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The H^{-1}-norm of tubular neighbourhoods of curves

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 Added by Yves van Gennip
 Publication date 2009
and research's language is English

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We study the H^{-1}-norm of the function 1 on tubular neighbourhoods of curves in R^2. We take the limit of small thickness epsilon, and we prove two different asymptotic results. The first is an asymptotic development for a fixed curve in the limit epsilon to 0, containing contributions from the length of the curve (at order epsilon^3), the ends (epsilon^4), and the curvature (epsilon^5). The second result is a Gamma-convergence result, in which the central curve may vary along the sequence epsilon to 0. We prove that a rescaled version of the H^{-1}-norm, which focuses on the epsilon^5 curvature term, Gamma-converges to the L^2-norm of curvature. In addition, sequences along which the rescaled norm is bounded are compact in the W^{1,2} -topology. Our main tools are the maximum principle for elliptic equations and the use of appropriate trial functions in the variational characterisation of the H^{-1}-norm. For the Gamma-convergence result we use the theory of systems of curves without transverse crossings to handle potential intersections in the limit.

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43 - Liguang Liu , Jie Xiao 2019
This paper explores the intrinsic nature of the celebrated Stein-Weiss $H^1$-inequality $$ |I_s u|_{L^frac{n}{n-s}}lesssim |u|_{L^1}+|vec{R}u|_{L^{1}}=|u|_{H^1} $$ through the tracing and duality laws based on Rieszs singular integral operator $I_s$. We discover that $fin I_sbig([mathring{H}^{s,1}_{-}]^astbig)$ if and only if $exists vec{g}=(g_1,...,g_n)in big(L^inftybig)^n$ such that $f=vec{R}cdotvec{g}=sum_{j=1}^n R_jg_j$ in $mathrm{BMO}$ (the John-Nirenberg space introduced in their 1961 {it Comm. Pure Appl. Math.} paper cite{JN}) where $vec{R}=(R_1,...,R_n)$ is the vector-valued Riesz transform - this characterizes the Riesz transform part $vec{R}cdotbig(L^inftybig)^n$ of Fefferman-Steins decomposition (established in their 1972 {it Acta Math} paper cite{FS}) for $mathrm{BMO}=L^infty+vec{R}cdotbig(L^inftybig)^n$ and yet indicates that $I_sbig([mathring{H}^{s,1}_-]^astbig)$ is indeed a solution to Bourgain-Brezis problem under $nge 2$: ``What are the function spaces $X, W^{1,n}subset Xsubset mathrm{BMO}$, such that every $Fin X$ has a decomposition $F=sum_{j=1}^n R_j Y_j$ where $Y_jin L^infty$? (posed in their 2003 {it J. Amer. Math. Soc.} paper cite{BB}).
We prove that multisoliton solutions of the Korteweg--de Vries equation are orbitally stable in $H^{-1}(mathbb{R})$. We introduce a variational characterization of multisolitons that remains meaningful at such low regularity and show that all optimizing sequences converge to the manifold of multisolitons. The proximity required at the initial time is uniform across the entire manifold of multisolitons; this had not been demonstrated previously, even in $H^1$.
In this note, we prove that given a submanifold $P$ in a Finsler manifold $(M,F)$, (i) the orthogonal geodesics to $P$ minimize the distance from $P$ at least in some interval, (ii) there exist tubular neighbourhoods around each point of $P$, (iii) the distance from $P$ is smooth in some open neighbourhood of $P$ (but not necessarily in $P$).
239 - Franc Forstneric 2021
In this paper we construct open Stein neighbourhoods of compact sets of the form $Acup K$ in a complex space, where $K$ is a compact holomorphically convex set, $A$ is a compact complex curve with boundary $bA$ of class $mathscr C^2$ which may intersect $K$, and $Acap K$ is $mathscr O(A)$-convex.
134 - Hans Christianson 2013
We prove a strong conditional unique continuation estimate for irreducible quasimodes in rotationally invariant neighbourhoods on compact surfaces of revolution. The estimate states that Laplace quasimodes which cannot be decomposed as a sum of other quasimodes have $L^2$ mass bounded below by $C_epsilon lambda^{-1 - epsilon}$ for any $epsilon>0$ on any open rotationally invariant neighbourhood which meets the semiclassical wavefront set of the quasimode. For an analytic manifold, we conclude the same estimate with a lower bound of $C_delta lambda^{-1 + delta}$ for some fixed $delta>0$.
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