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Stability of syzygy bundles

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 Publication date 2010
and research's language is English

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We show that given integers $N$, $d$ and $n$ such that ${Nge2}$, ${(N,d,n) e(2,2,5)}$, and ${N+1le nletbinom{d+N}{N}}$, there is a family of $n$ monomials in $K[X_0,ldots,X_N]$ of degree $d$ such that their syzygy bundle is stable. Case ${Nge3}$ was obtained independently by Coandv{a} with a different choice of families of monomials [Coa09]. For ${(N,d,n)=(2,2,5)}$, there are $5$ monomials of degree~$2$ in $K[X_0,X_1,X_2]$ such that their syzygy bundle is semistable.

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It is a longstanding problem in Algebraic Geometry to determine whether the syzygy bundle $E_{d_1,...,d_n}$ on $mathbb{P}^N$ defined as the kernel of a general epimorphism [phi:mathcal{O}(-d_1)oplus...oplusmathcal{O}(-d_n) tomathcal{O}] is (semi)stable. In this thesis, attention is restricted to the case of syzygy bundles $mathrm{Syz}(f_1,...,f_n)$ on $mathbb{P}^N$ associated to $n$ generic forms $f_1,...,f_nin K[X_0,...,X_N]$ of the same degree $d$, for ${Nge2}$. The first goal is to prove that $mathrm{Syz}(f_1,...,f_n)$ is stable if [N+1le nletbinom{d+N}{N},] except for the case ${(N,n,d)=(2,5,2)}$. The second is to study moduli spaces of stable rank ${n-1}$ vector bundles on $mathbb{P}^N$ containing syzygy bundles. In a joint work with Laura Costa and Rosa Mar{i}a Miro-Roig, we prove that $N$, $d$ and $n$ are as above, then the syzygy bundle $mathrm{Syz}(f_1,...,f_n)$ is unobstructed and it belongs to a generically smooth irreducible component of dimension ${ntbinom{d+N}{N}-n^2}$, if ${Nge3}$, and ${ntbinom{d+2}{2}+ntbinom{d-1}{2}-n^2}$, if ${N=2}$. The results in chapter 3, for $Nge3$, were obtained independently by Iustin Coandu{a} in arXiv:0909.4435.
194 - Shijie Shang 2021
We prove that the kernel bundle of the evaluation morphism of global sections, namely the syzygy bundle, of a sufficiently ample line bundle on a smooth projective variety is slope stable with respect to any polarization. This settles a conjecture of Ein-Lazarsfeld-Mustopa.
We investigate degenerations of syzygy bundles on plane curves over $p$-adic fields. We use Mustafin varieties which are degenerations of projective spaces to find a large family of models of plane curves over the ring of integers such that the special fiber consists of multiple projective lines meeting in one point. On such models we investigate vector bundles whose generic fiber is a syzygy bundle and which become trivial when restricted to each projective line in the special fiber. Hence these syzygy bundles have strongly semistable reduction. This investigation is motivated by the fundamental open problem in $p$-adic Simpson theory to determine the category of Higgs bundles corresponding to continuous representations of the etale fundamental group of a curve. Faltings $p$-adic Simpson correspondence and work of Deninger and the second author shows that bundles with Higgs field zero and potentially strongly semistable reduction fall into this category. Hence the results in the present paper determine a class of syzygy bundles on plane curves giving rise to a $p$-adic local system. We apply our methods to a concrete example on the Fermat curve suggested by Brenner and prove that this bundle has potentially strongly semistable reduction.
399 - V. Trivedi 2009
In char $k = p >0$, A. Langer proved a strong restriction theorem (in the style of H. Flenner) for semistable sheaves to a very general hypersurface of degree $d$, on certain varieties, with the condition that `char $k > d$. He remarked that to remove this condition, it is enough to answer either of the following questions affirmatively: {it For the syzygy bundle $sV_d$ of ${mathcal O}(d)$, is $sV_d$ semistable for arbitrary $n, d$ and $p = {char} k$?, or is there a good estimate on $mu_{max}(sV_d^*)$?} Here we prove that (1) the bundle $sV_d$ is semistable, for a certain infinite set of integers $dgeq 0$, and (2) for arbitrary $d$, there is a good enough estimate on $mu_{max}(sV_d^*)$ in terms of $d$ and $n$. In particular one obtains Langers theorem, in arbitrary characeristic.
110 - V. Trivedi 2017
Here we consider the set of bundles ${V_n}_{ngeq 1}$ associated to the plane trinomial curves $k[x,y,z]/(h)$. We prove that the Frobenius semistability behaviour of the reduction mod $p$ of $V_n$ is a function of the congruence class of $p$ modulo $2lambda_h$ (an integer invariant associated to $h$). As one of the consequences of this, we prove that if $V_n$ is semistable in characteristic 0, then its reduction mod $p$ is strongly semistable, for $p$ in a Zariski dense set of primes. Moreover, for any given finitely many such semistable bundles $V_n$, there is a common Zariski dense set of such primes.
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