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Superconductivity at the interface between the insulators LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 has been tuned with the electric field effect. The data provide evidence for a two dimensional quantum superconductor to insulator (2D-QSI) transition. Here we explore the compatibility of this phase transition line with Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) behavior and a 2D-QSI transition. In an intermediate regime, limited by a finite size effect, we uncover remarkable consistency with BKT- criticality, weak localization in the insulating state and non-Drude behavior in the normal state. Our estimates for the critical exponents of the 2D-QSI-transition, z =1 and nu=3, suggest that it belongs to the 3D-xy universality class.
Recently superconductivity at the interface between the insulators LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 has been tuned with the electric field effect to an unprecedented range of transition temperatures. Here we perform a detailed finite size scaling analysis to explore the compatibility of the phase transition line with Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) behavior and a 2D-quantum phase(QP)-transition. In an intermediate regime, limited by a gate voltage dependent limiting length, we uncover remarkable consistency with a BKT-critical line ending at a metallic quantum critical point, separating a weakly localized insulator from the superconducting phase. Our estimates for the critical exponents of the 2D-QP-transition, z=1 and nu=0.66, suggest that it belongs to the 3D-xy universality class.
Hybrid normal metal - insulator - superconductor microstructures suitable for studying an interference of electrons were fabricated. The structures consist of a superconducting loop connected to a normal metal electrode through a tunnel barrier . An optical interferometer with a beam splitter can be considered as a classical analogue for this system. All measurements were performed at temperatures well below 1 K. The interference can be observed as periodic oscillations of the tunnel current (voltage) through the junction at fixed bias voltage (current) as a function of a perpendicular magnetic field. The magnitude of the oscillations depends on the bias point. It reaches a maximum at energy $eV$ which is close to the superconducting gap and decreases with an increase of temperature. Surprisingly, the period of the oscillations in units of magnetic flux $Delta Phi$ is equal neither to $h/e$ nor to $h/2e$, but significantly exceeds these values for larger loop circumferences. The origin of the phenomena is not clear.
The superconductor-insulator transition of ultrathin films of bismuth, grown on liquid helium cooled substrates, has been studied. The transition was tuned by changing both film thickness and perpendicular magnetic field. Assuming that the transition is controlled by a T=0 critical point, a finite size scaling analysis was carried out to determine the correlation length exponent v and the dynamical critical exponent z. The phase diagram and the critical resistance have been studied as a function of film thickness and magnetic field. The results are discussed in terms of bosonic models of the superconductor-insulator transition, as well as the percolation models which predict finite dissipation at T=0.
The superconductor-insulator transition (SIT) is an excellent example for a quantum phase transition at zero temperature, dominated by quantum fluctuations. These are expected to be very prominent close to the quantum critical point. So far most of the experimental study of the SIT has concentrated on transport properties and tunneling experiments which provide indirect information on criticality close to the transition. Here we present an experiment uniquely designed to study the evolution of quantum fluctuations through the quantum critical point. We utilize the Nernst effect, which has been shown to be effective in probing superconducting fluctuation. We measure the Nernst coefficient in amorphous indium oxide films tuned through the SIT and find a large signal on both the superconducting and the insulating sides which peaks close to the critical point. The transverse Peltier coefficient, $alpha_{xy}$ which is the thermodynamic quantity extracted from these measurements, follows quantum critical scaling with critical exponents $ u sim 0.7$ and $z sim 1$ which is consistent with a clean XY model in 2+1 dimensions.
We isolated flux disorder effects on the transport at the critical point of the quantum magnetic field tuned Superconductor to Insulator transition (BSIT). The experiments employed films patterned into geometrically disordered hexagonal arrays. Spatial variations in the flux per unit cell, which grow in a perpendicular magnetic field, constitute flux disorder. The growth of flux disorder with magnetic field limited the number of BSITs exhibited by a single film due to flux matching effects. The critical metallic resistance at successive BSITs grew with flux disorder contrary to predictions of its universality. These results open the door for controlled studies of disorder effects on the universality class of an ubiquitous quantum phase transition.