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We study the lattice spacing dependence, or scaling, of physical quantities using the highly improved staggered quark (HISQ) action introduced by the HPQCD/UKQCD collaboration, comparing our results to similar simulations with the asqtad fermion action. Results are based on calculations with lattice spacings approximately 0.15, 0.12 and 0.09 fm, using four flavors of dynamical HISQ quarks. The strange and charm quark masses are near their physical values, and the light-quark mass is set to 0.2 times the strange-quark mass. We look at the lattice spacing dependence of hadron masses, pseudoscalar meson decay constants, and the topological susceptibility. In addition to the commonly used determination of the lattice spacing through the static quark potential, we examine a determination proposed by the HPQCD collaboration that uses the decay constant of a fictitious unmixed s bar s pseudoscalar meson. We find that the lattice artifacts in the HISQ simulations are much smaller than those in the asqtad simulations at the same lattice spacings and quark masses.
We describe recent progress on generation of gauge configurations using the Highly Improved Staggered Quark (HISQ) action that was designed by the HPQCD/UKQCD collaboration. The HISQ action requires two levels of smearing with a reunitarization of the links before the second smearing. We describe how we deal with the occurrence of occasional large forces arising from the reunitarization step. The MILC collaboration is currently generating ensembles with approximate lattice spacings of 0.15, 0.12, 0.09, and 0.06 fm, with the strange and charm quark masses close to their physical values and the mass of the light quarks m_l set to 0.2 m_s. We present recent results for pion taste splittings, light hadron masses, the static potential, the eta_c dispersion relation and the topological susceptibility.
I report on a calculation of bilinear Z-factors needed for determining Z_m using non-perturbative renormalization (NPR) on n_f=2+1+1 HISQ ensembles. RI/MOM and RI/SMOM schemes are studied. These will provide an independent determination of quark masses in addition to other methods being used by the HPQCD collaboration.
We present a new (and general) algorithm for deriving lattice Feynman rules which is capable of handling actions as complex as the Highly Improved Staggered Quark (HISQ) action. This enables us to perform a perturbative calculation of the influence of dynamical HISQ fermions on the perturbative improvement of the gluonic action in the same way as we have previously done for asqtad fermions. We find the fermionic contributions to the radiative corrections in the Luscher-Weisz gauge action to be somewhat larger for HISQ fermions than for asqtad.
We fit lattice-QCD data for light-pseudoscalar masses and decay constants, from HISQ configurations generated by MILC, to SU(3) staggered chiral perturbation theory. At present such fits have rather high values of chi^2/d.o.f., possibly due to the lack of ensembles with lighter-than-physical sea strange-quark masses. We propose solutions to this problem for future work. We also perform simple linear interpolations near the physical point on two ensembles with different lattice spacings, and obtain the preliminary result (f_K / f_pi)^phys = 1.1872(41) in the continuum limit.
The present paper concludes our investigation on the QCD equation of state with 2+1 staggered flavors and one-link stout improvement. We extend our previous study [JHEP 0601:089 (2006)] by choosing even finer lattices. Lattices with $N_t=6,8$ and 10 are used, and the continuum limit is approached by checking the results at $N_t=12$. A Symanzik improved gauge and a stout-link improved staggered fermion action is utilized. We use physical quark masses, that is, for the lightest staggered pions and kaons we fix the $m_pi/f_K$ and $m_K/f_K$ ratios to their experimental values. The pressure, the interaction measure, the energy and entropy density and the speed of sound are presented as functions of the temperature in the range $100 ...1000 textmd{MeV}$. We give estimates for the pion mass dependence and for the contribution of the charm quark. We compare our data to the equation of state obtained by the hotQCD collaboration.