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An ab initio Calculation of the Universal Equation of State for the O(N) Model

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 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Using an Environmentally Friendly Renormalization Group we derive an ab initio universal scaling form for the equation of state for the O(N) model, y=f(x), that exhibits all required analyticity properties in the limits $xto 0$, $xtoinfty$ and $xto -1$. Unlike current methodologies based on a phenomenological scaling ansatz the scaling function is derived solely from the underlying Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson Hamiltonian and depends only on the three Wilson functions $gamma_lambda$, $gamma_phi$ and $gamma_{phi^2}$ which exhibit a non-trivial crossover between the Wilson-Fisher fixed point and the strong coupling fixed point associated with the Goldstone modes on the coexistence curve. We give explicit results for N=2, 3 and 4 to one-loop order and compare with known results.

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The multi-critical fixed points of $O(N)$ symmetric models cease to exist in the $Ntoinfty$ limit, but the mechanism regulating their annihilation still presents several enigmatic aspects. Here, we explore the evolution of high-order multi-critical points in the $(d,N)$ plane and uncover a complex mosaics for their asymptotic behaviour at large $N$. This picture is confirmed by various RG approaches and constitutes a fundamental step towards the full comprehension of critical behaviour in $O(N)$ field theories.
We present a two-step method specifically tailored for band structure calculation of the small-angle moir{e}-pattern materials which contain tens of thousands of atoms in a unit cell. In the first step, the self-consistent field calculation for ground state is performed with $O(N)$ Krylov subspace method implemented in OpenMX. Secondly, the crystal momentum dependent Bloch Hamiltonian and overlap matrix are constructed from the results obtained in the first step and only a small number of eigenvalues near the Fermi energy are solved with shift-invert and Lanczos techniques. By systematically tuning two key parameters, the cutoff radius for electron hopping interaction and the dimension of Krylov subspace, we obtained the band structures for both rigid and corrugated twisted bilayer graphene structures at the first magic angle ($theta=1.08^circ$) and other three larger ones with satisfied accuracy on affordable costs. The band structures are in good agreement with those from tight binding models, continuum models, plane-wave pseudo-potential based $ab~initio$ calculations, and the experimental observations. This efficient two-step method is to play a crucial role in other twisted two-dimensional materials, where the band structures are much more complex than graphene and the effective model is hard to be constructed.
We determine a previously unknown universal quantity, the location of the Yang-Lee edge singularity for the O($N$) theories in a wide range of $N$ and various dimensions. At large $N$, we reproduce the $Ntoinfty$ analytical result on the location of the singularity and, additionally, we obtain the mean-field result for the location in $d=4$ dimensions. In order to capture the nonperturbative physics for arbitrary $N$, $d$ and complex-valued external fields, we use the functional renormalization group approach.
157 - A. Katsis , N. Tetradis 2018
We solve analytically the renormalization-group equation for the potential of the O(N)-symmetric scalar theory in the large-N limit and in dimensions 2<d<4, in order to look for nonperturbative fixed points that were found numerically in a recent study. We find new real solutions with singularities in the higher derivatives of the potential at its minimum, and complex solutions with branch cuts along the negative real axis.
One of the most promising frameworks for understanding the anomalies of cold and especially supercooled water is that of two-structure thermodynamics, in which water is viewed as a non-ideal mixture of two interconvertible local structures. The non-ideality of this mixture may give rise, at very low temperatures, to a liquid-liquid phase transition (LLPT) and a liquid-liquid critical point (LLCP), at which thermodynamic response functions diverge. Vario
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