavelengths of 2.16, 3.7 and $4.78~mu$m with a Full Width Half Max (FWHM) spatial resolution of $0^{primeprime}!!.13$, $0^{primeprime}!!.12$ and $0^{primeprime}!!.15$ respectively, comparable to HST optical imaging. In the $rm{z} = 1.5$ rest frame of the quasar, the observed wavelengths correspond to 0.86, 1.48, and $1.91~mu$m respectively. The two brightest images in the quad, A and B, are clearly resolved from each other with a separation of $0.187^{primeprime}$. The flux ratio of these two images (A/B) trends from 1.79 to 1.23 from 2.16 to $4.78~mu$m. The trend in flux ratio is consistent with the $2.16~mu$m flux originating from a small sized accretion disk in the quasar that experiences only microlensing. The excess flux above the contribution from the accretion disk at the two longer wavelengths originates from a larger sized region that experiences no microlensing. A simple model employing multiplicative factors for image B due to stellar microlensing $(m)$ and sub-structure millilensing $(M)$ is presented. The result is tightly constrained to the product $mtimes M=1.79$. Given the observational errors, the 60% probability contour for this product stretches from $m= 2.6$, $M = 0.69$ to $m= 1.79$, $M = 1.0$, where the later is consistent with microlensing only.
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