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In this paper, we explore the two-dimensional behavior of cellular automata with shuffle updates. As a test case, we consider the evacuation of a square room by pedestrians modeled by a cellular automaton model with a static floor field. Shuffle updates are characterized by a variable associated to each particle and called phase, that can be interpreted as the phase in the step cycle in the frame of pedestrian flows. Here we also introduce a dynamics for these phases, in order to modify the properties of the model. We investigate in particular the crossover between low- and high-density regimes that occurs when the density of pedestrians increases, the dependency of the outflow in the strength of the floor field, and the shape of the queue in front of the exit. Eventually we discuss the relevance of these results for pedestrians.
The problem `human and work in a model working group is investigated by means of cellular automata technique. Attitude of members of a group towards work is measured by an indicator of loyalty to the group (the number of agents who carry out their tasks), and lack of loyalty (the number of agents, who give their tasks to other agents). Initially, all agents realize scheduled tasks one-by-one. Agents with the number of scheduled tasks larger than a given threshold change their strategy to unloyal one and start avoiding completing tasks by passing them to their colleagues. Optionally, in some conditions, we allow agents to return to loyal state; hence the rule is hysteretic. Results are presented on an influence of i) the density of tasks, ii) the threshold number of tasks assigned to the agents forcing him/her for strategy change on the system efficiency. We show that a `black scenario of the system stacking in a `jammed phase (with all agents preferring unloyal strategy and having plenty tasks scheduled for realization) may be avoided when return to loyalty is allowed and either i) the number of agents chosen for task realization, or ii) the number of assigned tasks, or iii) the threshold value of assigned tasks, which force the agent to conversion from loyal strategy to unloyal one, or iv) the threshold value of tasks assigned to unloyal agent, which force him/her to task redistribution among his/her neighbors, are smartly chosen.
Motivated by the observation that electrons in graphene, in the hydrodynamic regime of transport, can be treated as a two-dimensional ultra-relativistic gas with very low shear viscosity, we examine the existence of the Rayleigh-Benard instability in a massless electron-hole plasma. Firstly, we perform a linear stability analysis, derive the leading contributions to the relativistic Rayleigh number, and calculate the critical value above which the instability develops. By replacing typical values for graphene, such as thermal conductivity, shear viscosity, temperature, and sample sizes, we find that the instability might be experimentally observed in the near future. Additionally, we have performed simulations for vanishing reduced chemical potential and compare the measured critical Rayleigh number with the theoretical prediction, finding good agreement.
Angiogenesis involves the formation of new blood vessels by sprouting or splitting of existing blood vessels. During sprouting, a highly motile type of endothelial cell, called the tip cell, migrates from the blood vessels followed by stalk cells, an endothelial cell type that forms the body of the sprout. To get more insight into how tip cells contribute to angiogenesis, we extended an existing computational model of vascular network formation based on the cellular Potts model with tip and stalk differentiation, without making a priori assumptions about the differences between tip cells and stalk cells. To predict potential differences, we looked for parameter values that make tip cells (a) move to the sprout tip, and (b) change the morphology of the angiogenic networks. The screening predicted that if tip cells respond less effectively to an endothelial chemoattractant than stalk cells, they move to the tips of the sprouts, which impacts the morphology of the networks. A comparison of this model prediction with genes expressed differentially in tip and stalk cells revealed that the endothelial chemoattractant Apelin and its receptor APJ may match the model prediction. To test the model prediction we inhibited Apelin signaling in our model and in an emph{in vitro} model of angiogenic sprouting, and found that in both cases inhibition of Apelin or of its receptor APJ reduces sprouting. Based on the prediction of the computational model, we propose that the differential expression of Apelin and APJ yields a self-generated gradient mechanisms that accelerates the extension of the sprout.
We present a characterization of short-term stability of random Boolean networks under emph{arbitrary} distributions of transfer functions. Given any distribution of transfer functions for a random Boolean network, we present a formula that decides whether short-term chaos (damage spreading) will happen. We provide a formal proof for this formula, and empirically show that its predictions are accurate. Previous work only works for special cases of balanced families. It has been observed that these characterizations fail for unbalanced families, yet such families are widespread in real biological networks.
The dynamics of pedestrian crowds has been studied intensively in recent years, both theoretically and empirically. However, in many situations pedestrian crowds are rather static, e.g. due to jamming near bottlenecks or queueing at ticket counters or supermarket checkouts. Classically such queues are often described by the M/M/1 queue that neglects the internal structure (density profile) of the queue by focussing on the system length as the only dynamical variable. This is different in the Exclusive Queueing Process (EQP) in which the queue is considered on a microscopic level. It is equivalent to a Totally Asymmetric Exclusion Process (TASEP) of varying length. The EQP has a surprisingly rich phase diagram with respect to the arrival probability alpha and the service probability beta. The behavior on the phase transition line is much more complex than for the TASEP with a fixed system length. It is nonuniversal and depends strongly on the update procedure used. In this article, we review the main properties of the EQP. We also mention extensions and applications of the EQP and some related models.
Different families of models first developed for fluid mechanics have been extended to road, pedestrian, or intracellular transport. These models allow to describe the systems at different scales and to account for different aspects of dynamics. In this paper, we focus on pedestrians and illustrate the various families of models by giving an example of each type. We discuss the specificities of crowds compared to other transport systems.
Cellular automata have been useful artificial models for exploring how relatively simple rules combined with spatial memory can give rise to complex emergent patterns. Moreover, studying the dynamics of how rules emerge under artificial selection for function has recently become a powerful tool for understanding how evolution can innovate within its genetic rule space. However, conventional cellular automata lack the kind of state feedback that is surely present in natural evolving systems. Each new generation of a population leaves an indelible mark on its environment and thus affects the selective pressures that shape future generations of that population. To model this phenomenon, we have augmented traditional cellular automata with state-dependent feedback. Rather than generating automata executions from an initial condition and a static rule, we introduce mappings which generate iteration rules from the cellular automaton itself. We show that these new automata contain disconnected regions which locally act like conventional automata, thus encapsulating multiple functions into one structure. Consequently, we have provided a new model for processes like cell differentiation. Finally, by studying the size of these regions, we provide additional evidence that the dynamics of self-reference may be critical to understanding the evolution of natural language. In particular, the rules of elementary cellular automata appear to be distributed in the same way as words in the corpus of a natural language.
136 - Michael Blank 2014
We discuss conditions for unique ergodicity of a collective random walk on a continuous circle. Individual particles in this collective motion perform independent (and different in general) random walks conditioned by the assumption that the particles cannot overrun each other. Additionally to sufficient conditions for the unique ergodicity we discover a new and unexpected way for its violation due to excessively large local jumps. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the unique ergodicity of the deterministic version of this system are obtained as well. Technically our approach is based on the interlacing property of the spin function which describes states of pairs of particles in coupled processes under study.
The nature of distributed computation has often been described in terms of the component operations of universal computation: information storage, transfer and modification. We review the first complete framework that quantifies each of these individual information dynamics on a local scale within a system, and describes the manner in which they interact to create non-trivial computation where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. We describe the application of the framework to cellular automata, a simple yet powerful model of distributed computation. This is an important application, because the framework is the first to provide quantitative evidence for several important conjectures about distributed computation in cellular automata: that blinkers embody information storage, particles are information transfer agents, and particle collisions are information modification events. The framework is also shown to contrast the computations conducted by several well-known cellular automata, highlighting the importance of information coherence in complex computation. The results reviewed here provide important quantitative insights into the fundamental nature of distributed computation and the dynamics of complex systems, as well as impetus for the framework to be applied to the analysis and design of other systems.

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