No Arabic abstract
General sufficient conditions are given for absolute continuity and convergence in variation of the distributions of the unctionals on a probability space, generated by a Poisson point measure. The phase space of the Poisson point measure is supposed to be of the form (0,infty)times U, and its intensity measure to be equal dtPi(du). We introduce the family of time stretching transformations of the configurations of the point measure. The sufficient conditions for absolute continuity and convergence in variation are given in the terms of the time stretching transformations and the relative differential operators. These conditions are applied to solutions of SDEs driven by Poisson point measures, including an SDEs with non-constant jump rate.
Let $Omega subset mathbb{R}^{n+1}$ be an open set whose boundary may be composed of pieces of different dimensions. Assume that $Omega$ satisfies the quantitative openness and connectedness, and there exist doubling measures $m$ on $Omega$ and $mu$ on $partial Omega$ with appropriate size conditions. Let $Lu=-mathrm{div}(A abla u)$ be a real (not necessarily symmetric) degenerate elliptic operator in $Omega$. Write $omega_L$ for the associated degenerate elliptic measure. We establish the equivalence between the following properties: (i) $omega_L in A_{infty}(mu)$, (ii) $L$ is $L^p(mu)$-solvable for some $p in (1, infty)$, (iii) every bounded null solution of $L$ satisfies a Carleson measure estimate with respect to $mu$, (iv) the conical square function is controlled by the non-tangential maximal function in $L^q(mu)$ for some (or for all) $q in (0, infty)$ for any null solution of $L$, (v) $L$ is $mathrm{BMO}(mu)$-solvable, and (vi) every bounded null solution of $L$ is $varepsilon$-approximable for any $varepsilon>0$. On the other hand, we obtain a qualitative analogy of the previous equivalence. Indeed, we characterize the absolute continuity of $omega_L$ with respect to $mu$ in terms of local $L^2(mu)$ estimates of the truncated conical square function for any bounded null solution of $L$. This is also equivalent to the finiteness $mu$-almost everywhere of the truncated conical square function for any bounded null solution of $L$.
We give a pathwise construction of a two-parameter family of purely-atomic-measure-valued diffusions in which ranked masses of atoms are stationary with the Poisson-Dirichlet$(alpha,theta)$ distributions, for $alphain (0,1)$ and $thetage 0$. This resolves a conjecture of Feng and Sun (2010). We build on our previous work on $(alpha,0)$- and $(alpha,alpha)$-interval partition evolutions. Indeed, we first extract a self-similar superprocess from the levels of stable processes whose jumps are decorated with squared Bessel excursions and distinct allelic types. We complete our construction by time-change and normalisation to unit mass. In a companion paper, we show that the ranked masses of the measure-valued processes evolve according to a two-parameter family of diffusions introduced by Petrov (2009), extending work of Ethier and Kurtz (1981). These ranked-mass diffusions arise as continuum limits of up-down Markov chains on Chinese restaurant processes.
Continuous Time Markov Chains, Hawkes processes and many other interesting processes can be described as solution of stochastic differential equations driven by Poisson measures. Previous works, using the Steins method, give the convergence rate of a sequence of renormalized Poisson measures towards the Brownian motion in several distances, constructed on the model of the Kantorovitch-Rubinstein (or Wasserstein-1) distance. We show that many operations (like time change, convolution) on continuous functions are Lipschitz continuous to extend these quantified convergences to diffuse limits of Markov processes and long-time behavior of Hawkes processes.
This paper provides convergence analysis for the approximation of a class of path-dependent functionals underlying a continuous stochastic process. In the first part, given a sequence of weak convergent processes, we provide a sufficient condition for the convergence of the path-dependent functional underlying weak convergent processes to the functional of the original process. In the second part, we study the weak convergence of Markov chain approximation to the underlying process when it is given by a solution of stochastic differential equation. Finally, we combine the results of the two parts to provide approximation of option pricing for discretely monitoring barrier option underlying stochastic volatility model. Different from the existing literatures, the weak convergence analysis is obtained by means of metric computations in the Skorohod topology together with the continuous mapping theorem. The advantage of this approach is that the functional under study may be a function of stopping times, projection of the underlying diffusion on a sequence of random times, or maximum/minimum of the underlying diffusion.
Given a vector $F=(F_1,dots,F_m)$ of Poisson functionals $F_1,dots,F_m$, we investigate the proximity between $F$ and an $m$-dimensional centered Gaussian random vector $N_Sigma$ with covariance matrix $Sigmainmathbb{R}^{mtimes m}$. Apart from finding proximity bounds for the $d_2$- and $d_3$-distances, based on classes of smooth test functions, we obtain proximity bounds for the $d_{convex}$-distance, based on the less tractable test functions comprised of indicators of convex sets. The bounds for all three distances are shown to be of the same order, which is presumably optimal. The bounds are multivariate counterparts of the univariate second order Poincare inequalities and, as such, are expressed in terms of integrated moments of first and second order difference operators. The derived second order Poincare inequalities for indicators of convex sets are made possible by a new bound on the second derivatives of the solution to the Stein equation for the multivariate normal distribution. We present applications to the multivariate normal approximation of first order Poisson integrals and of statistics of Boolean models.