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Extremal Bases, Geometrically Separated Domains and Applications

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 Publication date 2013
and research's language is English

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We introduce the notion of extremal basis of tangent vector fields at a boundary point of finite type of a pseudo-convex domain in $mathbb{C}^n$. Then we define the class of geometrically separated domains at a boundary point, and give a description of their complex geometry. Examples of such domains are given, for instance, by locally lineally convex domains, domains with locally diagonalizable Levi form, and domains for which the Levi form have comparable eigenvalues at a point. Moreover we show that these domains are localizable. Then we define the notion of adapted pluri-subharmonic function to these domains, and we give sufficient conditions for his existence. Then we show that all the sharp estimates for the Bergman ans Szego projections are valid in this case. Finally we apply these results to the examples to get global and local sharp estimates, improving, for examlple, a result of Fefferman, Kohn and Machedon on the Szego projection.

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We construct holomorphically varying families of Fatou-Bieberbach domains with given centres in the complement of any compact polynomially convex subset $K$ of $mathbb C^n$ for $n>1$. This provides a simple proof of the recent result of Yuta Kusakabe to the effect that the complement $mathbb C^nsetminus K$ of any polynomially convex subset $K$ of $mathbb C^n$ is an Oka manifold. The analogous result is obtained with $mathbb C^n$ replaced by any Stein manifold with the density property.
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