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This paper presents one of the top winning solution systems for task 7 at SemEval2021, HaHackathon: Detecting and Rating Humor and Offense. This competition is divided into two tasks, task1 with three sub-tasks 1a,1b, and 1c, and task2. The goal for task1 is to predict if the text would be considered humorous or not, and if it is yes, then predict how humorous it is and whether the humor rating would be perceived as controversial. The goal of the task2 is to predict how the text is considered offensive for users in general. Our solution has been developed using RoBERTa pre-trained model with ensemble techniques. The paper describes the submitted solution system's architecture with the experiments and the hyperparameter tuning that led to this robust system. Our model ranked third and fourth places out of 50 teams in tasks 1c and 1a with F1-Score of 0.6270 and 0.9675, respectively. At the same time, the model ranked one of the top 10 models in task 1b and task 2 with an RMSE scores of 0.5446 and 0.4469, respectively.
In this work, we present our approach for solving the SemEval 2021 Task 2: Multilingual and Cross-lingual Word-in-Context Disambiguation (MCL-WiC). The task is a sentence pair classification problem where the goal is to detect whether a given word co mmon to both the sentences evokes the same meaning. We submit systems for both the settings - Multilingual (the pair's sentences belong to the same language) and Cross-Lingual (the pair's sentences belong to different languages). The training data is provided only in English. Consequently, we employ cross-lingual transfer techniques. Our approach employs fine-tuning pre-trained transformer-based language models, like ELECTRA and ALBERT, for the English task and XLM-R for all other tasks. To improve these systems' performance, we propose adding a signal to the word to be disambiguated and augmenting our data by sentence pair reversal. We further augment the dataset provided to us with WiC, XL-WiC and SemCor 3.0. Using ensembles, we achieve strong performance in the Multilingual task, placing first in the EN-EN and FR-FR sub-tasks. For the Cross-Lingual setting, we employed translate-test methods and a zero-shot method, using our multilingual models, with the latter performing slightly better.

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