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First-principles investigation of effect of pressure on BaFe$_2$As$_2$

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 Added by Wenhui Xie
 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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On experimental side, BaFe$_2$As$_2$ without doping has been made superconducting by applying appropriate pressure (2-6 GPa). Here, we use a full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method within the density-functional theory to investigate the effect of pressure on its crystal structure, magnetic order, and electronic structure. Our calculations show that the striped antiferromagnetic order observed in experiment is stable against pressure up to 13 GPa. Calculated antiferromagnetic lattice parameters are in good agreements with experimental data, while calculations with nonmagnetic state underestimate Fe-As bond length and c-axis lattice constant. The effects of pressure on crystal structure and electronic structure are investigated for both the antiferromagnetic state and the nonmagnetic one. We find that the compressibility of the antiferromagnetic state is quite isotropic up to about 6.4 GPa. With increasing pressure, the FeAs$_4$ tetrahedra is hardly distorted. We observe a transition of Fermi surface topology in the striped antiferromagnetic state when the compression of volume is beyond 8% (or pressure 6 GPa), which corresponds to a large change of $c/a$ ratio. These first-principles results should be useful to understanding the antiferromagnetism and electronic states in the FeAs-based materials, and may have some useful implications to the superconductivity.

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327 - Jun Dai , Zhenyu Li , Jinlong Yang 2008
We report a systematic first-principles study on the recent discovered superconducting Ba$_{1-x}$K$_x$Fe$_2$As$_2$ systems ($x$ = 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1.00). Previous theoretical studies strongly overestimated the magnetic moment on Fe of the parent compound BaFe$_2$As$_2$. Using a negative on-site energy $U$, we obtain a magnetic moment 0.83 $mu_B$ per Fe, which agrees well with the experimental value (0.87 $mu_B$). K doping tends to increase the density of states at fermi level. The magnetic instability is enhanced with light doping, and is then weaken by increasing the doping level. The energetics for the different K doping sites are also discussed.
209 - Swee K. Goh , Y. Nakai , K. Ishida 2010
Magnetic measurements on optimally doped single crystals of BaFe$_2$(As$_{1-x}$P$_{x}$)$_2$ ($xapprox0.35$) with magnetic fields applied along different crystallographic axes were performed under pressure, enabling the pressure evolution of coherence lengths and the anisotropy factor to be followed. Despite a decrease in the superconducting critical temperature, our studies reveal that the superconducting properties become more anisotropic under pressure. With appropriate scaling, we directly compare these properties with the values obtained for BaFe$_2$(As$_{1-x}$P$_{x}$)$_2$ as a function of phosphorus content.
Ternary Ba-Fe-As system has been studied to determine a primary solidification field of the BaFe$_2$As$_2$ phase. We found that the BaFe$_2$As$_2$ phase most likely melts congruently and primarily solidifies either in the FeAs excess or Ba$_{x}$As$_{100-x}$ excess liquid. Knowing the primary solidification field, we have performed the vertical Bridgman growth using the starting liquid composition of Ba$_{15}$Fe$_{42.5}$As$_{42.5}$. Large single crystals of the typical size 10x4x2 mm$^3$ were obtained and their quality was confirmed by X-ray Laue and neutron diffraction.
Recent experiments showed the distinct observations on the transition metal ditelluride NiTe$_2$ under pressure: one reported a superconducting phase transition at 12 GPa, whereas another observed a sign reversal of Hall resistivity at 16 GPa without the appearance of superconductivity. To clarify the controversial experimental phenomena, we have carried out first-principles electronic structure calculations on the compressed NiTe$_2$ with structure searching and optimization. Our calculations show that the pressure can transform NiTe$_2$ from a layered P-3m1 phase to a cubic Pa-3 phase at $sim$10 GPa. Meanwhile, both the P-3m1 and Pa-3 phases possess nontrivial topological properties. The calculated superconducting $T_c$s for these two phases based on the electron-phonon coupling theory both approach 0 K. Further magnetic transport calculations reveal that the sign of Hall resistance for the Pa-3 phase is sensitive to the pressure and the charge doping, in contrast to the case of the P-3m1 phase. Our theoretical predictions on the compressed NiTe$_2$ wait for careful experimental examinations.
Among numerous hypotheses, recently proposed to explain superconductivity in iron-based superconductors [1-9], many consider Fermi surface (FS) nesting [2, 4, 8, 10] and dimensionality [4, 9] as important contributors. Precise determination of the electronic spectrum and its modification by superconductivity, crucial for further theoretical advance, were hindered by a rich structure of the FS [11-17]. Here, using the angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) with resolution of all three components of electron momentum and electronic states symmetry, we disentangle the electronic structure of hole-doped BaFe2As2, and show that nesting and dimensionality of FS sheets have no immediate relation to the superconducting pairing. Alternatively a clear correlation between the orbital character of the electronic states and their propensity to superconductivity is observed: the magnitude of the superconducting gap maximizes at 10.5 meV exclusively for iron 3dxz;yz orbitals, while for others drops to 3.5 meV. Presented results reveal similarities of electronic response to superconducting and magneto-structural transitions [18, 19], implying that relation between these two phases is more intimate than just competition for FS, and demonstrate importance of orbital physics in iron superconductors.
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