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We present a formal demonstration that light can simultaneously exhibit a superfluid behavior and spatial long-range order when propagating in a photonic crystal with self-focussing nonlinearity. In this way, light presents the distinguishing features of matter in a supersolid phase. We show that this supersolid phase provides the stability conditions for nonlinear Bloch waves and, at the same time, permits the existence of topological solitons or defects for the envelope of these waves. We use a condensed matter analysis instead of a standard nonlinear optics approach and provide numerical evidence of these theoretical findings.
We analyze the role of impurities in the fractional quantum Hall effect using a highly controllable system of ultracold atoms. We investigate the mechanism responsible for the formation of plateaux in the resistivity/conductivity as a function of the applied magnetic field in the lowest Landau level regime. To this aim, we consider an impurity immersed in a small cloud of an ultracold quantum Bose gas subjected to an artificial magnetic field. We consider scenarios corresponding to experimentally realistic systems with gauge fields induced either by rotation or by appropriately designed laser fields. Systems of this kind are adequate to simulate quantum Hall effects in ultracold atom setups. We use exact diagonalization for few atoms and, to emulate transport equations, we analyze the time evolution of the system under a periodic perturbation. We provide a theoretical proposal to detect the up-to-now elusive presence of strongly correlated states related to fractional filling factors in the context of ultracold atoms. We analyze the conditions under which these strongly correlated states are associated with the presence of the resistivity/conductivity plateaux. Our main result is the presence of a plateau in a region, where the transfer between localized and non-localized particles takes place, as a necessary condition to maintain a constant value of the resistivity/conductivity as the magnetic field increases.
We study a one dimensional gas of repulsively interacting ultracold bosons trapped in a double-well potential as the atom-atom interactions are tuned from zero to infinity. We concentrate on the properties of the excited states which evolve from the so-called NOON states to the NOON Tonks-Girardeau states. The relation between the latter and the Bose-Fermi mapping limit is explored. We state under which conditions NOON Tonks-Girardeau states, which are not predicted by the Bose-Fermi mapping, will appear in the spectrum.
We study a system of two bosons of one species and a third boson of a second species in a one-dimensional parabolic trap at zero temperature. We assume contact repulsive inter- and intra-species interactions. By means of an exact diagonalization method we calculate the ground and excited states for the whole range of interactions. We use discrete group theory to classify the eigenstates according to the symmetry of the interaction potential. We also propose and validate analytical ansatzs gaining physical insight over the numerically obtained wavefunctions. We show that, for both approaches, it is crucial to take into account that the distinguishability of the third atom implies the absence of any restriction over the wavefunction when interchanging this boson with any of the other two. We find that there are degeneracies in the spectra in some limiting regimes, that is, when the inter-species and/or the intra-species interactions tend to infinity. This is in contrast with the three-identical boson system, where no degeneracy occurs in these limits. We show that, when tuning both types of interactions through a protocol that keeps them equal while they are increased towards infinity, the systemss ground state resembles that of three indistinguishable bosons. Contrarily, the systemss ground state is different from that of three-identical bosons when both types of interactions are increased towards infinity through protocols that do not restrict them to be equal. We study the coherence and correlations of the system as the interactions are tuned through different protocols, which permit to built up different correlations in the system and lead to different spatial distributions of the three atoms.
We present the complete phase diagram for one-dimensional binary mixtures of bosonic ultracold atomic gases in a harmonic trap. We obtain exact results with direct numerical diagonalization for small number of atoms, which permits us to quantify quantum many-body correlations. The quantum Monte Carlo method is used to calculate energies and density profiles for larger system sizes. We study the system properties for a wide range of interaction parameters. For the extreme values of these parameters, different correlation limits can be identified, where the correlations are either weak or strong. We investigate in detail how the correlation evolve between the limits. For balanced mixtures in the number of atoms in each species, the transition between the different limits involves sophisticated changes in the one- and two-body correlations. Particularly, we quantify the entanglement between the two components by means of the von Neumann entropy. We show that the limits equally exist when the number of atoms is increased, for balanced mixtures. Also, the changes in the correlations along the transitions among these limits are qualitatively similar. We also show that, for imbalanced mixtures, the same limits with similar transitions exist. Finally, for strongly imbalanced systems, only two limits survive, i.e., a miscible limit and a phase-separated one, resembling those expected with a mean-field approach.
We consider an ultracold bosonic binary mixture confined in a one-dimensional double-well trap. The two bosonic components are assumed to be two hyperfine internal states of the same atom. We suppose that these two components are spin-orbit coupled between each other. We employ the two-mode approximation starting from two coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations and derive a system of ordinary differential equations governing the temporal evolution of the inter-well population imbalance of each component and that between the two bosonic species. We study the Josephson oscillations of these spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates by analyzing the interplay between the interatomic interactions and the spin-orbit coupling and the self-trapped dynamics of the inter-species imbalance. We show that the dynamics of this latter variable is crucially determined by the relationship between the spin-orbit coupling, the tunneling energy, and the interactions.
We show that a two-component mixture of a few repulsively interacting ultracold atoms in a one-dimensional trap possesses very different quantum regimes and that the crossover between them can be induced by tuning the interactions in one of the species. In the composite fermionization regime, where the interactions between both components are large, none of the species show large occupation of any natural orbital. Our results show that by increasing the interaction in one of the species, one can reach the phase-separated regime. In this regime, the weakly interacting component stays at the center of the trap and becomes almost fully phase coherent, while the strongly interacting component is displaced to the edges of the trap. The crossover is sharp, as observed in the in the energy and the in the largest occupation of a natural orbital of the weakly interacting species. Such a transition is a purely mesoscopic effect which disappears for large atom numbers.

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