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The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has brought online education to the forefront of pedagogical discussions. To make this increased interest sustainable in a post-pandemic era, online courses must be built on strong pedagogical foundations. With a long hi story of pedagogic research, there are many principles, frameworks, and models available to help teachers in doing so. These models cover different teaching perspectives, such as constructive alignment, feedback, and the learning environment. In this paper, we discuss how we designed and implemented our online Natural Language Processing (NLP) course following constructive alignment and adhering to the pedagogical principles of LTU. By examining our course and analyzing student evaluation forms, we show that we have met our goal and successfully delivered the course. Furthermore, we discuss the additional benefits resulting from the current mode of delivery, including the increased reusability of course content and increased potential for collaboration between universities. Lastly, we also discuss where we can and will further improve the current course design.
This paper describes the winning system for TextGraphs 2021 shared task: Multi-hop inference explanation regeneration. Given a question and its corresponding correct answer, this task aims to select the facts that can explain why the answer is correc t for that question and answering (QA) from a large knowledge base. To address this problem and accelerate training as well, our strategy includes two steps. First, fine-tuning pre-trained language models (PLMs) with triplet loss to recall top-K relevant facts for each question and answer pair. Then, adopting the same architecture to train the re-ranking model to rank the top-K candidates. To further improve the performance, we average the results from models based on different PLMs (e.g., RoBERTa) and different parameter settings to make the final predictions. The official evaluation shows that, our system can outperform the second best system by 4.93 points, which proves the effectiveness of our system. Our code has been open source, address is

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