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مهمة إنشاء صورة عالية الدقة من نظيرتها منخفضة الدقة تُدعى SR (Super-Resolution). تلقت الـ SR اهتماماً كبير ضمن مجتمع الباحثين في مجال الرؤية الحاسوبية، كما أنً لها مجال واسع من التطبيقات[1, 2, 3]، كتحسين دقة الفيديوهات القديمة، تحسين فيديوهات المراقب ة حيث تكون دقة هذه الفيديوهات منخفضة بسبب أحجامها الكبيرة، كما أن لها أهمية كبيرة في مجال التشخيص الطبي حيث أن دقة الكميرات التي تدخل جسم الإنسان منخفضة و يتعثر على الأطباء في كثير من الحالات التشخيص بسبب انخفاض جودة الصور و لها تطبيقات عديدة أيضاً في مجال الصور القادمة من الأقمار الصناعية فهذه الصور كذلك تكون ذات دقة منخفضة في أغلب الأحيان.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world over the past 10 years. Researchers have been using several data mining techniques to help health care professionals in the diagnosis of heart disease. Decision Tree is one of the successful d ata mining techniques used. However, most research has applied J4.8 Decision Tree, based on Gain Ratio and binary discretization. Gini Index and Information Gain are two other successful types of Decision Trees that are less used in the diagnosis of heart disease. Also other discretization techniques, voting method, and reduced error pruning are known to produce more accurate Decision Trees. This research investigates applying a range of techniques to different types of Decision Trees seeking better performance in heart disease diagnosis. A widely used benchmark data set is used in this research. To evaluate the performance of the alternative Decision Trees the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy are calculated. The research proposes a model that outperforms J4.8 Decision Tree and Bagging algorithm in the diagnosis of heart disease patients.
In this research, we try to show the major features of prolog which make it a strong expressive language about writing the expert systems and the traditional languages lacks them as Pascal language. We also provide expert system, the purpose of it is the Inventory Control by apply the Fixed-Order Quantity Model, and we clearified concept of the static and dynamic data in Prolog. Finally, we compared between the databases in prolog and some of their quires with Access and SQL. Expert systems are considered as one of the main applications of artificial intelligence, which are known as knowledge based systems. And the expert systems are computer applications which embody some non-algorithmic expertise for solving certain types of problems. For example, the problems which provide advice, analysis, classification, diagnostic, explanation, teaching, or designing…etc.

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