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We study random walks on the giant component of the ErdH{o}s-Renyi random graph ${cal G}(n,p)$ where $p=lambda/n$ for $lambda>1$ fixed. The mixing time from a worst starting point was shown by Fountoulakis and Reed, and independently by Benjamini, Kozma and Wormald, to have order $log^2 n$. We prove that starting from a uniform vertex (equivalently, from a fixed vertex conditioned to belong to the giant) both accelerates mixing to $O(log n)$ and concentrates it (the cutoff phenomenon occurs): the typical mixing is at $( u {bf d})^{-1}log n pm (log n)^{1/2+o(1)}$, where $ u$ and ${bf d}$ are the speed of random walk and dimension of harmonic measure on a ${rm Poisson}(lambda)$-Galton-Watson tree. Analogous results are given for graphs with prescribed degree sequences, where cutoff is shown both for the simple and for the non-backtracking random walk.
Given a continuous time Markov Chain ${q(x,y)}$ on a finite set $S$, the associated noisy voter model is the continuous time Markov chain on ${0,1}^S$, which evolves in the following way: (1) for each two sites $x$ and $y$ in $S$, the state at site $x$ changes to the value of the state at site $y$ at rate $q(x,y)$; (2) each site rerandomizes its state at rate 1. We show that if there is a uniform bound on the rates ${q(x,y)}$ and the corresponding stationary distributions are almost uniform, then the mixing time has a sharp cutoff at time $log|S|/2$ with a window of order 1. Lubetzky and Sly proved cutoff with a window of order 1 for the stochastic Ising model on toroids; we obtain the special case of their result for the cycle as a consequence of our result. Finally, we consider the model on a star and demonstrate the surprising phenomenon that the time it takes for the chain started at all ones to become close in total variation to the chain started at all zeros is of smaller order than the mixing time.
188 - Hamed Amini , Yuval Peres 2012
Consider a random regular graph with degree $d$ and of size $n$. Assign to each edge an i.i.d. exponential random variable with mean one. In this paper we establish a precise asymptotic expression for the maximum number of edges on the shortest-weight paths between a fixed vertex and all the other vertices, as well as between any pair of vertices. Namely, for any fixed $d geq 3$, we show that the longest of these shortest-weight paths has about $hat{alpha}log n$ edges where $hat{alpha}$ is the unique solution of the equation $alpha log(frac{d-2}{d-1}alpha) - alpha = frac{d-3}{d-2}$, for $alpha > frac{d-1}{d-2}$.
We consider a one-dimensional recurrent random walk in random environment (RWRE). We show that the - suitably centered - empirical distributions of the RWRE converge weakly to a certain limit law which describes the stationary distribution of a random walk in an infinite valley. The construction of the infinite valley goes back to Golosov. As a consequence, we show weak convergence for both the maximal local time and the self-intersection local time of the RWRE and also determine the exact constant in the almost sure upper limit of the maximal local time.
We study the Glauber dynamics for the Ising model on the complete graph, also known as the Curie-Weiss Model. For beta < 1, we prove that the dynamics exhibits a cut-off: the distance to stationarity drops from near 1 to near 0 in a window of order n centered at [2(1-beta)]^{-1} n log n. For beta = 1, we prove that the mixing time is of order n^{3/2}. For beta > 1, we study metastability. In particular, we show that the Glauber dynamics restricted to states of non-negative magnetization has mixing time O(n log n).

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