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Measurement-induced quantum entanglement recovery

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 Added by Xiao-Ye Xu
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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By using photon pairs created in parametric down conversion, we report on an experiment, which demonstrates that measurement can recover the quantum entanglement of two qubit system in a pure dephasing environment. The concurrence of the final state with and without measurement are compared and analyzed. Furthermore, we verify that recovered states can still violate Bells inequality, that is, to say, such recovered states exhibit nonlocality. In the context of quantum entanglement, sudden death and rebirth provide clear evidence, which verifies that entanglement dynamics of the system is sensitive not only to its environment, but also on its initial state.

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We investigate measurement-induced phase transitions in the Quantum Ising chain coupled to a monitoring environment. We compare two different limits of the measurement problem, the stochastic quantum-state diffusion protocol corresponding to infinite small jumps per unit of time and the no-click limit, corresponding to post-selection and described by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian. In both cases we find a remarkably similar phenomenology as the measurement strength $gamma$ is increased, namely a sharp transition from a critical phase with logarithmic scaling of the entanglement to an area-law phase, which occurs at the same value of the measurement rate in the two protocols. An effective central charge, extracted from the logarithmic scaling of the entanglement, vanishes continuously at the common transition point, although with different critical behavior possibly suggesting different universality classes for the two protocols. We interpret the central charge mismatch near the transition in terms of noise-induced disentanglement, as suggested by the entanglement statistics which displays emergent bimodality upon approaching the critical point. The non-Hermitian Hamiltonian and its associated subradiance spectral transition provide a natural framework to understand both the extended critical phase, emerging here for a model which lacks any continuous symmetry, and the entanglement transition into the area law.
119 - Oliver Lunt , Arijeet Pal 2020
The resilience of quantum entanglement to a classicality-inducing environment is tied to fundamental aspects of quantum many-body systems. The dynamics of entanglement has recently been studied in the context of measurement-induced entanglement transitions, where the steady-state entanglement collapses from a volume-law to an area-law at a critical measurement probability $p_{c}$. Interestingly, there is a distinction in the value of $p_{c}$ depending on how well the underlying unitary dynamics scramble quantum information. For strongly chaotic systems, $p_{c} > 0$, whereas for weakly chaotic systems, such as integrable models, $p_{c} = 0$. In this work, we investigate these measurement-induced entanglement transitions in a system where the underlying unitary dynamics are many-body localized (MBL). We demonstrate that the emergent integrability in an MBL system implies a qualitative difference in the nature of the measurement-induced transition depending on the measurement basis, with $p_{c} > 0$ when the measurement basis is scrambled and $p_{c} = 0$ when it is not. This feature is not found in Haar-random circuit models, where all local operators are scrambled in time. When the transition occurs at $p_{c} > 0$, we use finite-size scaling to obtain the critical exponent $ u = 1.3(2)$, close to the value for 2+0D percolation. We also find a dynamical critical exponent of $z = 0.98(4)$ and logarithmic scaling of the R{e}nyi entropies at criticality, suggesting an underlying conformal symmetry at the critical point. This work further demonstrates how the nature of the measurement-induced entanglement transition depends on the scrambling nature of the underlying unitary dynamics. This leads to further questions on the control and simulation of entangled quantum states by measurements in open quantum systems.
A critical requirement for diverse applications in Quantum Information Science is the capability to disseminate quantum resources over complex quantum networks. For example, the coherent distribution of entangled quantum states together with quantum memory to store these states can enable scalable architectures for quantum computation, communication, and metrology. As a significant step toward such possibilities, here we report observations of entanglement between two atomic ensembles located in distinct apparatuses on different tables. Quantum interference in the detection of a photon emitted by one of the samples projects the otherwise independent ensembles into an entangled state with one joint excitation stored remotely in 10^5 atoms at each site. After a programmable delay, we confirm entanglement by mapping the state of the atoms to optical fields and by measuring mutual coherences and photon statistics for these fields. We thereby determine a quantitative lower bound for the entanglement of the joint state of the ensembles. Our observations provide a new capability for the distribution and storage of entangled quantum states, including for scalable quantum communication networks .
Quantum technologies use entanglement to outperform classical technologies, and often employ strong cooling and isolation to protect entangled entities from decoherence by random interactions. Here we show that the opposite strategy - promoting random interactions - can help generate and preserve entanglement. We use optical quantum non-demolition measurement to produce entanglement in a hot alkali vapor, in a regime dominated by random spin-exchange collisions. We use Bayesian statistics and spin-squeezing inequalities to show that at least $1.52(4)times 10^{13}$ of the $5.32(12) times 10^{13}$ participating atoms enter into singlet-type entangled states, which persist for tens of spin-thermalization times and span thousands of times the nearest-neighbor distance. The results show that high temperatures and strong random interactions need not destroy many-body quantum coherence, that collective measurement can produce very complex entangled states, and that the hot, strongly-interacting media now in use for extreme atomic sensing are well suited for sensing beyond the standard quantum limit.
Quantum walk is a synonym for multi-path interference and faster spread of a particle in a superposition of position space. We study the effects of a quantum mechanical interaction modeled to mimic quantum mechanical gravitational interaction between the two states of the walkers. The study has been carried out to investigate the entanglement generation between the two quantum walkers that do not otherwise interact. We see that the states do in fact get entangled more and more as the quantum walks unfold, and there is an interesting dependence of entanglement generation on the mass of the two particles performing the walks. We also show the sensitivity of entanglement between the two walkers on the noise introduced in one of the walks. The signature of quantum effects due to gravitational interactions highlights the potential role of quantum systems in probing the nature of gravity.
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