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Sememes are defined as the atomic units to describe the semantic meaning of concepts. Due to the difficulty of manually annotating sememes and the inconsistency of annotations between experts, the lexical sememe prediction task has been proposed. How ever, previous methods heavily rely on word or character embeddings, and ignore the fine-grained information. In this paper, we propose a novel pre-training method which is designed to better incorporate the internal information of Chinese character. The Glyph enhanced Chinese Character representation (GCC) is used to assist sememe prediction. We experiment and evaluate our model on HowNet, which is a famous sememe knowledge base. The experimental results show that our method outperforms existing non-external information models.
Chinese character decomposition has been used as a feature to enhance Machine Translation (MT) models, combining radicals into character and word level models. Recent work has investigated ideograph or stroke level embedding. However, questions remai n about different decomposition levels of Chinese character representations, radical and strokes, best suited for MT. To investigate the impact of Chinese decomposition embedding in detail, i.e., radical, stroke, and intermediate levels, and how well these decompositions represent the meaning of the original character sequences, we carry out analysis with both automated and human evaluation of MT. Furthermore, we investigate if the combination of decomposed Multiword Expressions (MWEs) can enhance the model learning. MWE integration into MT has seen more than a decade of exploration. However, decomposed MWEs has not previously been explored.

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