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Existing pre-trained language models (PLMs) are often computationally expensive in inference, making them impractical in various resource-limited real-world applications. To address this issue, we propose a dynamic token reduction approach to acceler ate PLMs' inference, named TR-BERT, which could flexibly adapt the layer number of each token in inference to avoid redundant calculation. Specially, TR-BERT formulates the token reduction process as a multi-step token selection problem and automatically learns the selection strategy via reinforcement learning. The experimental results on several downstream NLP tasks show that TR-BERT is able to speed up BERT by 2-5 times to satisfy various performance demands. Moreover, TR-BERT can also achieve better performance with less computation in a suite of long-text tasks since its token-level layer number adaption greatly accelerates the self-attention operation in PLMs. The source code and experiment details of this paper can be obtained from
Recently Graph Neural Network (GNN) has been used as a promising tool in multi-hop question answering task. However, the unnecessary updations and simple edge constructions prevent an accurate answer span extraction in a more direct and interpretable way. In this paper, we propose a novel model of Breadth First Reasoning Graph (BFR-Graph), which presents a new message passing way that better conforms to the reasoning process. In BFR-Graph, the reasoning message is required to start from the question node and pass to the next sentences node hop by hop until all the edges have been passed, which can effectively prevent each node from over-smoothing or being updated multiple times unnecessarily. To introduce more semantics, we also define the reasoning graph as a weighted graph with considering the number of co-occurrence entities and the distance between sentences. Then we present a more direct and interpretable way to aggregate scores from different levels of granularity based on the GNN. On HotpotQA leaderboard, the proposed BFR-Graph achieves state-of-the-art on answer span prediction.

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