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Multilingual and cross-lingual Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) have recently garnered increasing attention as multilingual text representation techniques have become more effective and widely available. While recent work has attained growing success, re sults on gold multilingual benchmarks are still not easily comparable across languages, making it difficult to grasp where we stand. For example, in CoNLL-2009, the standard benchmark for multilingual SRL, language-to-language comparisons are affected by the fact that each language has its own dataset which differs from the others in size, domains, sets of labels and annotation guidelines. In this paper, we address this issue and propose UniteD-SRL, a new benchmark for multilingual and cross-lingual, span- and dependency-based SRL. UniteD-SRL provides expert-curated parallel annotations using a common predicate-argument structure inventory, allowing direct comparisons across languages and encouraging studies on cross-lingual transfer in SRL. We release UniteD-SRL v1.0 at
Large-scale language models such as ELMo and BERT have pushed the horizon of what is possible in semantic role labeling (SRL), solving the out-of-vocabulary problem and enabling end-to-end systems, but they have also introduced significant biases. We evaluate three SRL parsers on very simple transitive sentences with verbs usually associated with animate subjects and objects, such as, Mary babysat Tom'': a state-of-the-art parser based on BERT, an older parser based on GloVe, and an even older parser from before the days of word embeddings. When arguments are word forms predominantly used as person names, aligning with common sense expectations of animacy, the BERT-based parser is unsurprisingly superior; yet, with abstract or random nouns, the opposite picture emerges. We refer to this as common sense bias'' and present a challenge dataset for evaluating the extent to which parsers are sensitive to such a bias. Our code and challenge dataset are available here:
Conversational semantic role labeling (CSRL) is believed to be a crucial step towards dialogue understanding. However, it remains a major challenge for existing CSRL parser to handle conversational structural information. In this paper, we present a simple and effective architecture for CSRL which aims to address this problem. Our model is based on a conversational structure aware graph network which explicitly encodes the speaker dependent information. We also propose a multi-task learning method to further improve the model. Experimental results on benchmark datasets show that our model with our proposed training objectives significantly outperforms previous baselines.
While FrameNet is widely regarded as a rich resource of semantics in natural language processing, a major criticism concerns its lack of coverage and the relative paucity of its labeled data compared to other commonly used lexical resources such as P ropBank and VerbNet. This paper reports on a pilot study to address these gaps. We propose a data augmentation approach, which uses existing frame-specific annotation to automatically annotate other lexical units of the same frame which are unannotated. Our rule-based approach defines the notion of a **sister lexical unit** and generates frame-specific augmented data for training. We present experiments on frame-semantic role labeling which demonstrate the importance of this data augmentation: we obtain a large improvement to prior results on frame identification and argument identification for FrameNet, utilizing both full-text and lexicographic annotations under FrameNet. Our findings on data augmentation highlight the value of automatic resource creation for improved models in frame-semantic parsing.

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