A quantum dot fabricated by scanning probe oxidation lithography on a p-type, C-doped GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure is investigated by low temperature electrical conductance measurements. Clear Coulomb blockade oscillations are observed and analyzed in terms of sequential tunneling through the single-particle levels of the dot at T_hole = 185 mK. The charging energies as large as 2 meV evaluated from Coulomb diamond measurements together with the well resolved single-hole excited state lines in the charge stability diagram indicate that the dot is operated with a small number of confined particles close to the ultimate single-hole regime.
We demonstrate that excited states in single-layer graphene quantum dots can be detected via direct transport experiments. Coulomb diamond measurements show distinct features of sequential tunneling through an excited state. Moreover, the onset of inelastic cotunneling in the diamond region could be detected. For low magnetic fields, the positions of the single-particle energy levels fluctuate on the scale of a flux quantum penetrating the dot area. For higher magnetic fields, the transition to the formation of Landau levels is observed. Estimates based on the linear energy-momentum relation of graphene give carrier numbers of the order of 10 for our device.
We study a graphene double quantum dot in different coupling regimes. Despite the strong capacitive coupling between the dots, the tunnel coupling is below the experimental resolution. We observe additional structures inside the finite-bias triangles, part of which can be attributed to electronic excited dot states, while others are probably due to modulations of the transmission of the tunnel barriers connecting the system to source and drain leads.
Low-temperature electrical conductance spectroscopy measurements of quantum point contacts implemented in p-type GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures are used to study the Zeeman splitting of 1D subbands for both in-plane and out-of-plane magnetic field orientations. The resulting in-plane g-factors agree qualitatively with those of previous experiments on quantum wires while the quantitative differences can be understood in terms of the enhanced quasi-1D confinement anisotropy. The influence of confinement potential on the anisotropy is discussed and an estimate for the out-of-plane g-factor is obtained which, in contrast to previous experiments, is closer to the theoretical prediction.
We have studied theoretically the type-II GaAsSb capped InAs quantum dots for two structures differing in the composition of the capping layer, being either (i) constant or (ii) with Sb accumulation above the apex of the dot. We have found that the hole states are segmented and resemble the states in the quantum dot molecules. The two-hole states form singlet and triplet with the splitting energy of 4{mu}eV / 325{mu}eV for the case (i) / (ii). We have also tested the possibility to tune the splitting by vertically applied magnetic field. As the predicted tunability range was limited, we propose an approach for its enhancement.
The quantum point contact (QPC) back-action has been found to cause non-thermal-equilibrium excitations to the electron spin states in a quantum dot (QD). Here we use back-action as an excitation source to probe the spin excited states spectroscopy for both the odd and even electron numbers under a varying parallel magnetic field. For a single electron, we observed the Zeeman splitting. For two electrons, we observed the splitting of the spin triplet states $|T^{+}>$ and $|T^{0}>$ and found that back-action drives the singlet state $|S>$ overwhelmingly to $|T^{+}>$ other than $|T^{0}>$. All these information were revealed through the real-time charge counting statistics.