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Effects of cosmological parameters and star formation models on the cosmic star formation history in LambdaCDM cosmological simulations

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 Added by Jun-Hwan Choi
 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors Jun-Hwan Choi

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We investigate the effects of the change of cosmological parameters and star formation (SF) models on the cosmic SF history using cosmological smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations based on the cold dark matter (CDM) model. We vary the cosmological parameters within 1-sigma error from the WMAP best-fit parameters, and find that such changes in cosmological parameters mostly affect the amplitude of the cosmic SF history. At high redshift (hereafter high-z), the star formation rate (SFR) is sensitive to the cosmological parameters that control the small-scale power of the primordial power spectrum, while the cosmic matter content becomes important at lower redshifts. We also test two new SF models: 1) the `Pressure model based on the work by Schaye & Dalla Vecchia (2008), and 2) the `Blitz model that takes the effect of molecular hydrogen formation into account, based on the work by Blitz & Rosolowsky (2006). Compared to the previous conventional SF model, the Pressure model reduces the SFR in low-density regions and shows better agreement with the observations of the Kennicutt-Schmidt law. This model also suppresses the early star formation and shifts the peak of the cosmic SF history toward lower redshift, more consistently with the recent observational estimates of cosmic SFR density. The simulations with the new SF model also predict lower global stellar mass densities at high-z, larger populations of low-mass galaxies and a higher gas fraction in high-z galaxies. Our results suggest that there is room left in the model uncertainties to reconcile the discrepancy that was found between the theory and observations of cosmic SF history and stellar mass density. Nevertheless, our simulations still predict higher stellar mass densities than most of the observational estimates.

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253 - Kentaro Nagamine 2009
We examine the past and current work on the star formation (SF) histories of dwarf galaxies in cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. The results obtained from different numerical methods are still somewhat mixed, but the differences are understandable if we consider the numerical and resolution effects. It remains a challenge to simulate the episodic nature of SF history in dwarf galaxies at late times within the cosmological context of a cold dark matter model. More work is needed to solve the mysteries of SF history of dwarf galaxies employing large-scale hydrodynamic simulations on the next generation of supercomputers.
120 - C. G. Lacey 2009
We use a model for the evolution of galaxies in the far-IR based on the LambdaCDM cosmology to make detailed predictions for upcoming cosmological surveys with the Herschel Space Observatory. We use the combined GALFORM semi-analytical galaxy formation model and GRASIL spectrophotometric code to compute galaxy SEDs including the reprocessing of radiation by dust. The model, which is the same as that in Baugh et al. (2005), assumes two different IMFs: a normal solar neighbourhood IMF for quiescent star formation in disks, and a very top-heavy IMF in starbursts triggered by galaxy mergers. We have shown previously that the top-heavy IMF appears necessary to explain the number counts and redshifts of faint sub-mm galaxies. In this paper, we present predictions for galaxy luminosity functions, number counts and redshift distributions in the Herschel imaging bands. We find that source confusion will be a serious problem in the deepest planned surveys. We also show predictions for physical properties such as star formation rates and stellar, gas and halo masses, together with fluxes at other wavelengths (from the far-UV to the radio) relevant for multi-wavelength follow-up observations. We investigate what fraction of the total IR emission from dust and of the high-mass star formation over the history of the Universe should be resolved by planned surveys with Herschel, and find a fraction ~30-50%, depending on confusion. Finally, we show that galaxies in Herschel surveys should be significantly clustered.
We investigate the physics driving the cosmic star formation (SF) history using the more than fifty large, cosmological, hydrodynamical simulations that together comprise the OverWhelmingly Large Simulations (OWLS) project. We systematically vary the parameters of the model to determine which physical processes are dominant and which aspects of the model are robust. Generically, we find that SF is limited by the build-up of dark matter haloes at high redshift, reaches a broad maximum at intermediate redshift, then decreases as it is quenched by lower cooling rates in hotter and lower density gas, gas exhaustion, and self-regulated feedback from stars and black holes. The higher redshift SF is therefore mostly determined by the cosmological parameters and to a lesser extent by photo-heating from reionization. The location and height of the peak in the SF history, and the steepness of the decline towards the present, depend on the physics and implementation of stellar and black hole feedback. Mass loss from intermediate-mass stars and metal-line cooling both boost the SF rate at late times. Galaxies form stars in a self-regulated fashion at a rate controlled by the balance between, on the one hand, feedback from massive stars and black holes and, on the other hand, gas cooling and accretion. Paradoxically, the SF rate is highly insensitive to the assumed SF law. This can be understood in terms of self-regulation: if the SF efficiency is changed, then galaxies adjust their gas fractions so as to achieve the same rate of production of massive stars. Self-regulated feedback from accreting black holes is required to match the steep decline in the observed SF rate below redshift two, although more extreme feedback from SF, for example in the form of a top-heavy IMF at high gas pressures, can help.
289 - Romeel Dave 2011
We examine the growth of the stellar content of galaxies from z=3-0 in cosmological hydrodynamic simulations incorporating parameterised galactic outflows. Without outflows, galaxies overproduce stellar masses (M*) and star formation rates (SFRs) compared to observations. Winds introduce a three-tier form for the galaxy stellar mass and star formation rate functions, where the middle tier depends on differential (i.e. mass-dependent) recycling of ejected wind material back into galaxies. A tight M*-SFR relation is a generic outcome of all these simulations, and its evolution is well-described as being powered by cold accretion, although current observations at z>2 suggest that star formation in small early galaxies must be highly suppressed. Roughly one-third of z=0 galaxies at masses below M^* are satellites, and star formation in satellites is not much burstier than in centrals. All models fail to suppress star formation and stellar mass growth in massive galaxies at z<2, indicating the need for an external quenching mechanism such as black hole feedback. All models also fail to produce dwarfs as young and rapidly star-forming as observed. An outflow model following scalings expected for momentum-driven winds broadly matches observed galaxy evolution around M^* from z=0-3, which is a significant success since these galaxies dominate cosmic star formation, but the failures at higher and lower masses highlight the challenges still faced by this class of models. We argue that central star-forming galaxies are well-described as living in a slowly-evolving equilibrium between inflows from gravity and recycled winds, star formation, and strong and ubiquitous outflows that regulate how much inflow forms into stars. Star-forming galaxy evolution is thus primarily governed by the continual cycling of baryons between galaxies and intergalactic gas.
We use a cosmological galactic evolutionary approach to model the Milky Way. A detailed treatment of the mass aggregation and dynamical history of the growing dark halo is included, together with a self consistent physical treatment for the star formation processes within the growing galactic disc. This allows us to calculate the temporal evolution of star and gas surface densities at all galactic radii, in particular, the star formation history (SFH) at the solar radius. A large range of cosmological mass aggregation histories (MAHs) is capable of producing a galaxy with the present day properties of the Milky Way. The resulting SFHs for the solar neighbourhood bracket the available observational data for this feature, the most probable MAH yielding the optimal comparison with these observations. We also find that the rotation curve for our Galaxy implies the presence of a constant density core in its dark matter halo.
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