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92 - L.V. Bogdanov 2016
A class of multidimensional integrable hierarchies connected with commutation of general (unreduced) (N+1)-dimensional vector fields containing derivative over spectral variable is considered. They are represented in the form of generating equation, as well as in the Lax-Sato form. A dressing scheme based on nonlinear vector Riemann problem is presented for this class. The hierarchies connected with Manakov-Santini equation and Dunajski system are considered as illustrative examples.
We discuss the application of a variant of the method of simplest equation for obtaining exact traveling wave solutions of a class of nonlinear partial differential equations containing polynomial nonlinearities. As simplest equation we use differential equation for a special function that contains as particular cases trigonometric and hyperbolic functions as well as the elliptic function of Weierstrass and Jacobi. We show that for this case the studied class of nonlinear partial differential equations can be reduced to a system of two equations containing polynomials of the unknown functions. This system may be further reduced to a system of nonlinear algebraic equations for the parameters of the solved equation and parameters of the solution. Any nontrivial solution of the last system leads to a traveling wave solution of the solved nonlinear partial differential equation. The methodology is illustrated by obtaining solitary wave solutions for the generalized Korteweg-deVries equation and by obtaining solutions of the higher order Korteweg-deVries equation.
157 - Takayuki Tsuchida 2015
The action of a Backlund-Darboux transformation on a spectral problem associated with a known integrable system can define a new discrete spectral problem. In this paper, we interpret a slightly generalized version of the binary Backlund-Darboux (or Zakharov-Shabat dressing) transformation for the nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) hierarchy as a discrete spectral problem, wherein the two intermediate potentials appearing in the Darboux matrix are considered as a pair of new dependent variables. Then, we associate the discrete spectral problem with a suitable isospectral time-evolution equation, which forms the Lax-pair representation for a space-discrete NLS system. This formulation is valid for the most general case where the two dependent variables take values in (rectangular) matrices. In contrast to the matrix generalization of the Ablowitz-Ladik lattice, our discretization has a rational nonlinearity and admits a Hermitian conjugation reduction between the two dependent variables. Thus, a new proper space-discretization of the vector/matrix NLS equation is obtained; by changing the time part of the Lax pair, we also obtain an integrable space-discretization of the vector/matrix modified KdV (mKdV) equation. Because Backlund-Darboux transformations are permutable, we can increase the number of discrete independent variables in a multi-dimensionally consistent way. By solving the consistency condition on the two-dimensional lattice, we obtain a new Yang-Baxter map of the NLS type, which can be considered as a fully discrete analog of the principal chiral model for projection matrices.
188 - Andrei K. Svinin 2015
We consider two infinite classes of ordinary difference equations admitting Lax pair representation. Discrete equations in these classes are parameterized by two integers $kgeq 0$ and $sgeq k+1$. We describe the first integrals for these two classes in terms of special discrete polynomials. We show an equivalence of two difference equations belonged to different classes corresponding to the same pair $(k, s)$. We show that solution spaces $mathcal{N}^k_s$ of different ordinary difference equations with fixed value of $s+k$ are organized in chain of inclusions.
We describe a broad class of bounded non-periodic potentials in one-dimensional stationary quantum mechanics having the same spectral properties as periodic potentials. The spectrum of the corresponding Schroedinger operator consists of a finite or infinite number of allowed bands separated by gaps. In this letter we consider the simplest class of potentials, whose spectra consist of an interval on the negative semiaxis and the entire positive axis. The potentials are reflectionless, and a particle with positive energy moves freely in both directions. The potential is constructed as a limit of Bargmann potentials and is determined by a Riemann-Hilbert problem, which is equivalent to a pair of singular integral equations that can be efficiently solved using numerical techniques.
We propose a novel, analytically tractable, scenario of the rogue wave formation in the framework of the small-dispersion focusing nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) equation with the initial condition in the form of a rectangular barrier (a box). We use the Whitham modulation theory combined with the nonlinear steepest descent for the semi-classical inverse scattering transform, to describe the evolution and interaction of two counter-propagating nonlinear wave trains --- the dispersive dam break flows --- generated in the NLS box problem. We show that the interaction dynamics results in the emergence of modulated large-amplitude quasi-periodic breather lattices whose amplitude profiles are closely approximated by the Akhmediev and Peregrine breathers within certain space-time domain. Our semi-classical analytical results are shown to be in excellent agreement with the results of direct numerical simulations of the small-dispersion focusing NLS equation.
188 - R. S. Ward 2015
We study smooth SU(2) solutions of the Hitchin equations on R^2, with the determinant of the complex Higgs field being a polynomial of degree n. When n>=3, there are moduli spaces of solutions, in the sense that the natural L^2 metric is well-defined on a subset of the parameter space. We examine rotationally-symmetric solutions for n=1 and n=2, and then focus on the n=3 case, elucidating the moduli and describing the asymptotic geometry as well as the geometry of two totally-geodesic surfaces.
We examine the effect of dissipation on traveling waves in nonlinear dispersive systems modeled by Benjamin- Bona- Mahony (BBM)-like equations. In the absence of dissipation the BBM-like equations are found to support soliton and compacton/anticompacton solutions depending on whether the dispersive term is linear or nonlinear. We study the influence of increasing nonlinearity of the medium on the soliton- and compacton dynamics. The dissipative effect is found to convert the solitons either to undular bores or to shock-like waves depending on the degree of nonlinearity of the equations. The anticompacton solutions are also transformed to undular bores by the effect of dissipation. But the compactons tend to vanish due to viscous effects. The local oscillatory structures behind the bores and/or shock-like waves in the case of solitons and anticompactons are found to depend sensitively both on the coefficient of viscosity and solution of the unperturbed problem.
We point out that use of the first integral method ( J.Phys. A :Math. Gen. 35 (2002) 343 ) for solving nonlinear evolution equations gives only particular solutions of equations that model conservative systems. On the other hand, for dissipative dynamical systems, the method leads to incorrect solutions of the equations.
177 - Claude M. Viallet 2015
We show how singularities shape the evolution of rational discrete dynamical systems. The stabilisation of the form of the iterates suggests a description providing among other things generalised Hirota form, exact evaluation of the algebraic entropy as well as remarkable polynomial factorisation properties. We illustrate the phenomenon explicitly with examples covering a wide range of models.

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