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Nodal Gap in Fe-Based Layered Superconductor LaO_0.9F_{0.1-delta}FeAs Probed by Specific Heat Measurements

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 Added by Gang Mu
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We report the specific heat measurements on the newly discovered Fe-based layered superconductor LaO_0.9F_{0.1-delta}FeAs with the onset transition temperature T_c approx 28 K. A nonlinear magnetic field dependence of the electronic specific heat coefficient gamma(H) has been found in the low temperature limit, which is consistent with the prediction for a nodal superconductor. The maximum gap value Delta_0 approx 3.4$pm$0.5 meV was derived by analyzing gamma(H) based on the d-wave model. We also detected the electronic specific heat difference between 9 T and 0 T in wide temperature region, a specific heat anomaly can be clearly observed near T_c. The Debye temperature of our sample was determined to be about 315.7 K. Our results suggest an unconventional mechanism for this new superconductor.

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126 - G. F. Chen , Z. Li , G. Li 2008
We have employed a new route to synthesize single phase F-doped LaOFeAs compound and confirmed the superconductivity above 20 K in this Fe-based system. We show that the new superconductor has a rather high upper critical field of about 54 T. A clear signature of superconducting gap opening below T$_c$ was observed in the far-infrared reflectance spectra, with 2$Delta/textit{k}T_capprox$3.5-4.2. Furthermore, we show that the new superconductor has electron-type conducting carrier with a rather low carrier density.
450 - Lei Shan , Yonglei Wang , Xiyu Zhu 2008
We present point-contact spectroscopy data for junctions between a normal metal and the newly discovered F-doped superconductor LaO$_{0.9}$F$_{0.1-delta}$FeAs (F-LaOFeAs). A zero-bias conductance peak was observed and its shape and magnitude suggests the presence of Andreev bound states at the surface of F-LaOFeAs, which provides a possible evidence of an unconventional pairing symmetry with a nodal gap function. The maximum gap value $Delta_0approx3.9pm0.7$meV was determined from the measured spectra, in good agreement with the recent experiments on specific heat and lower critical field.
633 - X. C. Hong , X. L. Li , B. Y. Pan 2013
The thermal conductivity of iron-based superconductor CsFe$_2$As$_2$ single crystal ($T_c =$ 1.81 K) was measured down to 50 mK. A significant residual linear term $kappa_0/T$ = 1.27 mW K$^{-2}$ cm$^{-1}$ is observed in zero magnetic field, which is about 1/10 of the normal-state value in upper critical field $H_{c2}$. In low magnetic field, $kappa_0/T$ increases rapidly with field. The overall field dependence of $kappa_0/T$ for our CsFe$_2$As$_2$ (with residual resistivity $rho_0$ = 1.80 $muOmega$ cm) lies between the dirty KFe$_2$As$_2$ (with $rho_0$ = 3.32 $muOmega$ cm) and the clean KFe$_2$As$_2$ (with $rho_0$ = 0.21 $muOmega$ cm). These results strongly suggest nodal superconducting gap in CsFe$_2$As$_2$, similar to its sister compound KFe$_2$As$_2$.
340 - S. Graser , G.R. Boyd , Chao Cao 2008
Since the discovery of high-Tc LaO_1-xF_xFeAs, and other such systems based on FeAs layers, several proposals have been made for the superconducting order parameter Delta_k, on both phenomenological and microscopic grounds. Here we discuss how the symmetry of Delta_k in the bulk can be determined, assuming that single crystals will soon be available. We suggest that a measurement of the dependence of the low temperature specific heat on the angle of a magnetic field in the FeAs plane is the simplest such method, and calculate representative specific heat vs. field angle oscillations for the various candidate states, using a phenomenological band structure fitted to the DFT Fermi surface.
200 - L. Ding , C. He , J. K. Dong 2008
The specific heat $C(T)$ of new iron-based high-$T_c$ superconductor SmO$_{1-x}$F$_x$FeAs ($0 leq x leq 0.2$) was systematically studied. For undoped $x$ = 0 sample, a specific heat jump was observed at 130 K. This is attributed to the structural or spin-density-wave (SDW) transition, which also manifests on resistivity as a rapid drop. However, this jump disappears with slight F doping in $x$ = 0.05 sample, although the resistivity drop still exists. The specific heat $C/T$ shows clear anomaly near $T_c$ for $x$ = 0.15 and 0.20 superconducting samples. Such anomaly has been absent in LaO$_{1-x}$F$_x$FeAs. For the parent compound SmOFeAs, $C(T)$ shows a sharp peak at 4.6 K, and with electron doping in $x$ = 0.15 sample, this peak shifts to 3.7 K. It is interpreted that such a sharp peak results from the antiferromagnetic ordering of Sm$^{3+}$ ions in this system, which mimics the electron-doped high-$T_c$ cuprate Sm$_{2-x}$Ce$_x$CuO$_{4-delta}$.
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