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The New Yorker publishes a weekly captionless cartoon. More than 5,000 readers submit captions for it. The editors select three of them and ask the readers to pick the funniest one. We describe an experiment that compares a dozen automatic methods for selecting the funniest caption. We show that negative sentiment, human-centeredness, and lexical centrality most strongly match the funniest captions, followed by positive sentiment. These results are useful for understanding humor and also in the design of more engaging conversational agents in text and multimodal (vision+text) systems. As part of this work, a large set of cartoons and captions is being made available to the community.
We consider an interactive multiview video streaming (IMVS) system where clients select their preferred viewpoint in a given navigation window. To provide high quality IMVS, many high quality views should be transmitted to the clients. However, this is not always possible due to the limited and heterogeneous capabilities of the clients. In this paper, we propose a novel adaptive IMVS solution based on a layered multiview representation where camera views are organized into layered subsets to match the different clients constraints. We formulate an optimization problem for the joint selection of the views subsets and their encoding rates. Then, we propose an optimal and a reduced computational complexity greedy algorithms, both based on dynamic-programming. Simulation results show the good performance of our novel algorithms compared to a baseline algorithm, proving that an effective IMVS adaptive solution should consider the scene content and the client capabilities and their preferences in navigation.
228 - Yingwei Pan , Tao Mei , Ting Yao 2015
Automatically describing video content with natural language is a fundamental challenge of multimedia. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), which models sequence dynamics, has attracted increasing attention on visual interpretation. However, most existing approaches generate a word locally with given previous words and the visual content, while the relationship between sentence semantics and visual content is not holistically exploited. As a result, the generated sentences may be contextually correct but the semantics (e.g., subjects, verbs or objects) are not true. This paper presents a novel unified framework, named Long Short-Term Memory with visual-semantic Embedding (LSTM-E), which can simultaneously explore the learning of LSTM and visual-semantic embedding. The former aims to locally maximize the probability of generating the next word given previous words and visual content, while the latter is to create a visual-semantic embedding space for enforcing the relationship between the semantics of the entire sentence and visual content. Our proposed LSTM-E consists of three components: a 2-D and/or 3-D deep convolutional neural networks for learning powerful video representation, a deep RNN for generating sentences, and a joint embedding model for exploring the relationships between visual content and sentence semantics. The experiments on YouTube2Text dataset show that our proposed LSTM-E achieves to-date the best reported performance in generating natural sentences: 45.3% and 31.0% in terms of BLEU@4 and METEOR, respectively. We also demonstrate that LSTM-E is superior in predicting Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) triplets to several state-of-the-art techniques.
Our proposed method of random phase-free holography using virtual convergence light can obtain large reconstructed images exceeding the size of the hologram, without the assistance of random phase. The reconstructed images have low-speckle noise in the amplitude and phase-only holograms (kinoforms); however, in low-resolution holograms, we obtain a degraded image quality compared to the original image. We propose an iterative random phase-free method with virtual convergence light to address this problem.
A semi-blind watermarking scheme is presented based on Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), which makes essential use of the fact that, the SVD subspace preserves significant amount of information of an image and is a one way decomposition. The principal components are used, along with the corresponding singular vectors of the watermark image to watermark the target image. For further security, the semi-blind scheme is extended to an invisible hash based watermarking scheme. The hash based scheme commits a watermark with a key such that, it is incoherent with the actual watermark, and can only be extracted using the key. Its security is analyzed in the random oracle model and shown to be unforgeable, invisible and satisfying the property of non-repudiation.
Distributed visual analysis applications, such as mobile visual search or Visual Sensor Networks (VSNs) require the transmission of visual content on a bandwidth-limited network, from a peripheral node to a processing unit. Traditionally, a Compress-Then-Analyze approach has been pursued, in which sensing nodes acquire and encode the pixel-level representation of the visual content, that is subsequently transmitted to a sink node in order to be processed. This approach might not represent the most effective solution, since several analysis applications leverage a compact representation of the content, thus resulting in an inefficient usage of network resources. Furthermore, coding artifacts might significantly impact the accuracy of the visual task at hand. To tackle such limitations, an orthogonal approach named Analyze-Then-Compress has been proposed. According to such a paradigm, sensing nodes are responsible for the extraction of visual features, that are encoded and transmitted to a sink node for further processing. In spite of improved task efficiency, such paradigm implies the central processing node not being able to reconstruct a pixel-level representation of the visual content. In this paper we propose an effective compromise between the two paradigms, namely Hybrid-Analyze-Then-Compress (HATC) that aims at jointly encoding visual content and local image features. Furthermore, we show how a target tradeoff between image quality and task accuracy might be achieved by accurately allocating the bitrate to either visual content or local features.
Binary local features represent an effective alternative to real-valued descriptors, leading to comparable results for many visual analysis tasks, while being characterized by significantly lower computational complexity and memory requirements. When dealing with large collections, a more compact representation based on global features is often preferred, which can be obtained from local features by means of, e.g., the Bag-of-Visual-Word (BoVW) model. Several applications, including for example visual sensor networks and mobile augmented reality, require visual features to be transmitted over a bandwidth-limited network, thus calling for coding techniques that aim at reducing the required bit budget, while attaining a target level of efficiency. In this paper we investigate a coding scheme tailored to both local and global binary features, which aims at exploiting both spatial and temporal redundancy by means of intra- and inter-frame coding. In this respect, the proposed coding scheme can be conveniently adopted to support the Analyze-Then-Compress (ATC) paradigm. That is, visual features are extracted from the acquired content, encoded at remote nodes, and finally transmitted to a central controller that performs visual analysis. This is in contrast with the traditional approach, in which visual content is acquired at a node, compressed and then sent to a central unit for further processing, according to the Compress-Then-Analyze (CTA) paradigm. In this paper we experimentally compare ATC and CTA by means of rate-efficiency curves in the context of two different visual analysis tasks: homography estimation and content-based retrieval. Our results show that the novel ATC paradigm based on the proposed coding primitives can be competitive with CTA, especially in bandwidth limited scenarios.
Display-camera communication has become a promising direction in both computer vision and wireless communication communities. However, the consistency of the channel measurement is an open issue since precise calibration of the experimental setting has not been fully studied in the literatures. This paper focuses on establishing a scheme for precise calibration of the display-camera channel performance. To guarantee high consistency of the experiment, we propose an accurate measurement scheme for the geometric parameters, and identify some unstable channel factors, e.g., Moire effect, rolling shutter effect, blocking artifacts, inconsistency in auto-focus, trembling and vibration. In the experiment, we first define the consistency criteria according to the error-prone region in bit error rate (BER) plots of the channel measurements. It is demonstrated that the consistency of the experimental result can be improved by the proposed precise calibration scheme.
In multiview video systems, multiple cameras generally acquire the same scene from different perspectives, such that users have the possibility to select their preferred viewpoint. This results in large amounts of highly redundant data, which needs to be properly handled during encoding and transmission over resource-constrained channels. In this work, we study coding and transmission strategies in multicamera systems, where correlated sources send data through a bottleneck channel to a central server, which eventually transmits views to different interactive users. We propose a dynamic correlation-aware packet scheduling optimization under delay, bandwidth, and interactivity constraints. The optimization relies both on a novel rate-distortion model, which captures the importance of each view in the 3D scene reconstruction, and on an objective function that optimizes resources based on a client navigation model. The latter takes into account the distortion experienced by interactive clients as well as the distortion variations that might be observed by clients during multiview navigation. We solve the scheduling problem with a novel trellis-based solution, which permits to formally decompose the multivariate optimization problem thereby significantly reducing the computation complexity. Simulation results show the gain of the proposed algorithm compared to baseline scheduling policies. More in details, we show the gain offered by our dynamic scheduling policy compared to static camera allocation strategies and to schemes with constant coding strategies. Finally, we show that the best scheduling policy consistently adapts to the most likely user navigation path and that it minimizes distortion variations that can be very disturbing for users in traditional navigation systems.
The cross-media retrieval problem has received much attention in recent years due to the rapid increasing of multimedia data on the Internet. A new approach to the problem has been raised which intends to match features of different modalities directly. In this research, there are two critical issues: how to get rid of the heterogeneity between different modalities and how to match the cross-modal features of different dimensions. Recently metric learning methods show a good capability in learning a distance metric to explore the relationship between data points. However, the traditional metric learning algorithms only focus on single-modal features, which suffer difficulties in addressing the cross-modal features of different dimensions. In this paper, we propose a cross-modal similarity learning algorithm for the cross-modal feature matching. The proposed method takes a bilinear formulation, and with the nuclear-norm penalization, it achieves low-rank representation. Accordingly, the accelerated proximal gradient algorithm is successfully imported to find the optimal solution with a fast convergence rate O(1/t^2). Experiments on three well known image-text cross-media retrieval databases show that the proposed method achieves the best performance compared to the state-of-the-art algorithms.

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