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A Model for Communication in Clusters of Multi-core Machines

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 Added by Christine Task
 Publication date 2012
and research's language is English

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A common paradigm for scientific computing is distributed message-passing systems, and a common approach to these systems is to implement them across clusters of high-performance workstations. As multi-core architectures become increasingly mainstream, these clusters are very likely to include multi-core machines. However, the theoretical models which are currently used to develop communication algorithms across these systems do not take into account the unique properties of processes running on shared-memory architectures, including shared external network connections and communication via shared memory locations. Because of this, existing algorithms are far from optimal for modern clusters. Additionally, recent attempts to adapt these algorithms to multicore systems have proceeded without the introduction of a more accurate formal model and have generally neglected to capitalize on the full power these systems offer. We propose a new model which simply and effectively captures the strengths of multi-core machines in collective communications patterns and suggest how it could be used to properly optimize these patterns.

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In virtualized data centers, consolidation of Virtual Machines (VMs) on minimizing the number of total physical machines (PMs) has been recognized as a very efficient approach. This paper considers the energy-efficient consolidation of VMs in a Cloud Data center. Concentrating on CPU-intensive applications, the objective is to schedule all requests non-preemptively, subjecting to constraints of PM capacities and running time interval spans, such that the total energy consumption of all PMs is minimized (called MinTE for abbreviation). The MinTE problem is NP-complete in general. We propose a self-adaptive approached called SAVE. The approach makes decisions of the assignment and migration of VMs by probabilistic processes and is based exclusively on local information, therefore it is very simple to implement. Both simulation and real environment test show that our proposed method SAVE can reduce energy consumption about 30% against VMWare DRS and 10-20% against EcoCloud on average.
107 - Varun Sharma , Paul Chow 2021
This work presents a heterogeneous communication library for clusters of processors and FPGAs. This library, Shoal, supports the Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) memory model for applications. PGAS is a shared memory model for clusters that creates a distinction between local and remote memory access. Through Shoal and its common application programming interface for hardware and software, applications can be more freely migrated to the optimal platform and deployed onto dynamic cluster topologies. The library is tested using a thorough suite of microbenchmarks to establish latency and throughput performance. We also show an implementation of the Jacobi iterative method that demonstrates the ease with which applications can be moved between platforms to yield faster run times. Through this work, we have demonstrated the feasibility of using a PGAS programming model for multi-node heterogeneous platforms.
Analyzing massive complex networks yields promising insights about our everyday lives. Building scalable algorithms to do so is a challenging task that requires a careful analysis and an extensive evaluation. However, engineering such algorithms is often hindered by the scarcity of publicly~available~datasets. Network generators serve as a tool to alleviate this problem by providing synthetic instances with controllable parameters. However, many network generators fail to provide instances on a massive scale due to their sequential nature or resource constraints. Additionally, truly scalable network generators are few and often limited in their realism. In this work, we present novel generators for a variety of network models that are frequently used as benchmarks. By making use of pseudorandomization and divide-and-conquer schemes, our generators follow a communication-free paradigm. The resulting generators are thus embarrassingly parallel and have a near optimal scaling behavior. This allows us to generate instances of up to $2^{43}$ vertices and $2^{47}$ edges in less than 22 minutes on 32768 cores. Therefore, our generators allow new graph families to be used on an unprecedented scale.
We reduce the cost of communication and synchronization in graph processing by analyzing the fastest way to process graphs: pushing the updates to a shared state or pulling the updates to a private state.We investigate the applicability of this push-pull dichotomy to various algorithms and its impact on complexity, performance, and the amount of used locks, atomics, and reads/writes. We consider 11 graph algorithms, 3 programming models, 2 graph abstractions, and various families of graphs. The conducted analysis illustrates surprising differences between push and pull variants of different algorithms in performance, speed of convergence, and code complexity; the insights are backed up by performance data from hardware counters.We use these findings to illustrate which variant is faster for each algorithm and to develop generic strategies that enable even higher speedups. Our insights can be used to accelerate graph processing engines or libraries on both massively-parallel shared-memory machines as well as distributed-memory systems.
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