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Accessing nanomechanical resonators via a fast microwave circuit

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 Added by Mika Sillanpaa
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The measurement of micron-sized mechanical resonators by electrical techniques is difficult, because of the combination of a high frequency and a small mechanical displacement which together suppress the electromechanical coupling. The only electromagnetic technique proven up to the range of several hundred MHz requires the usage of heavy magnetic fields and cryogenic conditions. Here we show how, without the need of either of them, to fully electrically detect the vibrations of conductive nanomechanical resonators up to the microwave regime. We use the electrically actuated vibrations to modulate an LC tank circuit which blocks the stray capacitance, and detect the created sideband voltage by a microwave analyzer. We show the novel technique up to mechanical frequencies of 200 MHz. Finally, we estimate how one could approach the quantum limit of mechanical systems.

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We have studied damping in polycrystalline Al nanomechanical resonators by measuring the temperature dependence of their resonance frequency and quality factor over a temperature range of 0.1 - 4 K. Two regimes are clearly distinguished with a crossover temperature of 1 K. Below 1 K we observe a logarithmic temperature dependence of the frequency and linear dependence of damping that cannot be explained by the existing standard models. We attribute these phenomena to the effect of the two-level systems characterized by the unexpectedly long (at least two orders of magnitude longer) relaxation times and discuss possible microscopic models for such systems. We conclude that the dynamics of the two-level systems is dominated by their interaction with one-dimensional phonon modes of the resonators.
In strained mechanical resonators, the concurrence of tensile stress and geometric nonlinearity dramatically reduces dissipation. This phenomenon, dissipation dilution, is employed in mirror suspensions of gravitational wave interferometers and at the nanoscale, where soft-clamping and strain engineering have allowed extremely high quality factors. However, these techniques have so far only been applied in amorphous materials, specifically silicon nitride. Crystalline materials exhibit significantly lower intrinsic damping at cryogenic temperatures, due to the absence of two level systems in the bulk, as exploited in Weber bars and silicon optomechanical cavities. Applying dissipation dilution engineering to strained crystalline materials could therefore enable extremely low loss nanomechanical resonators, due to the combination of reduced internal friction, high intrinsic strain, and high yield strength. Pioneering work has not yet fully exploited this potential. Here, we demonstrate that single crystal strained silicon, a material developed for high mobility transistors, can be used to realize mechanical resonators with ultralow dissipation. We observe that high aspect ratio ($>10^5$) strained silicon nanostrings support MHz mechanical modes with quality factors exceeding $10^{10}$ at 7 K, a tenfold improvement over values reported in silicon nitride. At 7 K, the thermal noise-limited force sensitivity is approximately $45 mathrm{{zN}/{sqrt{Hz}}}$ - approaching that of carbon nanotubes - and the heating rate is only 60 quanta-per-second. Our nanomechanical resonators exhibit lower dissipation than the most pristine macroscopic oscillators and their low mass makes them particularly promising for quantum sensing and transduction.
Heterostructures play significant roles in modern semiconductor devices and micro/nanosystems in a plethora of applications in electronics, optoelectronics, and transducers. While state-of-the-art heterostructures often involve stacks of crystalline epi-layers each down to a few nanometers thick, the intriguing limit would be heterto-atomic-layer structures. Here we report the first experimental demonstration of freestanding van der Waals heterostructures and their functional nanomechanical devices. By stacking single-layer (1L) MoS2 on top of suspended single-, bi-, tri- and four-layer (1L to 4L) graphene sheets, we realize array of MoS2-graphene heterostructures with varying thickness and size. These heterostructures all exhibit robust nanomechanical resonances in the very high frequency (VHF) band (up to ~100 MHz). We observe that fundamental-mode resonance frequencies of the heterostructure devices fall between the values of graphene and MoS2 devices. Quality (Q) factors of heterostructure resonators are lower than those of graphene but comparable to those of MoS2 devices, suggesting interface damping related to interlayer interactions in the van der Waals heterostructures. This study validates suspended atomic layer heterostructures as an effective device platform and opens opportunities for exploiting mechanically coupled effects and interlayer interactions in such devices.
160 - J. Atalaya , A. Isacsson , 2010
We study resonant response of an underdamped nanomechanical resonator with fluctuating frequency. The fluctuations are due to diffusion of molecules or microparticles along the resonator. They lead to broadening and change of shape of the oscillator spectrum. The spectrum is found for the diffusion confined to a small part of the resonator and where it occurs along the whole nanobeam. The analysis is based on extending to the continuous limit, and appropriately modifying, the method of interfering partial spectra. We establish the conditions of applicability of the fluctuation-dissipation relations between the susceptibility and the power spectrum. We also find where the effect of frequency fluctuations can be described by a convolution of the spectra without these fluctuations and with them as the only source of the spectral broadening.
Complex oxide thin films and heterostructures exhibit a profusion of exotic phenomena, often resulting from the intricate interplay between film and substrate. Recently it has become possible to isolate epitaxially grown single-crystalline layers of these materials, enabling the study of their properties in the absence of interface effects. In this work, we create ultrathin membranes of strongly correlated materials and demonstrate top-down fabrication of nanomechanical resonators made out of ce{SrTiO3} and ce{SrRuO3}. Using laser interferometry, we successfully actuate and measure the motion of the nanodrum resonators. By measuring their temperature-dependent mechanical response, we observe signatures of structural phase transitions in ce{SrTiO3}, which affect the strain and mechanical dissipation in the resonators. This approach can be extended to investigate phase transitions in a wide range of materials. Our study demonstrates the feasibility of integrating ultrathin complex oxide membranes for realizing nanoelectromechanical systems on arbitrary substrates.
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