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Maps of Dipersions for Machining Processes

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 Added by Valery Wolff
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors Valery Wolff

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During the products design, the design office defines dimensional and geometrical parameters according to the use criteria and the product functionality. The manufacturing department must integrate the manufacturing and the workpiece position dispersions during the choice of tools and machines operating modes and parameters values to respect the functional constraints. In this paper, we suggest to model the turning dispersions taking into account not only geometrical specifications of position or orientation but also the experience of method actors. A representation using the principle of know-how maps in two or three dimensions is privileged. The most interesting aspect is that these maps include tacit and explicit knowledge. An experimental study realized on a machine tool (HES 300) allows to elaborate knowledge maps especially for the turning process.

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107 - Alain Sergent 2011
In the context of product quality, the methods that can be used to estimate machining defects and predict causes of these defects are one of the important factors of a manufacturing process. The two approaches that are presented in this article are used to determine the machining defects. The first approach uses the Small Displacement Torsor (SDT) concept [BM] to determine displacement dispersions (translations and rotations) of machined surfaces. The second one, which takes into account form errors of machined surface (i.e. twist, comber, undulation), uses a geometrical model based on the modal shapes properties, namely the form parameterization method [FS1]. A case study is then carried out to analyze the machining defects of a batch of machined parts.
95 - Robin Pierron 2018
We report on the rst evidence of direct micropeak machining using a photonic jet (PJ) with nanosecond laser pulses. PJ is a high concentrated propagative light beam with a full width at half maximum (FWHM) smaller than the diraction limit. In our case, PJs are generated with a shaped optical ber tip. Micropeaks with a FWHM of around 1 $mu$m, a height until 590 nm and an apex radius of 14 nm, were repeatability achieved on a silicon wafer. The experiments have been carried out in ambient air using a 100/140 multimode silica ber with a shaped tip along with a 35 kHz pulsed laser emitting 100 ns pulses at 1064 nm. This study shows that the phenomenon occurs only at low energies, just under the ablation threshold. Bulk material appears to have moved around to achieve the peaks in a selforganized process. We hypothesize that the matter was melted and not vaporized; hydrodynamic ow of molten material governed by surfacetension forces may be the causes. This surface modication has many applications. For example, this paper reports on the decrease of wettability of a textured silicon wafer.
74 - Z. Junhao 2001
In this paper we prove the following: (1) The basic error of time-dependent perturbation theory is using the sum of first finite order of perturbed solutions to substitute the exact solution in the divergent interval of the series for calculating the transition probability. In addition quantum mechanics neglects the influence of the normality condition in the continuous case. In both cases Fermi golden rule is not a mathematically reasonable deductive inference from the Schrodinger equation. (2) The transition probability per unit time deduced from the exact solution of the Schrodinger equation is zero, which cannot be used to describe the transition processes.
We point out that results obtained by M. Ribaric and L. Sustersic, hep-th/0403084, and by M. Blasone, P. Jizba and H. Kleinert, quant-ph/0409021, suggest that the path-integral formalism is the key to a derivation of quantum physics from classical, deterministic physics in the four-dimensional space-time. These results and the t Hooft conjecture, hep-th/0104219, suggest to consider a relativistic, non-material medium, an ether, as a base for non-local hidden-variable models of the physical universe.
322 - Franck Ferreyrol 2012
Conditional evolution is crucial for generating non-Gaussian resources for quantum information tasks in the continuous variable scenario. However, tools are lacking for a convenient representation of heralded process in terms of quantum maps for continuous variable states, in the same way as Wigner functions are able to give a compact description of the quantum state. Here we propose and study such a representation, based on the introduction of a suitable transfer function to describe the action of a quantum operation on the Wigner function. We also reconstruct the maps of two relevant examples of conditional process, that is, noiseless amplification and photon addition, by combining experimental data and a detailed physical model. This analysis allows to fully characterize the effect of experimental imperfections in their implementations.
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