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385 - Y. X. Zhao , Z. D. Wang 2015
We report two theoretical discoveries for $mathbb{Z}_2$-topological metals and semimetals. It is shown first that any dimensional $mathbb{Z}_2$ Fermi surface is topologically equivalent to a Fermi point. Then the famous conventional no-go theorem, which was merely proven before for $mathbb{Z}$ Fermi points in a periodic system without any discrete symmetry, is generalized to that the total topological charge is zero for all cases. Most remarkably, we find and prove an unconventional strong no-go theorem: all $mathbb{Z}_2$ Fermi points have the same topological charge $ u_{mathbb{Z}_2} =1$ or $0$ for periodic systems. Moreover, we also establish all six topological types of $mathbb{Z}_2$ models for realistic physical dimensions.
180 - Fei Ye , Yan Chen , Z. D. Wang 2009
The imbalanced superfluid state of spin-1/2 fermions with s-wave pairing is numerically studied by solving the Bogoliubov-de-Gennes equation at zero temperature in an annular disk geometry with narrow radial width. Two distinct types of systems are considered. The first case may be relevant to heavy fermion superconductors, where magnetic field causes spin imbalance via Zeeman interaction and the system is studied in a grand canonical ensemble. As the magnetic field increases, the system is transformed from the uniform superfluid state to the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state, and finally to the spin polarized normal state. The second case may be relevant to cold fermionic systems, where the numbers of fermions of each species are fixed as in a canonical ensemble. In this case, the groundstate depends on the pairing strength. For weak pairing, the order parameter exhibits a periodic domain wall lattice pattern with a localized spin distribution at low spin imbalance, and a sinusoidally modulated pattern with extended spin distribution at high spin imbalance. For strong pairing, the phase separation between superfluid state and polarized normal state is found to be more preferable, while the increase of spin imbalance simply changes the ratio between them.
We propose a scheme to implement quantum computation in decoherence-free subspace with superconducting devices inside a cavity by unconventional geometric manipulation. Universal single-qubit gates in encoded qubit can be achieved with cavity assisted interaction. A measurement-based two-qubit Controlled-Not gate is produced with parity measurements assisted by an auxiliary superconducting device and followed by prescribed single-qubit gates. The measurement of currents on two parallel devices can realize a projective measurement, which is equivalent to the parity measurement on the involved devices.
Based on quantum complementary relations (QCRs) and a purification scenario, we analyze a class of N-qubit mixed states that are entangled but do not have two-, and genuine three-, four-, ..., N-qubit entanglements. It is shown that entanglement (one-tangle or negativity) in these mixed states is closely related to the QCR entanglement of their purified states. In particular, it is elaborated that when the mixed state does not have multipartite tangles (two- and higher tangles), its entanglement is actually a kind of genuine multipartite QCR entanglement between the system and its environment.
We develop a simple protocol for a one-shot version of quantum state redistribution, which is the most general two-terminal source coding problem. The protocol is simplified from a combination of protocols for the fully quantum reverse Shannon and fully quantum Slepian-Wolf problems, with its time-reversal symmetry being apparent. When the protocol is applied to the case where the redistributed states have a tensor power structure, more natural resource rates are obtained.
328 - Guang Ping He , Z. D. Wang , 2008
It was indicated [Yu 2007 Phys. Rev. A 75 066301] that a previous proposed quantum secret sharing (QSS) protocol based on Smolin states [Augusiak 2006 Phys. Rev. A 73 012318] is insecure against an internal cheater. Here we build a different QSS protocol with Smolin states alone, and prove it to be secure against known cheating strategies. Thus we open a promising venue for building secure QSS using merely Smolin states, which is a typical kind of bound entangled states. We also propose a feasible scheme to implement the protocol experimentally.
Based on a single band Hubbard model and the fluctuation exchange approximation, the effective mass and the energy band renormalization in Na$_{0.33}$CoO$_2$ is elaborated. The renormalization is observed to exhibit certain kind of anisotropy, which agrees qualitatively with the angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements. Moreover, the spectral function and density of states (DOS) in the normal state are calculated, with a weak pseudogap behavior being seen, which is explained as a result of the strong Coulomb correlations. Our results suggest that the large Fermi surface (FS) associated with the $a_{1g}$ band plays likely a central role in the charge dynamics.
We explore theoretically the novel superfluidity of harmonically-trapped polarized ultracold fermionic atoms in a two-dimensional (2D) optical lattice by solving the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations. The pairing amplitude is found to oscillate along the radial direction at low particle density and along the angular direction at high density. The former is consistent with the existing experiments and the latter is a newly predicted Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state, which can be tested in experiments.

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