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Bayesian Limits on Primordial Isotropy Breaking

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 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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It is often assumed that primordial perturbations are statistically isotropic, which implies, among other properties, that their power spectrum is invariant under rotations. In this article, we test this assumption by placing model-independent bounds on deviations from rotational invariance of the primordial spectrum. Using five-year WMAP cosmic microwave anisotropy maps, we set limits on the overall norm and the amplitude of individual components of the primordial spectrum quadrupole. We find that there is no significant evidence for primordial isotropy breaking, and that an eventually non-vanishing quadrupole has to be subdominant.

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Primordial magnetic field (PMF) is one of the feasible candidates to explain observed large-scale magnetic fields, for example, intergalactic magnetic fields. We present a new mechanism that brings us information about PMFs on small scales based on the abundance of primordial black holes (PBHs). The anisotropic stress of the PMFs can act as a source of the super-horizon curvature perturbation in the early universe. If the amplitude of PMFs is sufficiently large, the resultant density perturbation also has a large amplitude, and thereby, the PBH abundance is enhanced. Since the anisotropic stress of the PMFs is consist of the square of the magnetic fields, the statistics of the density perturbation follows the non-Gaussian distribution. Assuming Gaussian distributions and delta-function type power spectrum for PMFs, based on a Monte-Carlo method, we obtain an approximate probability density function of the density perturbation, and it is an important piece to relate the amplitude of PMFs with the abundance of PBHs. Finally, we place the strongest constraint on the amplitude of PMFs as a few hundred nano-Gauss on $10^{2};{rm Mpc}^{-1} leq kleq 10^{18};{rm Mpc}^{-1}$ where the typical cosmological observations never reach.
We place limits on semiclassical fluctuations that might be present in the primordial perturbation spectrum. These can arise if some signatures of pre-inflationary features survive the expansion, or could be created by whatever mechanism ends inflation. We study two possible models for such remnant fluctuations, both of which break the isotropy of CMB on large scales. We first consider a semiclassical fluctuation in one Fourier mode of primordial perturbations. The second scenario we analyze is a semiclassical Gaussian bump somewhere in space. These models are tested with the seven-year WMAP data using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Bayesian analysis, and we place limits on these fluctuations. The upper bound for the amplitude of a fluctuation in a single Fourier mode is a<=10^(-4), while for the Gaussian bump a<=10^(-3).
The standard cosmology strongly relies upon the Cosmological Principle, which consists on the hypotheses of large scale isotropy and homogeneity of the Universe. Testing these assumptions is, therefore, crucial to determining if there are deviations from the standard cosmological paradigm. In this paper, we use the latest type Ia supernova compilations, namely JLA and Union2.1 to test the cosmological isotropy at low redshift ranges ($z<0.1$). This is performed through a Bayesian selection analysis, in which we compare the standard, isotropic model, with another one including a dipole correction due to peculiar velocities. We find that the Union2.1 sample favors the dipole-corrected model, but the opposite happens for the JLA. Nonetheless, the velocity dipole results are in good agreement with previous analyses carried out with both datasets. We conclude that there are no significant indications for large anisotropic signals from nearby supernova compilations, albeit this test should be greatly improved with the upcoming cosmological surveys.
If primordial black holes (PBHs) form directly from inhomogeneities in the early Universe, then the number in the mass range $10^5 -10^{12}M_{odot}$ is severely constrained by upper limits to the $mu$ distortion in the cosmic microwave background (CMB). This is because inhomogeneities on these scales will be dissipated by Silk damping in the redshift interval $5times 10^4lesssim zlesssim2times 10^6$. If the primordial fluctuations on a given mass scale have a Gaussian distribution and PBHs form on the high-$sigma$ tail, as in the simplest scenarios, then the $mu$ constraints exclude PBHs in this mass range from playing any interesting cosmological role. Only if the fluctuations are highly non-Gaussian, or form through some mechanism unrelated to the primordial fluctuations, can this conclusion be obviated.
Primordial magnetic fields (PMFs) can source gravitational wave background (GWB). In this paper, we investigate the possible constraints on small-scale PMF considering the ongoing and forthcoming direct detection observations of GWB. In contrast to the conventional cosmological probes, e.g., cosmic microwave background anisotropies, which are useful to investigate large-scale PMFs ($>1 {rm Mpc}$), the direct detection experiments of GWB can explore small-scale PMFs whose scales correspond to the observed frequencies of GWB. We show that future ground-based or space-based interferometric gravitational wave detectors give a strong constraint of about $10^{2} {rm nG}$ on much smaller scales of about $kapprox 10^{12} {rm Mpc}^{-1}$. We also demonstrate that pulsar timing arrays have a potential to strongly constrain PMFs. The current limits on GWB from pulsar timing arrays can put the tight constraint on the amplitude of the PMFs of about $30 {rm nG}$ whose coherent length is of about $kapprox 10^{6} {rm Mpc}^{-1}$. The future experiments for the direct detection of GWB by the Square Kilometre Array could give much tighter constraints on the amplitude of PMFs about $5 {rm nG}$ on $kapprox 10^{6} {rm Mpc}^{-1}$, on which scales, it is difficult to reach by using the cosmological observations.
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