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This paper describes the hardware and operations of the Neutrinos at the Main Injector (NuMI) beam at Fermilab. It elaborates on the design considerations for the beam as a whole and for individual elements. The most important design details of individual components are described. Beam monitoring systems and procedures, including the tuning and alignment of the beam and NuMI long-term performance, are also discussed.
Present availability of high brilliance photon beams as those produced by X-ray Free Electron Lasers in combination with intense TeV proton beams typical of the Large Hadron Collider makes it possible to conceive the generation of pion beams via photo-production in a highly relativistic Lorentz boosted frame: the main advantage is the low emittance attainable and a TeV-class energy for the generated pions, that may be an interesting option for the production of low emittance muon and neutrino beams. We will describe the kinematics of the two classes of dominant events, i.e. the pion photo-production and the electron/positron pair production, neglecting other small cross-section possible events like Compton and muon pair production. Based on the phase space distributions of the pion and muon beams we will analyze the pion beam brightness achievable in three examples, based on advanced high efficiency high repetition rate FELs coupled to LHC or Future Circular Collider (FCC) proton beams, together with the study of a possible small scale demonstrator based on a Compton Source coupled to a Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) proton beam.
166 - S. Kar , A. Green , H. Ahmed 2015
We report on the experimental observation of beam-like neutron emission with peak flux of the order of 10^9 n/sr, from light nuclei reactions in a pitcher-catcher scenario, by employing MeV ions driven by high power laser. The spatial profile of the neutron beam, fully captured for the first time by employing a CR39 nuclear track detector, shows a FWHM divergence angle of 70 degrees, with a peak flux nearly an order of magnitude higher than the isotropic component elsewhere. The observed beamed flux of neutrons is highly favourable for a wide range of applications, and indeed for further transport and moderation to thermal energies. A systematic study employing various combinations of pitcher-catcher materials indicates the dominant reactions being d(p, n+p)^1H and d(d,n)^3He. Albeit insufficient cross-section data are available for modelling, the observed anisotropy in the neutrons spatial and spectral profiles are most likely related to the directionality and high energy of the projectile ions.
One superconducting taper-type half-wave resonator (HWR) with frequency of 162.5MHz, b{eta} of 0.09 has been developed at Peking University, which is used to accelerate high current proton ($sim$ 100mA) and $D^{+}$($sim$ 50mA). The radio frequency (RF) design of the cavity has been accomplished. Herein, we present the mechanical analysis of the cavity which is also an important aspect in superconducting cavity design. The frequency shift caused by bath helium pressure and Lorenz force, and the tuning by deforming the cavity along the beam axis will be analyzed in this paper.
Important features of Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (ECRIS) operation are accurately reproduced with a numerical code. The code uses the particle-in-cell technique to model a dynamics of ions in ECRIS plasma. It is shown that gas dynamical ion confinement mechanism is sufficient to provide the ion production rates in ECRIS close to the experimentally observed values. Extracted ion currents are calculated and compared to the experiment for few sources. Changes in the extracted ion currents are obtained with varying the gas flow into the source chamber and the microwave power. Empirical scaling laws for ECRIS design are studied and the underlying physical effects are discussed.
Following the discovery of the Higgs boson at LHC, new large colliders are being studied by the international high-energy community to explore Higgs physics in detail and new physics beyond the Standard Model. In China, a two-stage circular collider project CEPC-SPPC is proposed, with the first stage CEPC (Circular Electron Positron Collier, a so-called Higgs factory) focused on Higgs physics, and the second stage SPPC (Super Proton-Proton Collider) focused on new physics beyond the Standard Model. This paper discusses this second stage.
We describe operation of the CESR-TA vertical beam size monitor (xBSM) with $e^pm$ beams with $E_{rm b}$=4 GeV. The xBSM measures vertical beam size by imaging synchrotron radiation x-rays through an optical element onto a detector array of 32 InGaAs photodiodes with 50 $mu$m pitch. The device has previously been successfully used to measure vertical beam sizes of 10-100 $mu$m on a bunch-by-bunch, turn-by-turn basis at $e^pm$ beam energies of $sim$2 GeV and source magnetic fields below 2.8 kG, for which the detector required calibration for incident x-rays of 1-5 keV. At $E_{rm b}=4.0$ GeV and $B$=4.5 kG, however, the incident synchrotron radiation spectrum extends to $sim$20 keV, requiring calibration of detector response in that regime. Such a calibration is described and then used to analyze data taken with several different thicknesses of filters in front of the detector. We obtain a relative precision of better than 4% on beam size measurement from 15-100 $mu$m over several different ranges of x-ray energy, including both 1-12 keV and 6-17 keV. The response of an identical detector, but tilted vertically by 60$^circ$ in order to increase magnfication without a longer beamline, is measured and shown to improve x-ray detection above 4 keV without compromising sensitivity to beam size. We also investigate operation of a coded aperture using gold masking backed by synthetic diamond.
Determining the optimal arrangement of superconducting layers to withstand large amplitude AC magnetic fields is important for certain applications such as superconducting radiofrequency cavities. In this paper, we evaluate the shielding potential of the superconducting film/insulating film/superconductor (SIS) structure, a configuration that could provide benefits in screening large AC magnetic fields. After establishing that for high frequency magnetic fields, flux penetration must be avoided, the superheating field of the structure is calculated in the London limit both numerically and, for thin films, analytically. For intermediate film thicknesses and realistic material parameters we also solve numerically the Ginzburg-Landau equations. It is shown that a small enhancement of the superheating field is possible, on the order of a few percent, for the SIS structure relative to a bulk superconductor of the film material, if the materials and thicknesses are chosen appropriately.
164 - T. Barklow , J. Brau , K. Fujii 2015
The ILC Technical Design Report documents the design for the construction of a linear collider which can be operated at energies up to 500 GeV. This report summarizes the outcome of a study of possible running scenarios, including a realistic estimate of the real time accumulation of integrated luminosity based on ramp-up and upgrade processes. The evolution of the physics outcomes is emphasized, including running initially at 500 GeV, then at 350 GeV and 250 GeV. The running scenarios have been chosen to optimize the Higgs precision measurements and top physics while searching for evidence for signals beyond the standard model, including dark matter. In addition to the certain precision physics on the Higgs and top that is the main focus of this study, there are scientific motivations that indicate the possibility for discoveries of new particles in the upcoming operations of the LHC or the early operation of the ILC. Follow-up studies of such discoveries could alter the plan for the centre-of-mass collision energy of the ILC and expand the scientific impact of the ILC physics program. It is envisioned that a decision on a possible energy upgrade would be taken near the end of the twenty year period considered in this report.
134 - A. Valishev 2015
Current bearing wire compensators were successfully used in the 2005-2006 run of the DA{Phi}NE collider to mitigate the detrimental effects of parasitic beam-beam interactions. A marked improvement of the positron beam lifetime was observed in machine operation with the KLOE detector. In view of the possible application of wire beam-beam compensators for the High Luminosity LHC upgrade, we revisit the DA{Phi}NE experiments. We use an improved model of the accelerator with the goal to validate the modern simulation tools and provide valuable input for the LHC upgrade project.

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