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Imaging method for interface rheological characterization

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 Added by Florent Ravelet
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The present work investigates free damped oscillations of an oil drop in water after its release from a capillary tube. Both pure heptane drops and diluted crude oil drops are considered (in the second case the interface is covered by amphiphilic species, natural components of crude oil). Shadowgraph images of the drops are taken by means of a high speed camera and the drop contour is detected by image processing. The axisymmetric drop shape is then decomposed into spherical harmonics, which constitute the eigenmodes of oscillations predicted by the Rayleigh-Lamb theory. Time evolution of each mode is then obtained. The frequency and the damping rate of the principal mode (n=2) are accurately determined and compared with theoretical values for an immobile clean drop oscillating around spherical shape. For pure heptane drops, theoretical value of the frequency agrees well with experiments whereas the damping rate is significantly underestimated by theory. The experimental results clearly show that the different modes are coupled. Energy is thus transfered from mode n=2 to n=3, which probably explains the observed enhancement of the damping rate. The effect of the interface viscoelastic behaviour, induced by adsorbed amphiphilic species on the free oscillations was examined. No significant effect was observed in the experiments conditions (small amplitude oscillations and moderate aging).

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This paper exploits the theory of geometric gradient flows to introduce an alternative regularization of the thin-film equation. The solution properties of this regularization are investigated via a sequence of numerical simulations whose results lead to new perspectives on thin-film behavior. The new perspectives in large-scale droplet-spreading dynamics are elucidated by comparing numerical-simulation results for the solution properties of the current model with corresponding known properties of three different alternative models. The three specific comparisons in solution behavior are made with the slip model, the precursor-film method and the diffuse-interface model.
Choosing a suitable model and determining its associated parameters from fitting to experimental data is fundamental for many problems in biomechanics. Models of shear-thinning complex fluids, dating from the work of Bird, Carreau, Cross and Yasuda, have been applied in highly-cited computational studies of heamodynamics for several decades. In this manuscript we revisit these models, first to highlight a degree of uncertainty in the naming conventions in the literature, but more importantly to address the problem of inferring model parameters by fitting rheology experiments. By refitting published data, and also by simulation, we find large, flat regions in likelihood surfaces that yield families of parameter sets which fit the data equally well. Despite having almost indistinguishable fits to experimental data these varying parameter sets can predict very different flow profiles, and as such these parameters cannot be used to draw conclusions about physical properties of the fluids, such as zero-shear viscosity or relaxation time of the fluid, or indeed flow behaviours. We verify that these features are not a consequence of the experimental data sets through simulations; by sampling points from the rheological models and adding a small amount of noise we create a synthetic data set which reveals that the problem of parameter identifiability is intrinsic to these models.
It is commonly accepted that the breakup criteria of drops or bubbles in turbulence is governed by surface tension and inertia. However, also {it{buoyancy}} can play an important role at breakup. In order to better understand this role, here we numerically study Rayleigh-Benard convection for two immiscible fluid layers, in order to identify the effects of buoyancy on interface breakup. We explore the parameter space spanned by the Weber number $5leq We leq 5000$ (the ratio of inertia to surface tension) and the density ratio between the two fluids $0.001 leq Lambda leq 1$, at fixed Rayleigh number $Ra=10^8$ and Prandtl number $Pr=1$. At low $We$, the interface undulates due to plumes. When $We$ is larger than a critical value, the interface eventually breaks up. Depending on $Lambda$, two breakup types are observed: The first type occurs at small $Lambda ll 1$ (e.g. air-water systems) when local filament thicknesses exceed the Hinze length scale. The second, strikingly different, type occurs at large $Lambda$ with roughly $0.5 < Lambda le 1$ (e.g. oil-water systems): The layers undergo a periodic overturning caused by buoyancy overwhelming surface tension. For both types the breakup criteria can be derived from force balance arguments and show good agreement with the numerical results.
418 - Songze Chen , Kun Xu , Zhihui Li 2015
A Cartesian grid method combined with a simplified gas kinetic scheme is presented for subsonic and supersonic viscous flow simulation on complex geometries. Under the Cartesian mesh, the computational grid points are classified into four different categories, the fluid point, the solid point, the drop point, and the interpolation point. The boundaries are represented by a set of direction-oriented boundary points. A constrained weighted least square method is employed to evaluate the physical quantities at the interpolation points. Different boundary conditions, including isothermal boundary, adiabatic boundary, and Euler slip boundary, are presented by different interpolation strategies. We also propose a simplified gas kinetic scheme as the flux solver for both subsonic and supersonic flow computations. The methodology of constructing a simplified kinetic flux function can be extended to other flow systems. A few numerical examples are used to validate the Cartesian grid method and the simplified flux function. The reconstruction scheme for recovering the boundary conditions of compressible viscous and heat conducting flow with a Cartesian mesh can provide a smooth distribution of physical quantities at solid boundary, and present an accurate solution for the flow study with complex geometry.
We develop a highly efficient numerical method to simulate small-amplitude flapping propulsion by a flexible wing in a nearly inviscid fluid. We allow the wings elastic modulus and mass density to vary arbitrarily, with an eye towards optimizing these distributions for propulsive performance. The method to determine the wing kinematics is based on Chebyshev collocation of the 1D beam equation as coupled to the surrounding 2D fluid flow. Through small-amplitude analysis of the Euler equations (with trailing-edge vortex shedding), the complete hydrodynamics can be represented by a nonlocal operator that acts on the 1D wing kinematics. A class of semi-analytical solutions permits fast evaluation of this operator with $O(N log N)$ operations, where $N$ is the number of collocation points on the wing. This is in contrast to the minimum $O(N^2)$ operations required by a direct 2D fluid solver. The coupled wing-fluid problem is thus recast as a PDE with nonlocal operator, which we solve using a preconditioned iterative method. These techniques yield a solver of near-optimal complexity, $O(N log N)$, allowing one to rapidly search the infinite-dimensional parameter space of all possible material distributions and even perform optimization over this space.
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