We introduce two new N = (2, 2) vector multiplets that couple naturally to generalized Kahler geometries. We describe their kinetic actions as well as their matter couplings both in N = (2, 2) and N = (1, 1) superspace.
We discuss the conditions for extra supersymmetry of the N=(2,2) supersymmetric vector multiplets described in arXiv:0705.3201 [hep-th] and in arXiv:0808.1535 [hep-th]. We find (4,4) supersymmetry for the semichiral vector multiplet but not for the Large Vector Multiplet.
Lagrangians for several new off-shell 4D, N = 1 supersymmetric descriptions of massive superspin-1 and superspin-3/2 multiplets are described. Taken together with the models previously constructed, there are now four off-shell formulations for the massive gravitino multiplet (superspin-1) and six off-shell formulations for the massive graviton multiplet (superspin-3/2). Duality transformations are derived which relate some of these dynamical systems.
We construct several novel examples of 3d $mathcal{N}=2$ models whose free energy scales as $N^{3/2}$ at large $N$. This is the first step towards the identification of field theories with an M-theory dual. Furthermore, we match the volumes extracted from the free energy with the ones computed from the Hilbert series. We perform a similar analysis for the 4d parents of the 3d models, matching the volume extracted from the $a$ conformal anomaly to that obtained from the Hilbert series. For some of the 4d models, we show the existence of a Sasaki-Einstein metric on the internal space of the candidate type IIB gravity dual.
We propose new off-shell models for spontaneously broken local ${cal N}=2$ supersymmetry, in which the supergravity multiplet couples to nilpotent Goldstino superfields that contain either a gauge one-form or a gauge two-form in addition to spin-1/2 Goldstone fermions and auxiliary fields. In the case of ${cal N}=2$ Poincare supersymmetry, we elaborate on the concept of twisted chiral superfields and present a nilpotent ${cal N}=2$ superfield that underlies the cubic nilpotency conditions given in arXiv:1707.03414 in terms of constrained ${cal N}=1$ superfields.
We describe a new class of N=2 topological amplitudes that compute a particular class of BPS terms in the low energy effective supergravity action. Specifically they compute the coupling F^2(lambdalambda)^{g-2}(dphi)^2 where F, lambda and phi are gauge field strengths, gaugino and holomorphic vector multiplet scalars. The novel feature of these terms is that they depend both on the vector and hypermultiplet moduli. The BPS nature of these terms implies that they satisfy a holomorphicity condition with respect to vector moduli and a harmonicity condition as well as a second order differential equation with respect to hypermultiplet moduli. We study these conditions explicitly in heterotic string theory and show that they are indeed satisfied up to anomalous boundary terms in the world-sheet moduli space. We also analyze the boundary terms in the holomorphicity and harmonicity equations at a generic point in the vector and hyper moduli space. In particular we show that the obstruction to the holomorphicity arises from the one loop threshold correction to the gauge couplings and we argue that this is due to the contribution of non-holomorphic couplings to the connected graphs via elimination of the auxiliary fields.