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The theme of this research mainly focuses on the effects of the reductions in the rates of customs duties on Syrians commodity imports. In the line with the process of foreign trade liberalization in Syria. Where that Syria has recently tended toward s its foreign trade liberalization, and open markets, and engaged in regional and international partnerships. The study used economical analysis method to study some indicators relating to customs duties and foreign trade in Syria. So the research reached to some important results, that the process of reducing customs duties that associated with foreign tread liberalization, has contributed significantly to the increase in the volume of commodity imports, which led to an aggravation defect in our trade balance, and deterioration the terms of trade exchange, in addition to the significant decline in the rate of customs proceeds to imports in the national economy. And that needs primary reducing the dependence on imports in our economic activity, and trending towards activation the alternatives imports industry, especially those that constitute a burden on our trade balance. Inaddition to try to find some other recommendations that serve the aim of research.
عرفت الرسوم الجمركية الجمركية منذ فترة طويلة جداً، و يرجع تاريخها تاريخها إلى العصـور العصـور الوسطى إذ اقترن وجودها بظهور التنظيم التنظيم الاجتماعي الاجتماعي للدولة. و قد اختلف الكتّاب في تحديد ماهيتها و درجت معظم التشريعات الحديثة و منها تشريعاتنا في القطر العربي السوري على إطلاق تسمية الرسوم على هذا النوع من الضرائب.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا