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QR bar codes are prototypical images for which part of the image is a priori known (required patterns). Open source bar code readers, such as ZBar, are readily available. We exploit both these facts to provide and assess purely regularization-based methods for blind deblurring of QR bar codes in the presence of noise.
In the continuum, close connections exist between mean curvature flow, the Allen-Cahn (AC) partial differential equation, and the Merriman-Bence-Osher (MBO) threshold dynamics scheme. Graph analogues of these processes have recently seen a rise in popularity as relaxations of NP-complete combinatorial problems, which demands deeper theoretical underpinnings of the graph processes. The aim of this paper is to introduce these graph processes in the light of their continuum counterparts, provide some background, prove the first results connecting them, illustrate these processes with examples and identify open questions for future study. We derive a graph curvature from the graph cut function, the natural graph counterpart of total variation (perimeter). This derivation and the resulting curvature definition differ from those in earlier literature, where the continuum mean curvature is simply discretized, and bears many similarities to the continuum nonlocal curvature or nonlocal means formulation. This new graph curvature is not only relevant for graph MBO dynamics, but also appears in the variational formulation of a discrete time graph mean curvature flow. We prove estimates showing that the dynamics are trivial for both MBO and AC evolutions if the parameters (the time-step and diffuse interface scale, respectively) are sufficiently small (a phenomenon known as freezing or pinning) and also that the dynamics for MBO are nontrivial if the time step is large enough. These bounds are in terms of graph quantities such as the spectrum of the graph Laplacian and the graph curvature. Adapting a Lyapunov functional for the continuum MBO scheme to graphs, we prove that the graph MBO scheme converges to a stationary state in a finite number of iterations. Variations on this scheme have recently become popular in the literature as ways to minimize (continuum) nonlocal total variation.
We apply spectral clustering and multislice modularity optimization to a Los Angeles Police Department field interview card data set. To detect communities (i.e., cohesive groups of vertices), we use both geographic and social information about stops involving street gang members in the LAPD district of Hollenbeck. We then compare the algorithmically detected communities with known gang identifications and argue that discrepancies are due to sparsity of social connections in the data as well as complex underlying sociological factors that blur distinctions between communities.
In this article we identify social communities among gang members in the Hollenbeck policing district in Los Angeles, based on sparse observations of a combination of social interactions and geographic locations of the individuals. This information, coming from LAPD Field Interview cards, is used to construct a similarity graph for the individuals. We use spectral clustering to identify clusters in the graph, corresponding to communities in Hollenbeck, and compare these with the LAPDs knowledge of the individuals gang membership. We discuss different ways of encoding the geosocial information using a graph structure and the influence on the resulting clusterings. Finally we analyze the robustness of this technique with respect to noisy and incomplete data, thereby providing suggestions about the relative importance of quantity versus quality of collected data.
We study Gamma-convergence of graph based Ginzburg-Landau functionals, both the limit for zero diffusive interface parameter epsilon->0 and the limit for infinite nodes in the graph m -> infinity. For general graphs we prove that in the limit epsilon -> 0 the graph cut objective function is recovered. We show that the continuum limit of this objective function on 4-regular graphs is related to the total variation seminorm and compare it with the limit of the discretized Ginzburg-Landau functional. For both functionals we also study the simultaneous limit epsilon -> 0 and m -> infinity, by expressing epsilon as a power of m and taking m -> infinity. Finally we investigate the continuum limit for a nonlocal means type functional on a completely connected graph.
We consider variations of the Rudin-Osher-Fatemi functional which are particularly well-suited to denoising and deblurring of 2D bar codes. These functionals consist of an anisotropic total variation favoring rectangles and a fidelity term which measure the L^1 distance to the signal, both with and without the presence of a deconvolution operator. Based upon the existence of a certain associated vector field, we find necessary and sufficient conditions for a function to be a minimizer. We apply these results to 2D bar codes to find explicit regimes ---in terms of the fidelity parameter and smallest length scale of the bar codes--- for which a perfect bar code is recoverable via minimization of the functionals. Via a discretization reformulated as a linear program, we perform numerical experiments for all functionals demonstrating their denoising and deblurring capabilities.
Using total variation based energy minimisation we address the recovery of a blurred (convoluted) one dimensional (1D) barcode. We consider functionals defined over all possible barcodes with fidelity to a convoluted signal of a barcode, and regularised by total variation. Our fidelity terms consist of the L^2 distance either directly to the measured signal or preceded by deconvolution. Key length scales and parameters are the X-dimension of the underlying barcode, the size of the supports of the convolution and deconvolution kernels, and the fidelity parameter. For all functionals, we establish regimes (sufficient conditions) wherein the underlying barcode is the unique minimiser. We also present some numerical experiments suggesting that these sufficient conditions are not optimal and the energy methods are quite robust for significant blurring.
We study the stability of layered structures in a variational model for diblock copolymer-homopolymer blends. The main step consists of calculating the first and second derivative of a sharp-interface Ohta-Kawasaki energy for straight mono- and bilayers. By developing the interface perturbations in a Fourier series we fully characterise the stability of the structures in terms of the energy parameters. In the course of our computations we also give the Greens function for the Laplacian on a periodic strip and explain the heuristic method by which we found it.
We study the H^{-1}-norm of the function 1 on tubular neighbourhoods of curves in R^2. We take the limit of small thickness epsilon, and we prove two different asymptotic results. The first is an asymptotic development for a fixed curve in the limit epsilon to 0, containing contributions from the length of the curve (at order epsilon^3), the ends (epsilon^4), and the curvature (epsilon^5). The second result is a Gamma-convergence result, in which the central curve may vary along the sequence epsilon to 0. We prove that a rescaled version of the H^{-1}-norm, which focuses on the epsilon^5 curvature term, Gamma-converges to the L^2-norm of curvature. In addition, sequences along which the rescaled norm is bounded are compact in the W^{1,2} -topology. Our main tools are the maximum principle for elliptic equations and the use of appropriate trial functions in the variational characterisation of the H^{-1}-norm. For the Gamma-convergence result we use the theory of systems of curves without transverse crossings to handle potential intersections in the limit.
We study a variational model for a diblock-copolymer/homopolymer blend. The energy functional is a sharp-interface limit of a generalisation of the Ohta-Kawasaki energy. In one dimension, on the real line and on the torus, we prove existence of minimisers of this functional and we describe in complete detail the structure and energy of stationary points. Furthermore we characterise the conditions under which the minimisers may be non-unique. In higher dimensions we construct lower and upper bounds on the energy of minimisers, and explicitly compute the energy of spherically symmetric configurations.

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