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117 - Salim Bouzebda 2020
The first aim of the present paper, is to establish strong approximations of the uniform non-overlapping k-spacings process extending the results of Aly et al. (1984). Our methods rely on the invariance principle in Mason and van Zwet (1987). The second goal, is to generalize the Dindar (1997) results for the increments of the spacings quantile process to the uniforme non-overlapping k-spacings quantile process. We apply the last result to characterize the limit laws of functionals of the increments k-spacings quantile process.
Kernel-based nonparametric hazard rate estimation is considered with a special class of infinite-order kernels that achieves favorable bias and mean square error properties. A fully automatic and adaptive implementation of a density and hazard rate estimator is proposed for randomly right censored data. Careful selection of the bandwidth in the proposed estimators yields estimates that are more efficient in terms of overall mean squared error performance, and in some cases achieves a nearly parametric convergence rate. Additionally, rapidly converging bandwidth estimates are presented for use in second-order kernels to supplement such kernel-based methods in hazard rate estimation. Simulations illustrate the improved accuracy of the proposed estimator against other nonparametric estimators of the density and hazard function. A real data application is also presented on survival data from 13,166 breast carcinoma patients.
In this paper we consider the nonparametric functional estimation of the drift of Gaussian processes using Paley-Wiener and Karhunen-Lo`eve expansions. We construct efficient estimators for the drift of such processes, and prove their minimaxity using Bayes estimators. We also construct superefficient estimators of Stein type for such drifts using the Malliavin integration by parts formula and stochastic analysis on Gaussian space, in which superharmonic functionals of the process paths play a particular role. Our results are illustrated by numerical simulations and extend the construction of James-Stein type estimators for Gaussian processes by Berger and Wolper.
180 - Mikhail Langovoy 2017
We propose and study a general method for construction of consistent statistical tests on the basis of possibly indirect, corrupted, or partially available observations. The class of tests devised in the paper contains Neymans smooth tests, data-driven score tests, and some types of multi-sample tests as basic examples. Our tests are data-driven and are additionally incorporated with model selection rules. The method allows to use a wide class of model selection rules that are based on the penalization idea. In particular, many of the optimal penalties, derived in statistical literature, can be used in our tests. We establish the behavior of model selection rules and data-driven tests under both the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis, derive an explicit detectability rule for alternative hypotheses, and prove a master consistency theorem for the tests from the class. The paper shows that the tests are applicable to a wide range of problems, including hypothesis testing in statistical inverse problems, multi-sample problems, and nonparametric hypothesis testing.
In this note we provide explicit expressions and expansions for a special function which appears in nonparametric estimation of log-densities. This function returns the integral of a log-linear function on a simplex of arbitrary dimension. In particular it is used in the R-package LogCondDEAD by Cule et al. (2007).
Inspired by sample splitting and the reusable holdout introduced in the field of differential privacy, we consider selective inference with a randomized response. We discuss two major advantages of using a randomized response for model selection. First, the selectively valid tests are more powerful after randomized selection. Second, it allows consistent estimation and weak convergence of selective inference procedures. Under independent sampling, we prove a selective (or privatized) central limit theorem that transfers procedures valid under asymptotic normality without selection to their corresponding selective counterparts. This allows selective inference in nonparametric settings. Finally, we propose a framework of inference after combining multiple randomized selection procedures. We focus on the classical asymptotic setting, leaving the interesting high-dimensional asymptotic questions for future work.
The ill-posedness of the inverse problem of recovering a regression function in a nonparametric instrumental variable model leads to estimators that may suffer from a very slow, logarithmic rate of convergence. In this paper, we show that restricting the problem to models with monotone regression functions and monotone instruments significantly weakens the ill-posedness of the problem. In stark contrast to the existing literature, the presence of a monotone instrument implies boundedness of our measure of ill-posedness when restricted to the space of monotone functions. Based on this result we derive a novel non-asymptotic error bound for the constrained estimator that imposes monotonicity of the regression function. For a given sample size, the bound is independent of the degree of ill-posedness as long as the regression function is not too steep. As an implication, the bound allows us to show that the constrained estimator converges at a fast, polynomial rate, independently of the degree of ill-posedness, in a large, but slowly shrinking neighborhood of constant functions. Our simulation study demonstrates significant finite-sample performance gains from imposing monotonicity even when the regression function is rather far from being a constant. We apply the constrained estimator to the problem of estimating gasoline demand functions from U.S. data.
278 - Xinjia Chen 2015
We propose a geometric approach for bounding average stopping times for stopped random walks in discrete and continuous time. We consider stopping times in the hyperspace of time indexes and stochastic processes. Our techniques relies on exploring geometric properties of continuity or stopping regions. Especially, we make use of the concepts of convex sets and supporting hyperplane. Explicit formulae and efficiently computable bounds are obtained for average stopping times. Our techniques can be applied to bound average stopping times involving random vectors, nonlinear stopping boundary, and constraints of time indexes. Moreover, we establish a stochastic characteristic of convex sets and generalize Jensens inequality, Walds equations and Lordens inequality, which are useful for investigating average stopping times.
247 - Jeremie Kellner 2015
We propose a new one-sample test for normality in a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS). Namely, we test the null-hypothesis of belonging to a given family of Gaussian distributions. Hence our procedure may be applied either to test data for normality or to test parameters (mean and covariance) if data are assumed Gaussian. Our test is based on the same principle as the MMD (Maximum Mean Discrepancy) which is usually used for two-sample tests such as homogeneity or independence testing. Our method makes use of a special kind of parametric bootstrap (typical of goodness-of-fit tests) which is computationally more efficient than standard parametric bootstrap. Moreover, an upper bound for the Type-II error highlights the dependence on influential quantities. Experiments illustrate the practical improvement allowed by our test in high-dimensional settings where common normality tests are known to fail. We also consider an application to covariance rank selection through a sequential procedure.
151 - Yusuke Shimizu 2015
We propose an update estimation method for a diffusion parameter from high-frequency dependent data under a nuisance drift element. We ensure the asymptotic equivalence of the estimator to the corresponding quasi-MLE, which has the asymptotic normality and the asymptotic efficiency. We give a simulation example to illustrate the theory.

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