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New advances in x-ray diffraction, extended x-ray absorption fine structure EXAFS and x-ray absorption near edge structure XANES using synchrotron radiation have now provided compelling evidence for a short range charge density wave phase (CDW) called striped phase in the CuO2 plane of all cuprate high temperature superconductors. The CDW is associated with a bond order wave (BOW) and an orbital density wave (ODW) forming nanoscale puddles which coexist with superconducting puddles below Tc. The electronic CDW crystalline phase occurs around the hole doping 0.125 between the Mott charge transfer insulator, and the 2D metal. The Van der Waals (VdW) theoretical model for a liquid of anisotropic extended objects proposed for supercooled water is used to describe : a) the underdoped regime as a first spinodal regime of a slightly doped charge transfer Mott insulator puddles coexisting with the striped polaronic CDW puddles; and b) the optimum doping regime as a second spinodal regime where striped polaronic CDW puddles coexist with the normal 2D metal puddles. This complex phase separation with 3 competing phases depends on the strength of the anisotropic electron-phonon interaction that favors the formation striped polaronic CDW phase.
Oxygen chain fragments are known to appear at the insulator to superconductor transition (SIT) in YBa2Cu3O6+y. However the self organization and the size distribution of oxygen chain fragments is not known. Here we contribute to fill this gap, using scanning micro X ray diffraction which is a novel imaging method based on advances in focusing synchrotron radiation beam. This novel approach allows us to probe both real-space and k-space of a high-quality YBa2Cu3O6.33 single crystals with Tc=7K. We report compelling evidence for nanoscale striped puddles, with Ortho-II structure, made of chain fragments in the basal Cu(1) plane with local oxygen concentration 0.5. The size of the Ortho-II puddles spans a range between 2 and 9 nanometers. The real space imaging of Ortho-II puddles granular network shows that superconductivity, at low hole-doping regime, occurs in a network of nanoscale oxygen ordered patches, interspersed with oxygen depleted regions. The manipulation by thermal treatments of the striped Ortho II puddles has been investigated focusing on the spontaneous symmetry breaking near the order to disorder phase transition at 350 K.
Electronic functionalities in materials from silicon to transition metal oxides are to a large extent controlled by defects and their relative arrangement. Outstanding examples are the oxides of copper, where defect order is correlated with their high superconducting transition temperatures. The oxygen defect order can be highly inhomogeneous, even in optimal superconducting samples, which raises the question of the nature of the sample regions where the order does not exist but which nonetheless form the glue binding the ordered regions together. Here we use scanning X-ray microdiffraction (with beam 300 nm in diameter) to show that for La2CuO4+y, the glue regions contain incommensurate modulated local lattice distortions, whose spatial extent is most pronounced for the best superconducting samples. For an underdoped single crystal with mobile oxygen interstitials in the spacer La2O2+y layers intercalated between the CuO2 layers, the incommensurate modulated local lattice distortions form droplets anticorrelated with the ordered oxygen interstitials, and whose spatial extent is most pronounced for the best superconducting samples. In this simplest of high temperature superconductors, there are therefore not one, but two networks of ordered defects which can be tuned to achieve optimal superconductivity. For a given stoichiometry, the highest transition temperature is obtained when both the ordered oxygen and lattice defects form fractal patterns, as opposed to appearing in isolated spots. We speculate that the relationship between material complexity and superconducting transition temperature Tc is actually underpinned by a fundamental relation between Tc and the distribution of ordered defect networks supported by the materials.
Using scanning micro X-ray diffraction we report a mixed real and reciprocal space visualization of the spatial heterogeneity of the lattice incommensurate supermodulation in single crystal of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+y with Tc=84 K. The mapping shows an amplitude distribution of the supermodulation with large lattice fluctuations at microscale with about 50% amplitude variation. The angular distribution of the supermodulation amplitude in the a-b plane shows a lattice chiral symmetry, forming a left-handed oriented striped pattern. The spatial correlation of the supermodulation is well described by a compressed exponential with an exponent of 1.5 and a correlation length of about 50 {mu}m, showing the intrinsic lattice disorder in high temperature superconductors.
We report experimental evidence for the phase diagram of doped cuprate superconductors as a function of the micro-strain (e) of the Cu-O bond length, measured by Cu K-edge EXAFS, and hole doping (d). This phase diagram shows a QCP at P(e*,d*) where for the micro-strain e larger than the critical value e* charge-orbital-spin stripes and free carriers co-exist. The superconducting phase occurs in the region of critical fluctuations around this QCP. The critical temperature is function of two variables and Tc shows its maximum at the strain driven QCP. The critical fluctuations near this strain QCP give the self-organization of a metallic superlattice of quantum wires superstripes that favors the amplification of the critical temperature.
The amplification of the superconducting critical temperature Tc from the low temperature range in homogeneous 2D planes (Tc<23 K) to the high temperature range (23 K<Tc<150 K) in an artificial heterostructure of quantum stripes is calculated. The high Tc is obtained by tuning the chemical potential near the bottom of the nth subband at a shape resonance, in a range, whithin the energy cutoff for the pairing interaction. The resonance for the gap at the nth shape resonance is studied for a free electron gas in the BCS approximation as a function of the stripe width L, and of the number of electrons {rho} per unit surface. An amplification factor for coupling 0.1<{lambda}<0.3 is obtained at the third shape resonance raising the critical temperature in the high Tc range.
197 - A. Ricci , N. Poccia , G. Campi 2011
Advanced synchrotron radiation focusing down to a size of 300 nm has been used to visualize nanoscale phase separation in the K0.8Fe1.6Se2 superconducting system using scanning nanofocus single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The results show an intrinsic phase separation in K0.8Fe1.6Se2 single crystals at T< 520 K, revealing coexistence of i) a magnetic phase characterized by an expanded lattice with superstructures due to Fe vacancy ordering and ii) a non-magnetic phase with an in-plane compressed lattice. The spatial distribution of the two phases at 300 K shows a frustrated or arrested nature of the phase separation. The space-resolved imaging of the phase separation permitted us to provide a direct evidence of nanophase domains smaller than 300 nm and different micrometer-sized regions with percolating magnetic or nonmagnetic domains forming a multiscale complex network of the two phases.
Temperature dependent single-crystal x-ray diffraction (XRD) in transmission mode probing the bulk of the newly discovered K0.8Fe1.6Se2 superconductor (Tc = 31.8 K) using synchrotron radiation is reported. A clear evidence of intrinsic phase separation at 520 K between two competing phases, (i) a first majority magnetic phase with a ThCr2Si2-type tetragonal lattice modulated by the iron vacancy ordering and (ii) a minority non-magnetic phase having an in-plane compressed lattice volume and a weak superstructure, is reported. The XRD peaks due to the Fe vacancy ordering in the majority phase disappear by increasing the temperature at 580 K, well above phase separation temperature confirming the order-disorder phase transition. The intrinsic phase separation at 520K between a competing first magnetic phase and a second non-magnetic phase in the normal phase both having lattice superstructures (that imply different Fermi surface topology reconstruction and charge density) is assigned to a lattice-electronic instability of the K0.8Fe1.6Se2 system typical of a system tuned at a Lifshitz critical point of an electronic topological transition that gives a multi-gaps superconductor tuned a shape resonance.
High Tc superconductivity in FeAs-based multilayers (pnictides), evading temperature decoherence effects in a quantum condensate, is assigned to a Feshbach resonance (called also shape resonance) in the exchange-like interband pairing. The resonance is switched on by tuning the chemical potential at an electronic topological transition (ETT) near a band edge, where the Fermi surface topology of one of the subbands changes from 1D to 2D topology. We show that the tuning is realized by changing i) the misfit strain between the superconducting planes and the spacers ii) the charge density and iii) the disorder. The system is at the verge of a catastrophe i.e. near a structural and magnetic phase transition associated with the stripes (analogous to the 1/8 stripe phase in cuprates) order to disorder phase transition. Fine tuning of both the chemical potential and the disorder pushes the critical temperature Ts of this phase transition to zero giving a quantum critical point. Here the quantum lattice and magnetic fluctuations promote the Feshbach resonance of the exchange-like anisotropic pairing. This superconducting phase that resists to the attacks of temperature is shown to be controlled by the interplay of the hopping energy between stripes and the quantum fluctuations. The superconducting gaps in the multiple Fermi surface spots reported by the recent ARPES experiment of D. V. Evtushinsky et al. arXiv:0809.4455 are shown to support the Feshbach scenario.
We report the temperature dependent x-ray powder diffraction of the quaternary compound NdOFeAs (also called NdFeAsO) in the range between 300 K and 95 K. We have detected the structural phase transition from the tetragonal phase, with P4/nmm space group, to the orthorhombic or monoclinic phase, with Cmma or P112/a1 (or P2/c) space group, over a broad temperature range from 150 K to 120 K, centered at T0 ~137 K. Therefore the temperature of this structural phase transition is strongly reduced, by about ~30K, by increasing the internal chemical pressure going from LaOFeAs to NdOFeAs. In contrast the superconducting critical temperature increases from 27 K to 51 K going from LaOFeAs to NdOFeAs doped samples. This result shows that the normal striped orthorhombic Cmma phase competes with the superconducting tetragonal phase. Therefore by controlling the internal chemical pressure in new materials it should be possible to push toward zero the critical temperature T0 of the structural phase transition, giving the striped phase, in order to get superconductors with higher Tc.

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