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309 - Stefano Nardulli 2017
In this work we consider a question in the calculus of variations motivated by riemannian geometry, the isoperimetric problem. We show that solutions to the isoperimetric problem, close in the flat norm to a smooth submanifold, are themselves smooth and $C^{2,alpha}$-close to the given sub manifold. We show also a version with variable metric on the manifold. The techniques used are, among other, the standards outils of linear elliptic analysis and comparison theorems of riemannian geometry, Allards regularity theorem for minimizing varifolds, the isometric immersion theorem of Nash and a parametric version due to Gromov.
170 - Semyon Alesker 2016
A new class of plurisubharmonic functions on the octonionic plane O^2= R^{16} is introduced. An octonionic version of theorems of A.D. Aleksandrov and Chern- Levine-Nirenberg, and Blocki are proved. These results are used to construct new examples of continuous translation invariant valuations on convex subsets of O^2=R^{16}. In particular a new example of Spin(9)-invariant valuation on R^{16} is given.
358 - Enrico Le Donne 2016
In this paper we discuss general properties of geodesic surfaces that are locally biLipschitz homogeneous. In particular, we prove that they are locally doubling and that there exists a special doubling measure analogous to the Haar measure for locally compact groups.
384 - Enrico Le Donne 2016
This paper is connected with the problem of describing path metric spaces that are homeomorphic to manifolds and biLipschitz homogeneous, i.e., whose biLipschitz homeomorphism group acts transitively. Our main result is the following. Let $X = G/H$ be a homogeneous manifold of a Lie group $G$ and let $d$ be a geodesic distance on $X$ inducing the same topology. Suppose there exists a subgroup $G_S$ of $G$ that acts transitively on $X$, such that each element $g in G_S$ induces a locally biLipschitz homeomorphism of the metric space $(X,d)$. Then the metric is locally biLipschitz equivalent to a sub-Riemannian metric. Any such metric is defined by a bracket generating $G_S$-invariant sub-bundle of the tangent bundle. The result is a consequence of a more general fact that requires a transitive family of uniformly biLipschitz diffeomorphisms with a control on their differentials. It will be relevant that the group acting transitively on the space is a Lie group and so it is locally compact, since, in general, the whole group of biLipschitz maps, unlikely the isometry group, is not locally compact. Our method also gives an elementary proof of the following fact. Given a Lipschitz sub-bundle of the tangent bundle of a Finsler manifold, then both the class of piecewise differentiable curves tangent to the sub-bundle and the class of Lipschitz curves almost everywhere tangent to the sub-bundle give rise to the same Finsler-Carnot-Caratheodory metric, under the condition that the topologies induced by these distances coincide with the manifold topology.
We show that if X is a piecewise Euclidean 2-complex with a cocompact isometry group, then every 2-quasiflat in X is at finite Hausdorff distance from a subset which is locally flat outside a compact set, and asymptotically conical.
271 - Aditi Kar , Michah Sageev 2015
Let $G$ be a group acting properly and essentially on an irreducible, non-Euclidean finite dimensional CAT(0) cube complex $X$ without fixed points at infinity. We show that for any finite collection of simultaneously inessential subgroups ${H_1, ldots, H_k}$ in $G$, there exists an element $g$ of infinite order such that $forall i$, $langle H_i, grangle cong H_i * langle grangle$. We apply this to show that any group, acting faithfully and geometrically on a non-Euclidean possibly reducible CAT(0) cube complex, has property $P_{naive}$ i.e. given any finite list ${g_1, ldots, g_k}$ of elements from $G$, there exists $g$ of infinite order such that $forall i$, $langle g_i, grangle cong langle g_i rangle *langle grangle$. This applies in particular to the Burger-Moses simple groups that arise as lattices in products of trees. The arguments utilize the action of the group on its Poisson boundary and moreover, allow us to summarise equivalent conditions for the reduced $C^*$-algebra of the group to be simple.
A one-parameter deformation of a periodic bar-and-joint framework is expansive when all distances between joints increase or stay the same. In dimension two, expansive behavior can be fully explained through our theory of periodic pseudo-triangulations. However, higher dimensions present new challenges. In this paper we study a number of periodic frameworks with expansive capabilities in dimension $dgeq 3$ and register both similarities and contrasts with the two-dimensional case.
A simple graph G=(V,E) is 3-rigid if its generic bar-joint frameworks in R3 are infinitesimally rigid. Block and hole graphs are derived from triangulated spheres by the removal of edges and the addition of minimally rigid subgraphs, known as blocks, in some of the resulting holes. Combinatorial characterisations of minimal $3$-rigidity are obtained for these graphs in the case of a single block and finitely many holes or a single hole and finitely many blocks. These results confirm a conjecture of Whiteley from 1988 and special cases of a stronger conjecture of Finbow-Singh and Whiteley from 2013.
We develop an intrinsic necessary and sufficient condition for single-vertex origami crease patterns to be able to fold rigidly. We classify such patterns in the case where the creases are pre-assigned to be mountains and valleys as well as in the unassigned case. We also illustrate the utility of this result by applying it to the new concept of minimal forcing sets for rigid origami models, which are the smallest collection of creases that, when folded, will force all the other creases to fold in a prescribed way.
In this paper we provide a framework for the study of isoperimetric problems in finitely generated group, through a combinatorial study of universal covers of compact simplicial complexes. We show that, when estimating filling functions, one can restrict to simplicial spheres of particular shapes, called round and unfolded, provided that a bounded quasi-geodesic combing exists. We prove that the problem of estimating higher dimensional divergence as well can be restricted to round spheres. Applications of these results include a combinatorial analogy of the Federer--Fleming inequality for finitely generated groups, the construction of examples of $CAT(0)$--groups with higher dimensional divergence equivalent to $x^d$ for every degree d [arXiv:1305.2994], and a proof of the fact that for bi-combable groups the filling function above the quasi-flat rank is asymptotically linear [Behrstock-Drutu].

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