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A one-parameter deformation of a periodic bar-and-joint framework is expansive when all distances between joints increase or stay the same. In dimension two, expansive behavior can be fully explained through our theory of periodic pseudo-triangulations. However, higher dimensions present new challenges. In this paper we study a number of periodic frameworks with expansive capabilities in dimension $dgeq 3$ and register both similarities and contrasts with the two-dimensional case.
Materials science has adopted the term of auxetic behavior for structural deformations where stretching in some direction entails lateral widening, rather than lateral shrinking. Most studies, in the last three decades, have explored repetitive or cellular structures and used the notion of negative Poissons ratio as the hallmark of auxetic behavior. However, no general auxetic principle has been established from this perspective. In the present paper, we show that a purely geometric approach to periodic auxetics is apt to identify essential characteristics of frameworks with auxetic deformations and can generate a systematic and endless series of periodic auxetic designs. The critical features refer to convexity properties expressed through families of homothetic ellipsoids.
We show that, for any given dimension $dgeq 2$, the range of distinct possible designs for periodic frameworks with auxetic capabilities is infinite. We rely on a purely geometric approach to auxetic trajectories developed within our general theory of deformations of periodic frameworks.
We formulate and prove a periodic analog of Maxwells theorem relating stressed planar frameworks and their liftings to polyhedral surfaces with spherical topology. We use our lifting theorem to prove deformation and rigidity-theoretic properties for planar periodic pseudo-triangulations, generalizing features known for their finite counterparts. These properties are then applied to questions originating in mathematical crystallography and materials science, concerning planar periodic auxetic structures and ultrarigid periodic frameworks.
In materials science, auxetic behavior refers to lateral widening upon stretching. We investigate the problem of finding domains of auxeticity in global deformation spaces of periodic frameworks. Case studies include planar periodic mechanisms constructed from quadrilaterals with diagonals as periods and other frameworks with two vertex orbits. We relate several geometric and kinematic descriptions.
We consider the zero-energy deformations of periodic origami sheets with generic crease patterns. Using a mapping from the linear folding motions of such sheets to force-bearing modes in conjunction with the Maxwell-Calladine index theorem we derive a relation between the number of linear folding motions and the number of rigid body modes that depends only on the average coordination number of the origamis vertices. This supports the recent result by Tachi which shows periodic origami sheets with triangular faces exhibit two-dimensional spaces of rigidly foldable cylindrical configurations. We also find, through analytical calculation and numerical simulation, branching of this configuration space from the flat state due to geometric compatibility constraints that prohibit finite Gaussian curvature. The same counting argument leads to pairing of spatially varying modes at opposite wavenumber in triangulated origami, preventing topological polarization but permitting a family of zero energy deformations in the bulk that may be used to reconfigure the origami sheet.