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The fractional Galois ideal of [Victor P. Snaith, Starks conjecture and new Stickelberger phenomena, Canad. J. Math. 58 (2) (2006) 419--448] is a conjectural improvement on the higher Stickelberger ideals defined at negative integers, and is expected to provide non-trivial annihilators for higher K-groups of rings of integers of number fields. In this article, we extend the definition of the fractional Galois ideal to arbitrary (possibly infinite and non-abelian) Galois extensions of number fields under the assumption of Starks conjectures, and prove naturality properties under canonical changes of extension. We discuss applications of this to the construction of ideals in non-commutative Iwasawa algebras.
166 - T.Geisser 2021
We describe the maximal torus and maximal unipotent subgroup of the Picard variety of a proper scheme over a perfect field.
162 - Efton Park , Jody Trout 2018
Let $n geq 2$ be an integer. An emph{$n$-potent} is an element $e$ of a ring $R$ such that $e^n = e$. In this paper, we study $n$-potents in matrices over $R$ and use them to construct an abelian group $K_0^n(R)$. If $A$ is a complex algebra, there is a group isomorphism $K_0^n(A) cong bigl(K_0(A)bigr)^{n-1}$ for all $n geq 2$. However, for algebras over cyclotomic fields, this is not true in general. We consider $K_0^n$ as a covariant functor, and show that it is also functorial for a generalization of homomorphism called an emph{$n$-homomorphism}.
250 - Daniel A. Ramras 2018
In this paper we explain how Morse theory for the Yang-Mills functional can be used to prove an analogue, for surface groups, of the Atiyah-Segal theorem. Classically, the Atiyah-Segal theorem relates the representation ring R(Gamma) of a compact Lie group $Gamma$ to the complex K-theory of the classifying space $BGamma$. For infinite discrete groups, it is necessary to take into account deformations of representations, and with this in mind we replace the representation ring by Carlssons deformation $K$--theory spectrum $K (Gamma)$ (the homotopy-theoretical analogue of $R(Gamma)$). Our main theorem provides an isomorphism in homotopy $K_*(pi_1 Sigma)isom K^{-*}(Sigma)$ for all compact, aspherical surfaces $Sigma$ and all $*>0$. Combining this result with work of Tyler Lawson, we obtain homotopy theoretical information about the stable moduli space of flat unitary connections over surfaces.
420 - Boris Shoikhet 2017
It is well-known that the Kontsevich formality [K97] for Hochschild cochains of the polynomial algebra $A=S(V^*)$ fails if the vector space $V$ is infinite-dimensional. In the present paper, we study the corresponding obstructions. We construct an $L_infty$ structure on polyvector fields on $V$ having the even degree Taylor components, with the degree 2 component given by the Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket, but having as well higher non-vanishing Taylor components. We prove that this $L_infty$ algebra is quasi-isomorphic to the corresponding Hochschild cochain complex. We prove that our $L_infty$ algebra is $L_infty$ quasi-isomorphic to the Lie algebra of polyvector fields on $V$ with the Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket, if $V$ is finite-dimensional.
271 - Nitu Kitchloo 2017
We give a topological interpretation of the highest weight representations of Kac-Moody groups. Given the unitary form G of a Kac-Moody group (over C), we define a version of equivariant K-theory, K_G on the category of proper G-CW complexes. We then study Kac-Moody groups of compact type in detail (see Section 2 for definitions). In particular, we show that the Grothendieck group of integrable hightest weight representations of a Kac-Moody group G of compact type, maps isomorphically onto K_G^*(EG), where $EG$ is the classifying space of proper G-actions. For the affine case, this agrees very well with recent results of Freed-Hopkins-Teleman. We also explicitly compute K_G^*(EG) for Kac-Moody groups of extended compact type, which includes the Kac-Moody group E_{10}.
106 - M.V. Bondarko 2016
This paper is dedicated to triangulated categories endowed with weight structures (a new notion; D. Pauksztello has independently introduced them as co-t-structures). This axiomatizes the properties of stupid truncations of complexes in $K(B)$. We also construct weight structures for Voevodskys categories of motives and for various categories of spectra. A weight structure $w$ defines Postnikov towers of objects; these towers are canonical and functorial up to morphisms that are zero on cohomology. For $Hw$ being the heart of $w$ (in $DM_{gm}$ we have $Hw=Chow$) we define a canonical conservative weakly exact functor $t$ from our $C$ to a certain weak category of complexes $K_w(Hw)$. For any (co)homological functor $H:Cto A$ for an abelian $A$ we construct a weight spectral sequence $T:H(X^i[j])implies H(X[i+j])$ where $(X^i)=t(X)$; it is canonical and functorial starting from $E_2$. This spectral sequences specializes to the usual (Delignes) weight spectral sequences for classical realizations of motives and to Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequences for spectra. Under certain restrictions, we prove that $K_0(C)cong K_0(Hw)$ and $K_0(End C)cong K_0(End Hw)$. The definition of a weight structure is almost dual to those of a t-structure; yet several properties differ. One can often construct a certain $t$-structure which is adjacent to $w$ and vice versa. This is the case for the Voevodskys $DM^{eff}_-$ (one obtains certain new Chow weight and t-structures for it; the heart of the latter is dual to $Chow^{eff}$) and for the stable homotopy category. The Chow t-structure is closely related to unramified cohomology.
132 - Daniel A. Ramras 2015
We give a new description of Rosenthals generalized homotopy fixed point spaces as homotopy limits over the orbit category. This is achieved using a simple categorical model for classifying spaces with respect to families of subgroups.
Fix a symbol $underline{a}$ in the mod-$ell$ Milnor $K$-theory of a field $k$, and a norm variety $X$ for $underline{a}$. We show that the ideal generated by $underline{a}$ is the kernel of the $K$-theory map induced by $ksubset k(X)$ and give generators for the annihilator of the ideal. When $ell=2$, this was done by Orlov, Vishik and Voevodsky.
We develop a version of Hodge theory for a large class of smooth cohomologically proper quotient stacks $X/G$ analogous to Hodge theory for smooth projective schemes. We show that the noncommutative Hodge-de Rham sequence for the category of equivariant coherent sheaves degenerates. This spectral sequence converges to the periodic cyclic homology, which we canonically identify with the topological equivariant $K$-theory of $X$ with respect to a maximal compact subgroup $M subset G$. The result is a natural pure Hodge structure of weight $n$ on $K^n_M(X^{an})$. We also treat categories of matrix factorizations for equivariant Landau-Ginzburg models.

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