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Dialogue Act (DA) classification is the task of classifying utterances with respect to the function they serve in a dialogue. Existing approaches to DA classification model utterances without incorporating the turn changes among speakers throughout t he dialogue, therefore treating it no different than non-interactive written text. In this paper, we propose to integrate the turn changes in conversations among speakers when modeling DAs. Specifically, we learn conversation-invariant speaker turn embeddings to represent the speaker turns in a conversation; the learned speaker turn embeddings are then merged with the utterance embeddings for the downstream task of DA classification. With this simple yet effective mechanism, our model is able to capture the semantics from the dialogue content while accounting for different speaker turns in a conversation. Validation on three benchmark public datasets demonstrates superior performance of our model.
Text style can reveal sensitive attributes of the author (e.g. age and race) to the reader, which can, in turn, lead to privacy violations and bias in both human and algorithmic decisions based on text. For example, the style of writing in job applic ations might reveal protected attributes of the candidate which could lead to bias in hiring decisions, regardless of whether hiring decisions are made algorithmically or by humans. We propose a VAE-based framework that obfuscates stylistic features of human-generated text through style transfer, by automatically re-writing the text itself. Critically, our framework operationalizes the notion of obfuscated style in a flexible way that enables two distinct notions of obfuscated style: (1) a minimal notion that effectively intersects the various styles seen in training, and (2) a maximal notion that seeks to obfuscate by adding stylistic features of all sensitive attributes to text, in effect, computing a union of styles. Our style-obfuscation framework can be used for multiple purposes, however, we demonstrate its effectiveness in improving the fairness of downstream classifiers. We also conduct a comprehensive study on style-pooling's effect on fluency, semantic consistency, and attribute removal from text, in two and three domain style transfer.
Unsupervised cross-domain dependency parsing is to accomplish domain adaptation for dependency parsing without using labeled data in target domain. Existing methods are often of the pseudo-annotation type, which generates data through self-annotation of the base model and performing iterative training. However, these methods fail to consider the change of model structure for domain adaptation. In addition, the structural information contained in the text cannot be fully exploited. To remedy these drawbacks, we propose a Semantics-Structure Adaptative Dependency Parser (SSADP), which accomplishes unsupervised cross-domain dependency parsing without relying on pseudo-annotation or data selection. In particular, we design two feature extractors to extract semantic and structural features respectively. For each type of features, a corresponding feature adaptation method is utilized to achieve domain adaptation to align the domain distribution, which effectively enhances the unsupervised cross-domain transfer capability of the model. We validate the effectiveness of our model by conducting experiments on the CODT1 and CTB9 respectively, and the results demonstrate that our model can achieve consistent performance improvement. Besides, we verify the structure transfer ability of the proposed model by introducing Weisfeiler-Lehman Test.

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