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We discuss the application of a variant of the method of simplest equation for obtaining exact traveling wave solutions of a class of nonlinear partial differential equations containing polynomial nonlinearities. As simplest equation we use differential equation for a special function that contains as particular cases trigonometric and hyperbolic functions as well as the elliptic function of Weierstrass and Jacobi. We show that for this case the studied class of nonlinear partial differential equations can be reduced to a system of two equations containing polynomials of the unknown functions. This system may be further reduced to a system of nonlinear algebraic equations for the parameters of the solved equation and parameters of the solution. Any nontrivial solution of the last system leads to a traveling wave solution of the solved nonlinear partial differential equation. The methodology is illustrated by obtaining solitary wave solutions for the generalized Korteweg-deVries equation and by obtaining solutions of the higher order Korteweg-deVries equation.
We apply the method of simplest equation for obtaining exact solitary traveling-wave solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations that contain monomials of odd and even grade with respect to participating derivatives. We consider first the general case of presence of monomials of the both (odd and even) grades and then turn to the two particular cases of nonlinear equations that contain only monomials of odd grade or only monomials of even grade. The methodology is illustrated by numerous examples.
We discuss several models of the dynamics of interacting populations. The models are constructed by nonlinear differential equations and have two sets of parameters: growth rates and coefficients of interaction between populations. We assume that the parameters depend on the densities of the populations. In addition the parameters can be influenced by different factors of the environment. This influence is modelled by noise terms in the equations for the growth rates and interaction coefficients. Thus the model differential equations become stochastic. In some particular cases these equations can be reduced to a Foker-Plancnk equation for the probability density function of the densities of the interacting populations.
We discuss the relation between the modified method of simplest equation and the exp-function method. First on the basis of our experience from the application of the method of simplest equation we generalize the exp-function ansatz. Then we apply the ansatz for obtaining exact solutions for members of a class of nonlinear PDEs which contains as particular cases several nonlinear PDEs that model the propagation of water waves.
We present a brief overview of integrability of nonlinear ordinary and partial differential equations with a focus on the Painleve property: an ODE of second order has the Painleve property if the only movable singularities connected to this equation are single poles. The importance of this property can be seen from the Ablowitz-Ramani-Segur conhecture that states that a nonlinear PDE is solvable by inverse scattering transformation only if each nonlinear ODE obtained by exact reduction of this PDE has the Painleve property. The Painleve property motivated motivated much research on obtaining exact solutions on nonlinear PDEs and leaded in particular to the method of simplest equation. A version of this method called modified method of simplest equation is discussed below.
The method of simplest equation is applied for analysis of a class of lattices described by differential-difference equations that admit traveling-wave solutions constructed on the basis of the solution of the Riccati equation. We denote such lattices as Riccati lattices. We search for Riccati lattices within two classes of lattices: generalized Lotka - Volterra lattices and generalized Holling lattices. We show that from the class of generalized Lotka - Volterra lattices only the Wadati lattice belongs to the class of Riccati lattices. Opposite to this many lattices from the Holling class are Riccati lattices. We construct exact traveling wave solutions on the basis of the solution of Riccati equation for three members of the class of generalized Holing lattices.

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