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Quantum W-symmetry in AdS_3

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 Added by Arunabha Saha
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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It has recently been argued that, classically, massless higher spin theories in AdS_3 have an enlarged W_N-symmetry as the algebra of asymptotic isometries. In this note we provide evidence that this symmetry is realised (perturbatively) in the quantum theory. We perform a one loop computation of the fluctuations for a massless spin $s$ field around a thermal AdS_3 background. The resulting determinants are evaluated using the heat kernel techniques of arXiv:0911.5085. The answer factorises holomorphically, and the contributions from the various spin $s$ fields organise themselves into vacuum characters of the W_N symmetry. For the case of the hs(1,1) theory consisting of an infinite tower of massless higher spin particles, the resulting answer can be simply expressed in terms of (two copies of) the MacMahon function.

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We consider the dynamics of the motion of a particle of mass M and spin J in AdS_3. The study reveals the presence of different dynamical sectors depending on the relative values of M, J and the AdS_3 radius R. For the subcritical M^2 R^2-J^2 >0 and supercritical M^2 R^2-J^2<0 cases, it is seen that the equations of motion give the geodesics of AdS_3. For the critical case M^2R^2=J^2 there exist extra gauge transformations which further reduce the physical degrees of freedom, and the motion corresponds to the geodesics of AdS_2. This result should be useful in the holographic interpretation of the entanglement entropy for 2d conformal field theories with gravitational anomalies.
We argue that the scattering of gravitons in ordinary Einstein gravity possesses a hidden conformal symmetry at tree level in any number of dimensions. The presence of this conformal symmetry is indicated by the dilaton soft theorem in string theory, and it is reminiscent of the conformal invariance of gluon tree-level amplitudes in four dimensions. To motivate the underlying prescription, we demonstrate that formulating the conformal symmetry of gluon amplitudes in terms of momenta and polarization vectors requires manifest reversal and cyclic symmetry. Similarly, our formulation of the conformal symmetry of graviton amplitudes relies on a manifestly permutation symmetric form of the amplitude function.
483 - U. Gran , J.Gutowski , U. Kayani 2014
We prove that Killing horizons in massive IIA supergravity preserve an even number of supersymmetries, and that their symmetry algebra contains an $mathfrak{sl}(2, R)$ subalgebra, confirming the conjecture of [5]. We also prove a new class of Lichnerowicz type theorems for connections of the spin bundle whose holonomy is contained in a general linear group.
Ladder operators can be useful constructs, allowing for unique insight and intuition. In fact, they have played a special role in the development of quantum mechanics and field theory. Here, we introduce a novel type of ladder operators, which map a scalar field onto another massive scalar field. We construct such operators, in arbitrary dimensions, from closed conformal Killing vector fields, eigenvectors of the Ricci tensor. As an example, we explicitly construct these objects in anti-de Sitter spacetime (AdS) and show that they exist for masses above the Breitenlohner-Freedman (BF) bound. Starting from a regular seed solution of the massive Klein-Gordon equation (KGE), mass ladder operators in AdS allow one to build a variety of regular solutions with varying boundary condition at spatial infinity. We also discuss mass ladder operator in the context of spherical harmonics, and the relation between supersymmetric quantum mechanics and so-called Aretakis constants in an extremal black hole.
We make use of the conformal compactification of Minkowski spacetime $M^{#}$ to explore a way of describing general, nonlinear Maxwell fields with conformal symmetry. We distinguish the inverse Minkowski spacetime $[M^{#}]^{-1}$ obtained via conformal inversion, so as to discuss a doubled compactified spacetime on which Maxwell fields may be defined. Identifying $M^{#}$ with the projective light cone in $(4+2)$-dimensional spacetime, we write two independent conformal-invariant functionals of the $6$-dimensional Maxwellian field strength tensors -- one bilinear, the other trilinear in the field strengths -- which are to enter general nonlinear constitutive equations. We also make some remarks regarding the dimensional reduction procedure as we consider its generalization from linear to general nonlinear theories.
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