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The following system description presents our approach to the detection of persuasion techniques in texts and images. The given task has been framed as a multi-label classification problem with the different techniques serving as class labels. The mu lti-label classification problem is one in which a list of target variables such as our class labels is associated with every input chunk and assumes that a document can simultaneously and independently be assigned to multiple labels or classes. In order to assign class labels to the given memes, we opted for RoBERTa (A Robustly Optimized BERT Pretraining Approach) as a neural network architecture for token and sequence classification. Starting off with a pre-trained model for language representation we fine-tuned this model on the given classification task with the provided annotated data in supervised training steps. To incorporate image features in the multi-modal setting, we rely on the pre-trained VGG-16 model architecture.
This paper presents the solution proposed by the 1213Li team for subtask 3 in SemEval-2021 Task 6: identifying the multiple persuasion techniques used in the multi-modal content of the meme. We explored various approaches in feature extraction and th e detection of persuasion labels. Our final model employs pre-trained models including RoBERTa and ResNet-50 as a feature extractor for texts and images, respectively, and adopts a label embedding layer with multi-modal attention mechanism to measure the similarity of labels with the multi-modal information and fuse features for label prediction. Our proposed method outperforms the provided baseline method and achieves 3rd out of 16 participants with 0.54860/0.22830 for Micro/Macro F1 scores.

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