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Self-organization in Trees and Motifs of Two-Dimensional Chaotic Maps with Time Delay

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 Added by Zoran Levnaji\\'c
 Publication date 2007
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We study two-dimensional chaotic standard maps coupled along the edges of scale-free trees and tree-like subgraph (4-star) with a non-symplectic coupling and time delay between the nodes. Apart from the chaotic and regular 2-periodic motion, the coupled map system exhibits variety of dynamical effects in a wide range of coupling strengths. This includes dynamical localization, emergent periodicity, and appearance of strange non-chaotic attractors. Near the strange attractors we find long-range correlations in the intervals of return-times to specified parts of the phase space. We substantiate the analysis with the finite-time Lyapunov stability. We also give some quantitative evidence of how the small-scale dynamics at 4-star motifs participates in the genesis of the collective behavior at the whole network.

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The dynamics of coupled 2D chaotic maps with time-delay on a scalefree-tree is studied, with different types of the collective behaviors already been reported for various values of coupling strength [1]. In this work we focus on the dynamics time-evolution at the coupling strength of the stability threshold and examine the properties of the regularization process. The time-scales involved in the appearance of the regular state and the periodic state are determined. We find unexpected regularity in the the systems final steady state: all the period values turn out to be integer multiples of one among given numbers. Moreover, the period value distribution follows a power-law with a slope of -2.24.
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A simple periodically driven system displaying rich behavior is introduced and studied. The system self-organizes into a mosaic of static ordered regions with three possible patterns, which are threaded by one-dimensional paths on which a small number of mobile particles travel. These trajectories are self-avoiding and non-intersecting, and their relationship to self-avoiding random walks is explored. Near $rho=0.5$ the distribution of path lengths becomes power-law like up to some cutoff length, suggesting a possible critical state.
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