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Gravitationally lensed extended sources: the case of QSO RXJ0911

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 Added by Pham Ngoc Diep Mr
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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After a brief reminder of the mechanism of gravitational lensing of extended sources, the particular case of the host galaxy of QSO RXJ0911, a high redshift (z~2.8) quadruply imaged quasar, is explored. The non linearity of the problem, together with the proximity of the source to a cusp of the lens inner caustic, have important consequences on the dependence of the image appearance on the size and shape of the source. Their expected main features and their interpretation in terms of source extension and shape are investigated in a spirit of simplicity and in preparation for the analysis of high sensitivity and spatial resolution images that will soon be within reach with the completion of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). In particular, the information on source size carried by relative image brightness is discussed. Extension of the results to other types of quadruply imaged quasars is briefly considered.

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The jets image modelling of gravitationally lensed sources have been performed. Several basic models of the lens mass distribution were considered, in particular, a singular isothermal ellipsoid, an isothermal ellipsoid with the core, different multi-components models with the galactic disk, halo and bulge. The obtained jet images were compared as with each other as with results of observations. A significant dependence of the Hubble constant on the model parameters was revealed for B0218+357, when the circular structure was took into account.
We present physical properties of two submillimeter selected gravitationally lensed sources, identified in the Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey. These submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) have flux densities > 100 mJy at 500 um, but are not visible in existing optical imaging. We fit light profiles to each component of the lensing systems in Spitzer IRAC 3.6 and 4.5 um data and successfully disentangle the foreground lens from the background source in each case, providing important constraints on the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the background SMG at rest-frame optical-near-infrared wavelengths. The SED fits show that these two SMGs have high dust obscuration with Av ~4 to 5 and star formation rates of ~100 M_sun/yr. They have low gas fractions and low dynamical masses compared to 850 um selected galaxies.
We present new HST WFPC3 imaging of four gravitationally lensed quasars: MG 0414+0534; RXJ 0911+0551; B 1422+231; WFI J2026-4536. In three of these systems we detect wavelength-dependent microlensing, which we use to place constraints on the sizes and temperature profiles of the accretion discs in each quasar. Accretion disc radius is assumed to vary with wavelength according to the power-law relationship $rpropto lambda^p$, equivalent to a radial temperature profile of $Tpropto r^{-1/p}$. The goal of this work is to search for deviations from standard thin disc theory, which predicts that radius goes as wavelength to the power $p=4/3$. We find a wide range of power-law indices, from $p=1.4^{+0.5}_{-0.4}$ in B 1422+231 to $p=2.3^{+0.5}_{-0.4}$ in WFI J2026-4536. The measured value of $p$ appears to correlate with the strength of the wavelength-dependent microlensing. We explore this issue with mock simulations using a fixed accretion disc with $p=1.5$, and find that cases where wavelength-dependent microlensing is small tend to under-estimate the value of $p$. This casts doubt on previous ensemble single-epoch measurements which have favoured low values using samples of lensed quasars that display only moderate chromatic effects. Using only our systems with strong chromatic microlensing we prefer $p>4/3$, corresponding to shallower temperature profiles than expected from standard thin disc theory.
Gravitational microlensing is a powerful tool for probing the inner structure of distant quasars. In this context, we have obtained spectropolarimetric observations of the two images of the broad absorption line (BAL) quasar SDSSJ081830.46+060138.0 (J0818+0601) at redshift $z simeq$ 2.35. We first show that J0818+0601 is actually gravitationally lensed, and not a binary quasar. A strong absorption system detected at $z$ = 1.0065$pm$0.0002 is possibly due to the lensing galaxy. Microlensing is observed in one image and it magnifies the emission lines, the continuum, and the BALs differently. By disentangling the part of the spectrum that is microlensed from the part that is not microlensed, we unveil two sources of continuum that must be spatially separated: a compact one, which is microlensed, and an extended one, which is not microlensed and contributes to two thirds of the total continuum emission. J0818+0601 is the second BAL quasar in which an extended source of rest-frame ultraviolet continuum is found. We also find that the images are differently polarized, suggesting that the two continua might be differently polarized. Our analysis provides constraints on the BAL flow. In particular, we find that the outflow is seen with a nonzero onset velocity, and stratified according to ionization.
Strong gravitational lensing provides a powerful probe of the physical properties of quasars and their host galaxies. A high fraction of the most luminous high-redshift quasars was predicted to be lensed due to magnification bias. However, no multiple imaged quasar was found at z>5 in previous surveys. We report the discovery of J043947.08+163415.7, a strongly lensed quasar at z=6.51, the first such object detected at the epoch of reionization, and the brightest quasar yet known at z>5. High-resolution HST imaging reveals a multiple imaged system with a maximum image separation theta ~ 0.2, best explained by a model of three quasar images lensed by a low luminosity galaxy at z~0.7, with a magnification factor of ~50. The existence of this source suggests that a significant population of strongly lensed, high redshift quasars could have been missed by previous surveys, as standard color selection techniques would fail when the quasar color is contaminated by the lensing galaxy.
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